Time: Mon Jun 30 19:46:31 1997
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Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 18:43:17 -0700
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: SLS: Fed. Rule Civil Proc. Rule 33 Interrogatory (fwd)

FYI.  I have NO idea how I came to receive
this message, but it looks interesting,
in any event.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

>To: mlindste@mo-net.com, mmoore@mail.coin.missouri.edu,
>        SOSmain@mail.sos.state.mo.us
>From: mlindste@clandjop.com (Martin Lindstedt)
>Subject: Fed. Rule Civil Proc. Rule 33 Interrogatory
>Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 20:38:43 +0100
>Dear Title 42 Class:
>   The below is an example of how to post a Rule 33 interrogatory for 
>purposes of discovery.  The court does not want the interrogatory, but 
>one must file a notice of service with the clerk.  Later, if or when 
>the defendants balk at providing discovery, then a Rule 37 Fed. Rule of 
>Civil Procedure can be filed to compel discovery.
>   Lawyer Moore is absolutely incompetent as a lawyer, so I did not 
>reveal this interrogatory before today, the deadline for filing, because 
>he isn't smart enough to ask for discovery from me.  He should have 
>gotten the first interrogatory today or tomorrow, by which time it 
>will be too late.
>   Discovery should not be usually delayed but in this case I had 
>most of the discovery cards.  Now if they reveal false information 
>which conflicts what is already out, then they will really be in 
>   Litigation is war and should be treated as such.
>--Martin Lindstedt
>                      CENTRAL DIVISION
>MARTIN LINDSTEDT,             )
>               Plaintiff,     )
>                              )
>v.                            )  No. 96-4262-CV-C-9
>                              )
>REBECCA  M. COOK and the      )
>STATE OF MISSOURI, et. al.,   )
>               Defendants.    )
>   1. Plaintiff hereby points out that Defendant Missouri
>Libertarian Party (hereafter referred to as MoLP) has not
>yet provided its initial discoveries.  This initial
>discovery sought was a listing of which 1994 MoLP candidates
>asked for and received a refund their candidate filing fees
>and why this former MoLP party policy was discontinued in
>1996 when Plaintiff asked for a continuation of that policy
>in February and March of 1996 for himself and any other
>candidates Plaintiff might have recruited.
>   This initial discovery question, which should have been
>provided by May 15, 1997, has yet to be answered by
>Defendant MoLP.
>   2.  By what authority does the MoLP exist as a political
>body recognized as representing Libertarians throughout
>Missouri?  Is there a charter or recognized body of laws of
>which the violation of whose requirements means that the
>MoLP no longer exists as a legitimate political party within
>the bounds of the state of Missouri?  Please show proof that
>Defendant MoLP has a right to exist and under what
>conditions this existence is maintained.
>   3.  Is the MoLP a public organization liable for
>obedience to election laws and other state statutes
>governing the organization and accessibility to public
>review of public political organizations or is it a
>"private" association or club exempt from having to obey
>laws relevant to recognized political parties within the
>State of Missouri?
>4.  Is Defendant MoLP in fact governed by a state committee
>comprised of two elected delegates from each of the 34
>senatorial districts according to state law or is it
>governed by an extra-legal "Executive Committee" of two
>delegates from the nine U.S. Congressional districts?
>5.  Please submit a complete, true, and accurate copy of the
>minutes of an "Expediting Committee" meeting held March 17,
>1996,  the members present, and how the vote went on a
>motion by Plaintiff to continue refunding candidate filing
>fees, and by similar motions from others to either continue
>refunding  filing fees or to discontinue the practice.
>6. Please submit a copy of the business meeting at a "MoLP
>state convention" held May 25, 1996.  Specifically the
>amendments to the MoLP constitution and by-laws made,
>whether those amendments were submitted to the state
>committee at least one week in advance in accordance with
>MoLP constitution and by-laws, the vote taken, whether the
>people voting were state committee members, or whether the
>people voting were even members of the MoLP at the time they
>voted.  Also submit the list of state committee members
>present and the complete MoLP membership list as of that
>7.  Please submit a complete true and accurate copy of the
>minutes of an "Expediting Committee" meeting held July 21,
>1996, and what was decided of an attempt by Plaintiff to
>challenge the credentials and fitness of two 7th
>Congressional district delegates to that "Expediting
>Committee" due to alleged misconduct in their election
>8.  Plaintiff has in his possession an electronic message
>dated Aug. 30, 1996 concerning a plan to amend MoLP bylaws
>to have Plaintiff expelled from MoLP.  Please submit all
>such electronic and written communications concerning such a
>plan in their entirety along with such persons approached to
>carry out such a plan.
>9.  Was the agenda of the state committee meeting of Jan.
>19, 1997 posted to all state committee members at least a
>week in advance in accordance with the rules of the MoLP
>constitution and bylaws?  If not, why not?
>10.  Please submit to Plaintiff complete, correct, and
>accurate minutes of the state committee meeting of January
>19, 1997.  Include the vote taken by each of the state
>committee members as to changes in the MoLP constitution and
>bylaws.  This specificially includes the vote by each state
>committee member concerning the new "expulsion clause" or
>11.  Were any state committee members or MoLP members given
>advance notice as to the contents of the abovementioned
>"expulsion clause" and invited to submit their own version
>of this "expulsion" bylaw?  Please give names and details as
>to the planning behind the submitted and any unsubmitted
>expulsion bylaws of Jan. 19, 1997.  This question
>specifically includes the proposal submitted by Mitchell J.
>Moore and one submitted by Thomas Knapp.
>12.  Why was there no election of new state officers in
>accordance with Revised Statute of Missouri 115.623  on Jan.
>19, 1997?  Why were the terms of the current state officers
>extended?  Please submit details explaining this dereliction
>of duty mandated by RSMo 115.623 and MoLP constitution and
>13.  Please submit a complete, accurate, and true account of
>the minutes of an "expediting" or "executive" meeting held
>February 16, 1997 at Columbia Missouri.  This specifically
>includes the names of members of this committee allowed to
>vote, the vote by name of the "forwarded consideration to
>expel Martin Lindstedt" as a member of the state committee
>or of state membership or both.
>14. Please submit a complete, accurate, and honest account
>of the minutes of an "expediting" or "executive" meeting
>held March 16, 1997 at Columbia Missouri.  Include whatever
>"rules" or "procedures" were voted upon to expel Plaintiff
>from his elected seat as a state committee member or as a
>member of the party; the names of those members present
>allowed to vote, and the vote by name of those people
>15.  Please give full details as to what happened so that
>Plaintiff was forced to not attend the public meeting of the
>MoLP "executive" or "expediting" committee nor record the
>minutes of this public meeting. This includes including
>naming those people present who asked James Turpin, then
>manager of the Heidelburg Restaurant, to demand the
>expulsion of Plaintiff from that public meeting-place of the
>MoLP "expediting" or "executive" committee, and whether
>public meetings of the MoLP are held in the Heidelburg
>restaurant as opposed to in public areas specifically so
>that the management and/or ownership of the Heidelburg
>restaurant can be prevailed upon by one faction of the MoLP
>to expel a member or members of another faction.   Is James
>Turpin a member or functionary of the MoLP?  Was the
>complaint against Plaintiff for videotaping that meeting
>limited to whether he could videotape before the meeting as
>opposed to videotaping at all?
>16. Please submit a complete, accurate, and honest account
>of the minutes of an state committee meeting held April 20,
>1997 at Columbia Missouri.  Include whether Plaintiff was
>removed from his position as an elected state committeeman
>or as a member of the Missouri Libertarian Party.  Name the
>state committee members present who voted to expel Plaintiff
>from his elected seat as a state committee member or as a
>member of the party; the names of those members present
>allowed to vote, and the vote by name of those people
>17.  Please explain in detail how and why Plaintiff came to
>be arrested by the Columbia Police Department on Apr. 20,
>1997 for "first degree trespassing" from a state committee
>meeting called specifically expel Plaintiff from his
>membership/elected offices of or within the MoLP?  Who asked
>the manager James Turpin to call the police?  Was the reason
>behind this summoning of the police, and Plaintiff's
>eventual arrest Plaintiff's insistence on videotaping this
>public meeting?
>18. Were the agenda items Plaintiff submitted in accordance
>with the MoLP constitution acted or voted upon on Apr. 20,
>1997 while Plaintiff was in jail?  If not, why not?
>Please sign and notarize the answers to these
>interrogatories in accordance with Fed. Rules Civil Proc.
>Rule 33 provisions.
>                    By:___________________________
>    Subscribed and sworn to before me this _______ day of
>_______________  1997.
>                             Notary Public
>My commission expires:
>                   Certificate of Service
>   One copy of the foregoing was mailed June 27, 1997 to:
>Attorney Mark E. Long, c/o The Missouri Attorney General's
>Office, as counsel for Defendants Secretary of State Rebecca
>M. Cook and State of Missouri, Box 899, Jefferson City,
>Missouri 65102.
>   One copy of the foregoing was mailed June 27, 1997 to:
>Lawyer Mitchell J. Moore for the Defendant Missouri
>Libertarian Party, 1210 West Broadway, Columbia, Missouri
>To: Clerk, United States District Court                 June 27, 1997
>131 W. High Street
>Jefferson City, Missouri 65102
>MARTIN LINDSTEDT,             )
>               Plaintiff,     )
>vs.                           )    No. 96-4262-CV-C-9
>                              )
>et. al.,                      )
>               Defendants     )
>Copies of the following document(s) were served on counsel
>of record on June 27, 1997:
>     _X_ Plaintiff's Interrogatories to Defendant Missouri Libertarian 
>         Party
>                   Certificate of Service
>     Plaintiff certifies that copies were forwarded to all
>interested counsel June 27, 1997 by United States Mail,
>postage prepaid.
>Interested Counsel:
>Mark E. Long -- for Missouri Secretary of State & State of Missouri
>The Missouri Attorney General's Office
>P.O. Box 899
>Granby, [sic] Missouri 65102
>Mitchell J. Moore -- for Defendant Missouri Libertarian
>1210 West Broadway
>Columbia, Missouri 65203
>                         by: ______________________________
>                              Martin Lindstedt, Plaintiff
>                              338 Rabbit Track Road
>                              Granby, Missouri 64844
>                              (417) 472-6901
>                      CENTRAL DIVISION
>MARTIN LINDSTEDT,             )
>               Plaintiff,     )
>                              )
>v.                            )  No. 96-4262-CV-C-9
>                              )
>REBECCA  M. COOK and the      )
>STATE OF MISSOURI, et. al.,   )
>               Defendants.    )
>   1. Plaintiff hereby points out that Defendant State of
>Missouri and Rebecca Cook, Secretary of State of Missouri
>(hereafter referred to as State of Missouri Defendants) have
>not yet provided its initial discoveries.  This initial
>discovery sought by Plaintiff was the legislative history
>behind the formation of Revised Statute of Missouri (RSMo)
>115.357 in 1977.  Plaintiff has reason to suspect that the
>petition signature provision was the established major
>political partys' leaderships' method of getting around
>1974's Lubin v. Panish 94 S.Ct. 1315  decision which
>disallowed the use of filing fees to discriminate against
>indigent candidates.
>   This initial discovery question, which should have been
>provided by May 15, 1997, has yet to be answered by State of
>Missouri defendants .
>   2.  Is the Secretary of State responsible for enforcing
>and/or obeying the election laws of the State of Missouri?
>   3.  Does the Secretary of State or State of Missouri
>practice "selective enforcement" of its election laws?  If
>such selective enforcement is practiced, will the Secretary
>of State either move to make the aggrieved party whole or to
>enforce the provisions of Missouri election laws upon the
>offending parties if given notice of past discriminatory
>4.  Is the Secretary of State aware of any past practice
>wherein a political party paid the filing fees of a
>candidate for whatever reason?
>5.  Would having a political party pay the filing fees or
>refund the filing fees of a candidate be illegal under
>Missouri election statute?
>6.  What are the penalties for a political party refusing to
>obey RSMo 115.603-115.627, Political Party Committees
>subsection?  Will the State of Missouri defendants prosecute
>or punish a political party which refuses to obey
>abovementioned statutes?
>7.  Were the State of Missouri defendants made aware of an
>intent by the Missouri Libertarian Party (MoLP) to change
>MoLP bylaws to expel an elected political party official
>8.  If such intent by the MoLP would be contrary to RSMo
>115.603-115.627, then what enforcement action has the State
>of Missouri Defendants chosen to pursue?  If no enforcement
>action by the State of Missouri is contemplated, then please
>state why not.
>9.  Was the Secretary of State and Missouri Attorney
>General's office notified by fax at approximately 1:07-1:15
>a.m. April 17, 1997 that the MoLP on April 20, 1997 intended
>to expel Plaintiff from his state committee offices and as a
>member of the MoLP and invited to attend as either/both
>concerned co-defendants/law enforcement officials?  Did  the
>Secretary of State and Missouri Attorney General receive the
>faxed letter and other materials which would tend to prove
>Plaintiff's assertions?
>10.  Did the Secretary of State or Missouri Attorney General
>or any of their representatives attend the April 20, 1997
>MoLP state committee meeting wherein Plaintiff was arrested
>for trespass at the connivance of MoLP leaders and then
>expelled from the MoLP or from his state committeeman's
>office while Plaintiff was at the City of Columbia police
>11. Are the State of Missouri Defendants aware that in
>addition to numerous violations of Missouri election laws,
>that on March 16, 1997 and on April 20, 1997 that the MoLP
>violated the Missouri Sunshine Law, RSMo Chapter 610 --
>Conduct of Public Business, by prevailing on a MoLP party
>member, then the manager of a public restaurant, to have
>threatened with arrest and/or arrested for trespass
>Plaintiff because Plaintiff was videotaping a public meeting
>of a public organization under RSMo 610 provisions?
>12.  Does the Secretary of State and Attorney General's
>office realize that in addition to being defendants in this
>matter that they are also officials entrusted with enforcing
>the laws, especially the election laws of the State of
>13.  If not having resigned their positions as law
>enforcement officials, when exactly does the Secretary of
>State and Missouri Attorney General's office intend to
>investigate, and, if necessary, criminally prosecute under
>state law their co-defendants, the Missouri Libertarian
>Party?  Is there a State complaint process wherein Plaintiff
>can demand that the Missouri Libertarian Party as a state-
>wide organization be disbanded as a criminal combination
>unable to obey its own internal rules or the election laws
>of the state of Missouri?
>               ______________________________
>                 Martin Lindstedt, Plaintiff
>Please sign and notarize the answers to these
>interrogatories in accordance with Fed. Rules Civil Proc.
>Rule 33 provisions.
>                           By:___________________________
>    Subscribed and sworn to before me this _______ day of
>_______________  1997.
>                             Notary Public
>My commission expires:
>                   Certificate of Service
>   One copy of the foregoing was mailed June 29, 1997 to:
>Attorney Mark E. Long, c/o The Missouri Attorney General's
>Office, as counsel for Defendants Secretary of State Rebecca
>M. Cook and State of Missouri, Box 899, Jefferson City,
>Missouri 65102.
>   One copy of the foregoing was mailed June 29, 1997 to:
>Lawyer Mitchell J. Moore for the Defendant Missouri
>Libertarian Party, 1210 West Broadway, Columbia, Missouri
>To: Clerk, United States District Court         June 29, 1997
>131 W. High Street
>Jefferson City, Missouri 65102
>MARTIN LINDSTEDT,             )
>               Plaintiff,     )
>vs.                           )    No. 96-4262-CV-C-9
>                              )
>et. al.,                      )
>               Defendants     )
>Copies of the following document(s) were served on counsel
>of record on June 29, 1997:
>     ___ Plaintiff's Interrogatories to Defendant Secretary
>         of State of Missouri
>                   Certificate of Service
>     Plaintiff certifies that copies were forwarded to all
>interested counsel June 29, 1997 by United States Mail,
>postage prepaid.
>Interested Counsel:
>Mark E. Long -- for Missouri Secretary of State & State of Missouri
>The Missouri Attorney General's Office
>P.O. Box 899
>Granby, Missouri 65102
>Mitchell J. Moore -- for Defendant Missouri Libertarian Party
>1210 West Broadway
>Columbia, Missouri 65203
>                         by: ______________________________
>                              Martin Lindstedt, Plaintiff
>                              338 Rabbit Track Road
>                              Granby, Missouri 64844
>                              (417) 472-6901

Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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