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Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 18:03:07 -0700
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From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: SLS: Perestroika Deception (fwd)
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>             Communism Alive and Menacing, KGB Defector Claims
>                         The Perestroika Deception
>                            by Anatoliy Golitsyn
>                     Commentary by Cornelia R. Ferreira
>    Diehard fans of the theory that Communism is dead will not like this
>     book, whose stated goal is to help such people recover from their
>      blindness . The Perestroika Deception describes with unmerciful
>     clarity the confusion and errors that have been engendered in the
>       world and in the Church by the deceitful Communist strategy of
>   perestroika, under whose reformist guise rebellions and wars have been
>   promoted, and the Church persecuted, in order that the Communist goal
>      of world domination is finally achieved. In other words, what it
>   unintentionally depicts are the very events prophesied by Our Lady of
>        Fatima if the Collegial Consecration of Russia is not done.
>    [INLINE] Anatoliy Golitsyn's 1984 book, New Lies for Old, forecast,
>      with 94% accuracy, all the recent changes in the Communist Bloc,
>   including the economic and political reforms, the rise of Solidarity,
>    the removal of the Berlin Wall, the reunification of Germany and the
>   collapseof the Soviet Union. The Perestroika Deception, with extensive
>   documentation, reinforces his contention in New Lies for Old that all
>    the changes were meticulously planned years in advance. It explains
>     how they fit into the devious Leninist strategy for achieving with
>      Western cooperation a one-world Communist government orNew World
>    Social Order , run by the Russians and Chinese, by 2000 A.D. It also
>   analyzes current events up to the Chechnya struggle and forecasts and
>                               developments.
>       [INLINE] Golitsyn was a high-ranking KGB official involved in
>    espionage and counter-espionage who defected to the Unites States in
>    1961. Convinced that Western interpretations of developments in the
>   Communist Bloc were seriously flawed, he combined his study of Soviet
>     long-range strategy with his inside knowledge of KGB and Leninist
>    thinking in New Lies of Old. For over thirty years he has submitted
>   memoranda to the CIA, in which he has provided very accurate analyses
>     and forecasts of Bloc developments. The Perestroika Deception is a
>       collection of dated memoranda covering the years 1984 to 1995.
>                            The Great Deception
>    [INLINE] This book vindicates those politically incorrect Catholics
>     who have been insisting that Russia has not converted because the
>    Consecration has not been properly done. Its urgent message is that
>    the West s failure to recognize that perestroika is atreacherousploy
>   threatens the very continuation of Western civilizationas perestroika
>      is intended to bring about the political and physical demise of
>                            Western democracies.
>       [INLINE] Golitsyn provides irrefutable proof that perestroika
>   orrestructuringis not a 1985 Gorbachev invention, but the final phase
>      of a plan formulated during 1958-1960. Perestroika refers to the
>    restructuring, not just of the Soviet system, but of the entire free
>    world. It is the Soviet strategy for a Second October Revolution , a
>     temporary, non-violent World Revolution involving controlled fake
>      democratization and strategic disinformation. Communist leaders
>       envisaged the convergence of Communist/socialist systems with
>        restructured capitalist systems into the One-World Communist
>    Government. They realized that convergence could only be achieved by
>       transforming Stalinism into a more attractive formofCommunist
>   democracy . The KGB was reorganized to play a key role in implementing
>       the strategy . Thirty years of rehearsal in countries such as
>    Czechoslovakia, Poland and Romania prepared the ground for the final
>   phase perestroika and the controlled false democratizationof the USSR
>   itself. That it is false is confirmed by Eduard Shevardnadze, Georgian
>       president and a long-time Western friend . As late as 1993, he
>              admitted that elections do not equal democracy.
>   [INLINE] Perestroika is a game of mind-control based on the principles
>    of Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937), who devised a new,
>   improved model of Marxist-Leninism. Gorbachev was chosen to launch it.
>         Perestroika is psychological warfare, involving the use of
>      cooperation-blackmail . A theatrical display of democratism[is]
>   designed to convince the West that a decisive break with the past has
>                                taken place.
>    [INLINE] This encourages Western governments to collaborate with the
>   former Communists. At the same time, there is a threat of a return to
>       the Cold War or worse if the West does not cooperate. Golitsyn
>     demonstrates that every crisis , from Tienamen Square to the fake
>     August91 coup attempt to Chechnya, has been deliberately designed
>     according to the cooperation-blackmail equation. The new forces of
>     democracy are shown locked in mortal combat with the conservative
>    hard-liners and the West is told that only its cooperation and large
>    infusions of aid will help the fledgling democracies to survive. The
>       Communist price for peace is thus the restructuring of Western
>                           thinking and policies.
>      [INLINE] Soviet control of the Western mind is achieved through
>       manipulation of the media, deceptive use of language, and the
>      destabilization of society through corruption. According to the
>    Gramscian formula, the Christian religion has to be secularized, and
>   culture and morals corrupted, for the Revolution to succeed peaceably.
>     With Western society deconstructed , the Western mind will be more
>                 receptive to collaboration with the enemy.
>                         Part of the Long-term Plan
>   [INLINE] Golitsyn demonstrates that the present strategy is a
>   continuation by the Russians and Chinese, with Gramsci's improvements
>   , of the New Economic Policy (NEP) devised by Lenin in the 1920s Lenin
>   had said "the lie is sacred and deception will be our principal
>   weapon." The NEP was hailed by the West as a retreat from Communism,
>   but it was a major deception. Pope Pius XI, in his 1937 encyclical On
>   Atheistic Communism, warned that Communism was not converting, but he
>   was ignored.
>   [INLINE] The NEP won for the Soviets aid from the West and helped to
>   strengthen Russian Communism. Stalin continued the subterfuge to the
>   point of showing some religious tolerance and dissolving the Communist
>   International; however, his later repressions discredited Communism
>   and impeded its global expansion. His condemnation by modern Communist
>   leaders does not represent their break with Communism, but their anger
>   that he hurt their cause .
>   [INLINE] Khruschev and Mao decided to abolish Stalinism and restore
>   Leninism. A scientific study of the NEP was undertaken in 1957. In
>   1960, the Institute for the Study of the USA and Canada was set up in
>   Moscow to help Soviets research these target societies. At the end of
>   1960, the long-range strategy based on the NEP was adopted by thirteen
>   Communist Bloc states, including China.
>   [INLINE] Perestroika, the final phase of the strategy is meant to
>   conquer the West from within by KGB-controlled dissidents and
>   opposition movements and disinformation about the alleged existence of
>   liberals and conservatives, reformers vs .hardliners . Glasnost or
>   openness would combine accurate information with disinformation. The
>   KGB was to create and control Communist Bloc officials of all
>   political stripes. Leaders since 1960, including Gorbachev, Yeltsin,
>   Rutskoi, Shevardnadze, Zhirinovsky and Primakov, have all been
>   collaborators in carrying out the plan. Their power struggles are
>   fictional.
>                   The Infiltration of the Upper Echelons
>      [INLINE] KGB agents of influence have infiltrated Western elite
>    circles, cultivating politicians, businessmen, scientists, religious
>      leaders, journalists, movie directors, environmentalists, and so
>       forth. Agents have included dissident like Andrei Sakharov and
>       diplomats such as the Soviet Ambassador to Washington Anatoliy
>    Dobrynin. Educational, scientific and cultural exchanges, as well as
>      thousands of joint projects in all fields, aid Russian research,
>   influence and recruitment. Whilst forging bonds with Western liberals,
>   these techniques also identify and neutralize active anti-Communists.
>       They are ridiculed as enemies of peace or removed from office.
>   Assassination is always a possibility, and Golitsyn suspects that was
>   the case with Pope John Paul I; but he explains why the evidence does
>       not support the common belief that the KGB was involved in the
>    shooting of Pope John Paul II. (Interestingly, in 1994, a claim that
>    high-level Vatican officials were responsible was quickly quashed.)
>       [INLINE] Liberalization of Eastern Europe was meant to promote
>     disarmament, the dissolution of NATO, the American withdrawal from
>    Europe, and a neutral, socialist Europe, a Common European Home from
>       the Atlantic to the Urals , as Gorbachev and Shevardnadze have
>    described it. If NATO is not dissolved, then its effectiveness is to
>    be reduced by penetration (note Partnership for Peace and East-West
>   joint projects like Bosnia, which also help convergence), by reduction
>      of its purely military role of defending its members (it is now
>    peacekeeping in a non-member state), and by the acceptance of former
>   European adversaries as members. Moscow s opposition to the latter is
>      a dialectical tactic as such membership would actually increase
>   penetration. One goal of the Chechnyan barbarity is to scare Russia s
>     neighbors and strengthen the argument for their protection through
>                              NATO membership.
>    [INLINE] A major penetration success is Gorbachev s American bureau,
>      which allows him to personally mobilize liberals in the cause of
>     disarmament. Four months before the August 91coup attempt (showing
>   that his job change from President to private citizen was anticipated
>      in light of the coming planned collapse of the USSR), Gorbachev
>     established, on American soil, the International Department of the
>   Central Committee of the Communist party of the Soviet Union known to
>      us as the Gorbachev Foundation/USA. It operates out of a disused
>                      military base in San Francisco.
>    [INLINE] Poland has played a large part in the disarmament campaign.
>     Solidarity was planned during 1958-1960 by the Bloc, and Golitsyn
>      correctly predicted each stage in its evolution. There is clear
>   evidence that the Polish Communist Party formed the original core and
>   leadership of Solidarity, whilst Lech Walesa cooperated all along. He
>   has also helped broaden the Communist base in trade unions across the
>     world, enabling them to be manipulated against Western interests.
>    [INLINE] In order to increase Communist representation and influence
>         in the UN, the European Union and international financial
>      organizations, the Soviet Union was deliberately converted into
>   independent republics. However, by 1994, all the republics, including
>    the Baltic States, were controlled by Communists, but now within the
>     fiefdom of Russia. This strategy mirrors the successful policy of
>   Lenin, who gave a temporary independence to some republics in order to
>                        promote trade with the West.
>       [INLINE] The collapse of the Soviet Union serves several other
>        purposes. One is gaining control of Middle East oil. The new
>      democratic image of the Muslim republics of the Commonwealth of
>   Independent States (CIS) is being exploited to develop alliances with
>    fundamentalists in Arab countries so that pro-Western rulers can be
>    replaced with Russian-controlled fundamentalists. Radical changes in
>   Israel s position are part of the strategy. Nuclear weaponry is being
>   channeled through the republics to Iran, whilst Russia, a signatory to
>    the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, looks innocent. Turkey, a NATO
>     member, is already a major partner of Russia , purchasing Russian
>     military equipment and cooperating with it (thus weakening NATO).
>    [INLINE] The United States has been unable to detect the long-range
>    Communist strategy largely because of disinformation provided by KGB
>   and Chinese spies who have penetrated the CIA since 1958. Perestroika
>       and glasnost so confused American intelligence that it became
>     dependent upon Russian sources. The Ames case, as reported by Time
>       (November 13, 1995), confirms Golitsyn s contention about the
>      confusion in U.S. intelligence services, which have accepted KGB
>     plants as genuine sources. Aldrich Ames spied for Russia from the
>   start of perestroika (1985) to 1994, helping to send ten valuable CIA
>   agents to their death. This betrayal of American trust in perestroika
>       prompts Golitsyn' s comment: The Ames case shows how blind and
>    bankrupt is the American policy of aid to the new régime in Russia.
>                   Communism's Manipulation of the Church
>   [INLINE] Perestroika strategists did not overlook the use of clergy as
>   agents, nor the use of religious relaxation to further disarmament. In
>    1985, Golitsyn reported that Russian Orthodox priests are controlled
>   and directed by the KGB in order to promote cooperation between Soviet
>     churches and Western Catholics and Protestants to help establish a
>      united front for disarmament (peace and justice movements?) and
>    convergence. (Note that the Russian Orthodox Church joined the World
>                       Council of Churches in 1961.)
>   [INLINE] Unfortunately, in order to have Russian Orthodox observers at
>    Vatican II, the Holy See promised not to attack Communism. This 1962
>   Vatican-Moscow Agreement, which still seems to be in force, is a form
>    of persecution. It has silenced the Church and allowed the errors of
>       Communism especially perestroika to invade both it and society
>     unchallenged. Golitsyn notes the observation made by the outspoken
>    anti-Communist Russian General Volkogonov that perestroika would not
>    have been possible without a secret understanding between Gorbachev,
>    Jaruzelski [Communist President of Poland until Walesa took over in
>    1990] and the Pope . In the absence of any elaboration, one can only
>     speculate that the secret understanding is the continuation of the
>      Agreement with the added twist of cooperation-blackmail: Vatican
>         silence about Marxism would guarantee religious and civil
>                   liberalization, starting with Poland.
>      [INLINE] In 1990, Golitsyn warned of another aspect of religious
>                                relaxation:
>     [INLINE] "The Vatican should reverse its mistaken support for the
>      renewal of the Communist régimes ... It fails to understand that
>   greater apparent official tolerance of religion ... is accompanied by
>    a secret drive to increase Party and KGB penetration of the Catholic
>       and other churches and to use agents therein for political and
>    strategic purposes ... As part of the programme to destroy religion
>    from within, the KGB, in the late 1950s [other former Communists say
>    1930s], started sending dedicated young Communists to ecclesiastical
>   academies and seminaries to train them as future church leaders. These
>    young Communists joined the Church ... at the call of the Communist
>     Party ... to implement its general line [unchanged policy] in the
>                        struggle against religion."
>     [INLINE] "In the present phase, secret agents in the Catholic and
>       other churches are being used to implement Communist strategy.
>     [INLINE] "The extent of the deception can be gauged by Gorbachev s
>       comment to his Communist cadres in 1987, after he had launched
>   perestroika and religious relaxations: There must be no let-up in the
>     war against religion because as long as religion exists Communism
>   cannot prevail. We must intensify the obliteration of all religions."
>    [INLINE] Golitsyn condemns the participation of Communist leaders at
>      Summits and their visits to the Vatican (which started in 1967)
>    because these meetings give them credibility and the opportunity for
>   manipulation. Remarkably, in 1991, he quoted one of our popes in order
>                 to remind the Catholic Church of her duty:
>    [INLINE] "The statement by ... Pope Pius XII [he must mean Pius XI]
>   concerning the incompatibility and irreconcilability of Communism and
>      religion is as correct as ever. The Vatican should reaffirm this
>   dictum and should use its influence and divisions [Stalin s sarcastic
>   term for loyal Catholic groups] to defend Western values from the new,
>         deadly but hidden Communist assault (Golitsyn's emphasis).
>        Unfortunately, because of her silence, Gramsci s strategy of
>    perverting the Catholic Church is in full swing. The religion of God
>       is being replaced with the religion of Man (and Heaven with an
>        earthly, decadent utopia), facilitating Communist control of
>   de-Christianized minds. Golitsyn assesses the consequences of détente
>   for the Church: Never in its history since Nero has Christianity faced
>                  such a threat of possible destruction."
>                          Free-Marketeers, Beware
>    [INLINE] He has a similar warning for industrialists and financiers
>    involved in joint ventures with the Communists. They are expediting
>    the revival of their adversaries ; while they may make some profits
>     from joint ventures, in the long run they will be eliminated as a
>                    class through taxes and other means.
>         [INLINE] The grounds for rejecting perestroika are simple:
>     [INLINE] [The moral grounds are that] a system which has killed 20
>   million of its people (50 million if ... China [is] included), ... and
>      brought ... misery to the peoples of the Soviet empire, does not
>       deserve to be renewed. The American people are under no moral
>     obligation to help with the reconstruction of such a plainly evil
>                                  system.
>      [INLINE] The pragmatic ground ... is the need to protect ... the
>     American system from restructuring and convergence with the Soviet
>      system and to save the American people from the blood baths and
>   reeducation camps which such convergence will ultimately bring. Thus,
>        there should be no summit meetings, no credit and no western
>   technology for ... Communist countries ... Communist régime[s] should
>    be left ... to solve their problems without Western help since they
>       claim that their system is the best model for the whole world
>   ...Communists should be told:... don t ask us for ...help: we are not
>                     going to finance our own funeral .
>      [INLINE] The whole point of Golitsyn's writings has been to warn
>    Western leaders not to be fooled by perestroika. He notes, however,
>      that they have been fooled and wonders why they have ignored his
>     warnings, even though his analyses have a 94% accuracy rating and
>   Britain and the United States have honored him for his contribution to
>      Western security . One is forced to ask has it ever occurred to
>    Golitsyn that perhaps many of these leaders are not fooled, but are
>     following orders? Is he aware of the role of Freemasonry in world
>      affairs? That it is Masonry that desires the One-World Socialist
>     Government? That Communism is merely its chief tool? That Masonry,
>   financed by Western interests, built up Russian Communism and has kept
>     it going in its various metamorphic forms for over seventy years?
>                               A Power Elite?
>     [INLINE] In the last two pages of his book, in a memorandum dated
>     October 1, 1993, Golitsyn does hint at a secret controlling force
>   behind Russian Communism, but he lacks the facilities to study how it
>   might be operating . He believes it may be functioning under cover of
>     some front organization, such as the National Security Council. He
>     advises the West to watch for signs of this group but he gives no
>   indication that he thinks there might be parallel secret groups in the
>     West. (Are even KGB officials kept in the dark about Freemasonry?)
>   [INLINE] Not merely is Russia the tool of Freemasonry, but it is also
>   the instrument chosen by God to punish a sinful world, as Our Lady of
>    Fatima warned. Anatoliy Golitsyn s painstaking research shows we are
>      close to the fulfillment of Our Lady s prediction. As he soberly
>   notes, the sword of Damocles is hanging over Western democracies, yet
>                         they are oblivious to it.
>       [INLINE] Because The Perestroika Deception is a collection of
>      memoranda, there is much repetition. This can be tedious, but it
>   greatly helps one to see the deception unfolding day by day. Since the
>    memoranda were directed to CIA officials, Golitsyn probably assumed
>     they would be familiar with the names and events mentioned; thus,
>    titles, dates or historical details are generally lacking. This can
>     cause difficulties for the layman . The tight" print of the book,
>       especially in the footnotes, also makes for difficult reading.
>     However, these footnotes, added before publication, contain vital
>        up-to-date information substantiating Golitsyn s claims. The
>      comprehensive, annotated Index helps make the book an invaluable
>     geopolitical resource. It should be required reading of the entire
>                            Catholic hierarchy.
>       Reprinted courtesy of Catholic Family News, March 1996 issue.
>                         NOW ORDER YOUR OWN COPY OF
>                         THE PERESTROIKA DECEPTION
>                                   ONLINE
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Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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