Time: Fri Jul 04 05:06:24 1997
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Date: Fri, 04 Jul 1997 04:45:01 -0700
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: SNET: "Shame on You, Gen. Schwarzkopf," by Denise Donnelly

->  SearchNet's   SNETNEWS   Mailing List

>Denise Donnelly is a freelance writer and Gulf War Activist who lives 
>in Rockport, Mass.  Her confrontation with Gen. Schwarzkopf last 
>month, over Gulf War syndrome, was carried nationally by Associated 
>Press.  (Please notice that later in this story the prevalence of ALS 
>will be addressed!)
>Dear Gen. Schwarkopf:  
>While my family and I picketed outside, you reclined in the elegant 
>lobby of the Goodwin Hotel in Hartford on 29 May, answering 
>reporter's questions you had approved in advance.  Later, instead of 
>leaving as you had come, through the front door, you snuck out the 
>side onto a waiting bus with conveniently darkened windows.  
>Meanwhile, you distracted us by keeping your three limousines idling, 
>drivers in a false state of waiting alertness.  A clever ploy, general, 
>but one unworthy of those so-called "leadership qualities" you went 
>to Hartford to lecture about.
>As you tour the country congradulating yourself on these same 
>leadership qualities, tens of thousands of Gulf War veterans' and 
>their families suffer and die, all without the benefit of your leadership 
>qualities.  My brother, Maj. Michael Donnelly, is one of those 
>veterans. Your evasive and self-serving behavior since the war's end 
>can only be a grave disappointment to him and the other thousands 
>of other brave men and women you have abandoned.
>You have chosen lucre over truth, Gen. Schwarzkopf.  Rather than 
>acknowledge that something very wrong happened during your 
>"perfect war," rather than lead the fight to discover the truth about 
>what happened and ensure that veterans get the compensation, 
>recognition and treatment they desire, rather than forego the fat fees 
>you are earning, you choose instead to parade around the country 
>touting your leadership qualities.
>I have a prediction for you.  You will not be remembered as the 
>general who won the clinically perfect war.  You will be remembered  
>as the man who hid from the truth.  You will be remembered as the 
>general who sold his soul for false gods of wealth and fame.  You will 
>be remembered as the retired general who, on his way to the 
>Bushnell auditorium to discourse on his leadership qualities, ignored 
>the anguished parents of a courageous F-16 pilot suffering from war 
>wounds sustained in service to his country.
>"What possible reason would I have for covering this up?" you 
>peevishly asked reporters four times during your carefully staged 
>press "opportunity."  I will posit one theory.  You are making vast 
>sums selling your story.  For example, who paid for your visit to 
>Hartford?  United Technologies Corporation did, a major defense 
>What would happen to your sweatheart deals, if you were to suddenly 
>contradict the Pentagon, issuer of those contracts?  If you were to 
>acknowledge that Gulf War vets need you to take a leadership role 
>in resolving exactly what happened over there?  If you were to insist 
>that 100,000 illnesses and 4,000 deaths and a birth defect rate more 
>than twice the norm are enough?  (Added, study released did not 
>address reserve components and those forced off active duty by ill 
>I'll tell you what would happen:  Goodbye, retirement fund.  Goodbye, 
>hero Schwarzkopf.  Hello, uphill battle.  This is all just a theory, you 
>understand, but you're the one who asked the question.
>Now, I have a few questions for you.  Were you forced to ingest the 
>innoculant pyrostgmine bromide, the non-FDA approved known 
>carcinogen you ordered your troops to take?  Where were you when 
>the oil fires were raging?  Were you repeatedly exposed to high 
>levels of extremely toxic pesticides, such as malathion and lindane, 
>as your troops were?  When the chemical weapons alarms sounded, 
>was there ever a time you did not retreat to your bunker?
>And how about this one:  How do you explain the phenomenal 
>incidence of ALS -- Lou Gerig's Disorder -- among Gulf War veterans?
>Major Michael Donnelly is one of the Gulf War veterans we know of 
>with ALS.  We suspect many more cases exist, but the VA and DOD 
>refuse to gather the data.  (Your former bodyguard, Kevin Wright, of 
>Lima, Ohio, the man you ordered to stand outside the bunker while 
>chemical weapons alarms sounded, is being evaluated for ALS.  But, I 
>forgot.  You already know that Kevin and his entire family are 
>extremely ill.  You just don't want to talk about it.)  And we just 
>learned that of up to 14 British Gulf War veterans with ALS.
>Even if the numbers were the whole picture, this places the 
>incidence of ALS far outside the expected range, according to the 
>Congressional Research Office and Dr. Robert Brown of 
>Massachusetts General Hospital.  Both concur that the expected 
>rate for this population should be about 3/4 to one case per million.
>With 700,000 Americans serving in the Gulf, the incidence is 14.3 
>per million.
>Being a leader means more than talking about yourself, Gen. 
>Schwarzkopf.  Being a leader is uncomfortable. It's often unpleasant, 
>There are no underground bunkers or darkened buses for leaders.  
>There are only the barbs of cynics, and the stinging bite of the wind 
>you brave for the benefit of others. There is the uncharted, unpopular 
>path you must cut with tools sometimes dull and inadequate, but you 
>cut that path all the same, because you know in your heart it's the 
>right thing to do.
>You are no leader, Gen. Schwarzkopf.  Sadly, you are also proof that 
>we did not learn the real lessons of Vietnam, which was not how to 
>fight and win a war.  We should have learnd that war's only victims 
>are time and truth.  For, just as the thousands of Vietnam veteran 
>victims of Agent Orange and their families suffered and died in the 
>shadow of institutionalized denial, you now condemn a new 
>generation of patriots to suffer and die in the shadow of a massive 
>and tragic governmental cover-up.
>With Vietnam, we could pretend to claim that a veil of willful 
>ignorance blinded us to the truth.  This time, we can only admit what 
>we know to have been true all along.  There is unadulterated evil at 
>work here.
>As only mothers can do, my mother said it best:  Shame on you, Gen.
>Schwarzkpf, Shame on you!           
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>->  Posted by: Finchley@aol.com

Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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->  Posted by: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]


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