Time: Mon Jun 23 04:30:19 1997
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Date: Mon, 23 Jun 1997 04:27:35 -0700
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From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: L&J: SLS: The Meaning of American Citizenship

[This text is formatted in Courier 11, non-proportional spacing.]

     We don't need to reach far back into another century to find
proof that  the People are sovereign.  In a Department of Justice
manual revised in the year 1990 (Document No. M-230), the meaning
of American  Citizenship was  described with  these eloquent  and
moving   words   by   the   Commissioner   of   Immigration   and
Naturalization:  "You are no longer a subject of a government!"

                  The Meaning of American Citizenship
             Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization

          Today you have become a citizen of the United States of
     America.   You are  no longer an Englishman, a Frenchman, an
     Italian, a Pole.  Neither are you a hyphenated-American -- a
     Polish-American, an  Italian-American.   You are no longer a
     subject of  a government.   Henceforth,  you are an integral
     part of  this Government  -- a  free man -- a Citizen of the
     United States of America.

          This citizenship,  which has been solemnly conferred on
     you, is a thing of the spirit -- not of the flesh.  When you
     took the  oath of  allegiance to  the  Constitution  of  the
     United  States,  you  claimed  for  yourself  the  God-given
     unalienable rights  which that sacred document sets forth as
     the natural right of all men.

          You have  made sacrifices  to reach  this desired goal.
     We, your  fellow citizens,  realize this,  and the warmth of
     our welcome  to you  is increased proportionately.  However,
     we would tincture it with friendly caution.

          As you  have learned during these years of preparation,
     this great  honor carries  with it  the duty to work for and
     make  secure  this  longed-for  and  eagerly-sought  status.
     Government under our Constitution makes American citizenship
     the highest  privilege and  at the  same time  the  greatest
     responsibility of any citizenship in the world.

          The important  rights that are now yours and the duties
     and  responsibilities   attendant  thereon   are  set  forth
     elsewhere in  this manual.  It is hoped that they will serve
     as a  constant reminder that only by continuing to study and
     learn about  your new country, its ideals, achievements, and
     goals, and  by everlastingly working at your citizenship can
     you enjoy  its fruits  and  assure  their  preservation  for
     generations to follow.

          May you  find in  this Nation  the fulfillment  of your
     dreams of  peace and  security, and  may America,  in  turn,
     never find you wanting in your new and proud role of Citizen
     of the United States.

                  [Basic Guide to Naturalization and Citizenship]
                         [Immigration and Naturalization Service]
                                     [U.S. Department of Justice]
                                       [page 265, emphasis added]

[As quoted in "The Federal Zone:  Cracking the Code of Internal
 Revenue," electronic seventh edition, Chapter 11: Sovereignty]

                             #  #  #

Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice.  We shall
not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal.
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