Time: Thu Jun 19 14:27:33 1997
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Date: Thu, 19 Jun 1997 14:26:05 -0700
To: "romdos" <gpalmer@microweb.com>
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: L&J: Bob Lazar an Intel "Mutant"? <g>

Is this the very same Bob Lazar who rolled
up before the cameras in his Corvette Stingray,
and told the world that he had the inside scoop
on UFO propulsion?  An element with a high 
atomic number and a unique geometry, in which
the strong force is just a smidge larger than
the geometry of the nucleus?  Which force he
learned to amplify by burning anti-matter
and harnessing the energy released from same?
The result of which was to warp the time-space
continuum, bringing Alpha Centauri here, rather
than requiring the UFO to travel there?

This was a hoax, I learned later.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 03:05 PM 6/11/97 -0700, you wrote:
>We live in an amazing age.
> --------------
>>"Intel using captured alien technology to build a
>>revolutionary processor" Area 51, Nellis AFB, Nevada
>>By Jim Brooks
>>June 6, 1997, 5:55 p.m. PST
>>Documents declassified by the Freedom of Information Act
>>that was passed by Congress, and supporting testimony from
>>Bob Lazar, have revealed that Intel Corporation has spent
>>the last several years examining alien technology and has
>>now been able to use it build a microprocessor that is
>>considered to be several centuries ahead of its time.
>>Bob Lazar, a physicist and computer expert (who is one of
>>the few individuals in the world to own a mainframe
>>computer), was responsible for back-engineering a captured
>>flying saucer which crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947
>>and was moved to, and studied ever since, in Nellis AFB,
>>Nevada, in a facility known as "Area 51".  As he examined
>>the alien craft, he realized it had an on-board computer
>>whose processor design was something that no human computer
>>scientist could ever conceive.  However, Bob was primarily
>>interested in the physics of the anti-matter propulsion
>>system, so he deferred the examination of the computer
>>system over to, as he put it, "leading computer engineers
>>from Santa Clara." Go figure.
>>The most intriguing characteristic of the alien processor is
>>that it isn't an electrical device; rather is it fabricated
>>from organic substances with genetic material which allows
>>the processor to continually adapt itself to new problems
>>and it can evolve in order to avoid becoming obsolete.  By
>>contrast, when humans design a processor, the design has
>>many trade-offs, is limited by the current semiconductor
>>technology, invariably has bugs which can't be repaired, and
>>is doomed to become obsolete.
>>Intel hopes to use the alien technology to build a
>>revolutionary processor that will forever change computing,
>>code-named "Mutant". Just as no two people ever had
>>identical Cabbage Patch Dolls (tm), no two people will ever
>>have identical Mutant processors after using them, because
>>the processor will adapt itself to the needs of the user.
>>Similar to how nature molds a lion into a perfect top
>>predator after millions of years of evolution on the African
>>Savannah, the organic substance in the processor will begin
>>to gradually evolve on-the-fly into a more advanced
>>processor that is optimally suited to the applications the
>>user is running. For example, if a Mutant system was first
>>used for parallel integer computations, its cells will begin
>>cloning into multiple integer processors. Then if the Mutant
>>system is used only for sequential floating-point
>>computations, the old cells of the no longer needed clones
>>will die and be recycled into a single pipelined
>>floating-point processor.
>>Copyright 1997 Jim Brooks. All rights reserved.
>Also.......Fleischmann and Pons were right!  Cold Fusion works! Check out
>for proof.  The ramifications are staggering!

Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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