Time: Fri Jun 27 19:22:10 1997
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Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 18:59:21 -0700
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From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: L&J: SLS: Meador Gets 16 Months (fwd)

>*Jus Dare*
>Meador Gets 16 Months
>Subject:          The Ponca City News; Friday, June 6, 1997:  DAN
>From:             jch8@juno.com (jc halbrooks)
>Front page, lower left corner.
>By Mark Galvin    News Staff Writer
>Former Kay county government official and News writer Dan Meador was
>sentenced Thursday in Tulsa to a total of 16 months in prison and
>fined $2,000 on charges of obstructing justice and illegally
>communicating with a member of a federal grand jury.
>Senior Judge H. Dale Cook of the U.S. Northern District of Oklahoma
>sentenced Meador to 12 months on the obstruction charge, plus four
>additional months for the two remaining counts.  He had been found
>guilty earlier in a jury trial.  The charges stem from Meador's efforts
>two years ago to develop and assist a common-law advocacy group called
>the Kay County Patriots, of which he was chairman.
>A federal grand jury indicted Meador last August, accusing him of
>obstructing justice by illegally filing a pleading on behalf of common
>law advocates Kenny Moore and Colleen Moore of Bartlesville and Wayne
>Gunwall of Ponca City, who were accused of conspiracy to avoid paying
>income taxes.
>The indictment also charged that Meador twice wrote to the foreman of
>a grand jury in November 1995 to try to influence its investigations
>of the activities of common law courts.
>U.S. Attorney Steve Lewis said Meador's pleading to the jury foreman
>attempted to provide legal reasons why the three protesters should not
>be subject to prosecution in federal courts. Common-law advocates
>oppose the federal government's authority in matters such as
>collecting income tax.
>During his trial in January, Meador's defense argued he was a patriot
>who wanted to provide assistance to the grand jury that was probing
>into the activities of common-law courts. Prosecutors instead accused
>him of "concocting dangerous nonsense."
>The Moores and Gunwall pleaded guilty in January of conspiracy to
>avoid paying income tax, penalties and interest by intimidating and
>harassing Internal Revenue Service and U.S. Treasury Department
>Gunwall, 50, was sentenced on May 22 to serve 15 months in prison for
>the conspiracy charges and next month he faces further sentencing of
>up to 12 years in prison after a May 24 conviction on three counts of
>attempting to intimidate federal tax collectors by placing $20 million
>leins on their homes and property.
>Moore, 73, was sentenced Thursday to serve 12 months, and his wife
>Colleen, 66 was given probation because of bad health. The judge also
>ordered Meador and the Moores to cease their tax-protest activities.
>In 1995, Meador lost his position as director of the county's
>Community Service Sentencing Program, which provides alternative
>sentencing at the county level to help keep certain nonviolent
>offenders out of the state penitentiaries.
>At the time, county officers perceived among other things a conflict
>of interest between Meador's county post and his work to organize the
>Patriots, whose common-law goals include replacing the existing court
>Meador previously had been a government reporter for The Ponca City
>Dan has researched and written some of the best information on the law
>and taxes.    His book is available through his wife, Gail, as are
>updates through number 8, and now a Supplement to update 8.    He is
>the person who first found the illegal agreements between the IRS and
>the State of Oklahoma.   Friends are posting some of his most recent
>material  on the web at:
>http://idt.net/xtmccrory      where the "x" is a "tilde"
>  Make it a point to send her some cash each and every week.
>  Make it a point to send her some cash each and every week.
>  Make it a point to send her some cash each and every week.
>  Make it a point to send her some cash each and every week.
>Gail Meador    PO Box 2582    Ponca City, Oklahoma 74602
>Please forward this to people you know
>                              *JUS DARE*
>                   c/o Dave Delany's Freedom House
>                    PO Box 212  Conklin  NY  13748
>                               ========
>      Sponsored by Mike Goldman and By.Net (http://Names.By.Net)
>                               ========
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Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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