Time: Wed Jul 02 04:43:56 1997
	by primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id VAA21418;
	Tue, 1 Jul 1997 21:43:20 -0700 (MST)
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 1997 00:43:01 -0400
Originator: heritage-l@gate.net
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
To: pmitch@primenet.com
Subject: Who is/was Norman L. Vroman?

Hon. Norman Leon Vroman, and wife Raleigh:

Former municipal court judge in California,
appointed by then Governor Ronald Reagan.

Vroman was highly critical of "cash register courts,"
as he called them.  I met him at his arraignment
on income tax charges before a federal magistrate
in San Francisco.  He thought I was a fed (because
I had a suit and tie on).  I advised him to demur, 
and he did.

What followed was another judicial travesty.

The worst moment occurred when the Hon. Eugene Lynch
(yes, his real name), agreed that Vroman was entitled
to a Bill of Particulars detailing the exact statutes
which made him a person required to file.  But, then
Vroman asked the fateful question:  "Will I be able
to RELY upon that document for my defense, your Honor?"
Lynch, "Well, on second thought, maybe we won't require
that document of the government after all!"

For Vroman's trial, we worked up some great posters
showing the jury how the IRS was violating the
Federal Register Act, the Administrative Procedures
Act, and the Paperwork Reduction Act.  I think those
posters defeated the felony charges, although Vroman
was found guilty of the misdemeanors (failing to file).

He went to federal prison, first in Boron, California,
where he contracted valley fever (from the air 
conditioning ducts, he thinks).  He had a spontaneous
recovery at a federal prison hospital in Minnesota.

When they brought him back to Pleasanton, California,
they had no room in the regular prison, so they put
him in lock-down (for a misdemeanor).  He said that
his treatment grew progressively worse during his
year behind bars.  When he was released, he was no
longer interested in fighting, so he retired to the
back country in the Idaho wilderness, from whence
he has disappeared.  I owe an immense debt of 
gratitude to him, for so many things, including 
his only copy of the original constitution.  He said
that is was bouncing around in the back of his truck,
and the glass on the picture frame kept breaking,
so he brought it into the house, not knowing what to
do with a document that obviously did not want to 
stay in his possession.  When I entered his life,
he knew instantly that I was the one who was to take it.

He said the key to breaking the Internal Revenue Code
was to be found in the Sixth Amendment: nature and
cause clause.  He was the first one to see an early
draft of "The Federal Zone" and he was wildly 
ecstatic that I had broken that Code.  He couldn't
wait for each succeeding chapter, even hounding me
when I experienced inevitable delays.

He is obviously a very special man in my life,
and I have been unable to locate him for over a
year now.  I fear the worst.  The IRS kept hounding
him for millions in back taxes.  My best hope for
him is that he changed his name and moved somewhere
else.  He has a beautiful silver and black wolf hound,
who is smarter than both of us.  Her name is Sasha,
I believe.

Any help you can provide would be most appreciated.

Many thanks, in advance.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 05:13 AM 7/1/97 -0700, you wrote:
>================[ Distributed Message ]================
>         ListServer: fwolist (Free World Order)
>               Type: Not Moderated
>     Distributed on: 01-JUL-97, 05:13:02
>Original Written by: IN:wwatts@gic.gi.com.
>> No Notice -- No Law.
>> See 44 U.S.C. 1505(a).
>> "Actual Notice" was one of
>> THE FIRST lessons from my
>> mentor, Hon. Norman L. Vroman.
>Who is/was Norman L. Vroman?
>Bill Watts
> --
>The jury has a right to judge both the
>law as well as the fact in controversy.
>John Jay, first Chief Justice, U.S.
>Supreme Court, in Georgia v. Brailsford,
>To consider the judges as the
>ultimate arbiters of all constitutional
>questions is a very dangerous
>doctrine indeed, and one which
>would place us under the despotism
>of an oligarchy. - Thomas Jefferson
>If we can prevent the government from
>wasting the labors of the people under
>the pretense of caring for them, the
>people will be happy. - Thomas Jefferson
>The Libertarian Party:
>To subscribe: send a message to the fwolist@sportsmen.net
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Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice.  We shall
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