Time: Wed Jul 30 08:49:51 1997
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Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 08:34:20 -0700
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: SLS: Reverend David Wilkerson's Sermon

>                     Times Square Church Pulpit Series
>                          Reverend David Wilkerson
>                                 __________
>                      The Forgotten, Lost Multitudes!
>                      Reverend David Wilkerson
>                            June 30, 1997
>                             __________
>          IN our time, we've seen rock stars and music groups
>          come and go. You may remember the eras of psychedelic
>          rock, punk rock, and more recently grunge rock. Now
>          there is something called anti-Christ rock. Perhaps
>          you've heard of the new band heralding this movement.
>          They're called Marilyn Manson. They took their name
>          from Marilyn Monroe and the mass-murderer Charles
>          Manson. And they're packing arenas and auditoriums
>          around the country!
>          Marilyn Manson is blatantly anti-Christ. Their latest
>          record is titled "Anti-Christ Superstar," and the
>          lyrics are blasphemous attacks on our Lord. As part of
>          their stage act, they rip apart Bibles.
>          I realize that such groups fade like the grass. Even
>          the Beatles -- the group who once said they were more
>          popular than Jesus -- came and went. And I know Marilyn
>          Manson will fade away as well. A few years from now,
>          people who hear their name will ask, "Marilyn who?"
>          Yet something is happening among young people in
>          America right now -- and I feel an urgency to address
>          it. A few weeks ago, as Marilyn Manson was performing
>          in Washington D.C., one of their road crew fell from a
>          wall and was killed. Yet, the group simply played on.
>          They continued the concert in spite of the sudden death
>          of their crew member.
>          I bring this to your attention for a reason. I believe
>          the anti-Christ lyrics of this group's music have
>          become the language of our youth. Recently, I listened
>          in horror as a group of teenagers and preteens
>          discussed religion. Within minutes they had raised
>          their voices and were shouting four-letter curses:
>          "---- God, ---- Jesus!"
>          As I looked into their faces, I saw an angry rebellion
>          I'd never witnessed before. Blazing in their eyes was a
>          hatred for religion. An anti-Christ attitude had
>          completely overtaken them!
>          Today young people no longer curse politicians, parents
>          or society. They don't turn their anger against racism,
>          poverty or discrimination. Nor is it enough for them
>          simply to be antiestablishment. Now they have turned
>          their fury against God and Christ!
>          A few weeks ago, I saw a newspaper photo of a group of
>          Christian teens demonstrating outside an arena where
>          Marilyn Manson was playing. This brave little band of
>          believers was carrying signs protesting the group's
>          blasphemous attacks against their Lord. I thank God
>          such young people had chosen to stand up for Jesus.
>          Then, as I looked at the photo, I thought about the
>          thousands of lost teenagers who passed by that little
>          band -- mocking and hissing at them as they filed into
>          the arena, turning on to the anti-Christ lyrics,
>          glorifying Satan, and emerging with an anger against
>          God. These teenagers are no longer satisfied with
>          smoking pot, snorting crack, shooting heroin or
>          indulging in sex. Now their ultimate rebellion is to
>          curse Christ and his church!
>          Just a few blocks from our church building, I read some
>          graffiti that I believe signifies this generation of
>          young people. The messages read, "Don't slap me
>          anymore, Daddy. Don't hit me. Don't kill me." Another
>          scribbled phrase read, "My daddy hitted me and my
>          sister Maria. He didn't know it hurted us, but he felt
>          good." Many of our youth in America have been beaten,
>          slapped, scarred all their lives. And now they have
>          become a lost generation!
>          I believe bloody riots are coming soon to all major
>          American cities -- and they will be ignited by
>          teenagers. This godless generation is already shaking
>          an angry fist at God, giving themselves over to an
>          anti-Christ spirit that has been unleashed from hell.
>          Soon they will rage at welfare cutbacks. They'll
>          determine to take everything by force, knocking out
>          store windows and burning everything in sight.
>          These young people have been robbed of all moral
>          concepts. They've been told there is no God -- that
>          nothing even hinting of religion belongs in our public
>          life, our schools, our courts, our government. And in
>          place of religion, they've been handed condoms and the
>          phone numbers of abortion clinics.
>          Now we're facing payday. We're reaping the evil our
>          society has sown. We've raised up a generation that
>          hasn't just written off the church, but that hates it
>          with a seething rage!
>          I Was Struck by Something Else Recently, as I Walked Up
>          Broadway During Rush Hour
>          As I looked into the faces of the passing crowds --
>          people of all nationalities and walks of life -- a
>          thought struck my soul like a thunderclap: "They are
>          all lost! Almost every person passing by is going to
>          hell. This society is damned!"
>          I realize this might come across as harsh or
>          presumptuous. You might think, "Surely some of those
>          passersby know the Lord. They've had to hear the gospel
>          somewhere, somehow."
>          Certainly many in that massive crowd had seen or
>          experienced religion of some kind. After all, no one
>          these days can flip TV channels without seeing
>          Christian television. Yet much of what airs on
>          Christian TV is an abomination: multimillionaire
>          preachers begging for more money; soft preaching that
>          has no anointing or convicting power. Only a few on TV
>          now present a true gospel. And, as a result, few people
>          today have heard a pure gospel -- a convicting,
>          sin-delivering message!
>          You might respond, "But surely some of those passersby
>          were churchgoers." That is true. I'm sure many had gone
>          to church, at least on Christmas or Easter. But the
>          majority of churches today are dead, lifeless, lacking
>          the power to chase away a single demon. There is no
>          real gospel in their services -- no biblical truth to
>          set people free from sin.
>          With every block I walked, I was hit again and again
>          with the thought: "They're lost. They're going to spend
>          eternity without Jesus!" Finally, I tried comforting
>          myself with the thought, "But our church has seen
>          thousands of people converted. Times Square Church is
>          one of the largest congregations in New York City --
>          and we do a major work of evangelism. We're reaching
>          some of these lost, hurting people."
>          But still, something nagged at my soul. I had to
>          acknowledge before the Lord: "Oh, father -- I don't
>          have the burden I once had! I don't weep the way I did
>          when I first came to New York City thirty-five years
>          ago. I'm grateful for all you've done within the four
>          walls of our church. But in my heart, I know I don't
>          have the same fire!"
>          In 1958, Gwen and I were living in tiny Philipsburg,
>          Pennsylvania, a town with a population of about 1,500
>          people. In those days, I would walk into the woods near
>          our home and weep for hours over the souls in New York
>          City. I owned a little green Chevrolet, and each week
>          as I drove it to the city to minister, I wept for the
>          entire three-hour drive. Sometimes I had to pull off to
>          the side of the road, because my heart was so broken
>          for the lost. I'd stop the engine, walk into the woods,
>          fall on my face and weep.
>          After Gwen and I moved our family to Staten Island, I
>          rode the ferry to Brooklyn every day to minister -- and
>          I wept all the way. The other passengers thought I was
>          crazy. Some even offered me comfort and solace. But I
>          knew had the heart of the Lord, and I wept and cried
>          all the more.
>          Today I preach in one of the most beautiful theaters in
>          the world, the historic Mark Hellinger Theater. I
>          deliver messages to a hungry congregation, who come
>          from all over the tri-state area to hear sermons on
>          every possible subject in the word of God. I love the
>          work of this ministry, and I thank God for letting me
>          be a part of what he's doing in New York City.
>          Yet, I wonder how many people in our congregation --
>          and how many readers on our mailing list -- feel the
>          way I felt walking up Broadway. I had to stop and ask
>          myself: "How long has it been since you wept for the
>          lost? Do you still have the Lord's burden to reach them
>          with the gospel?"
>          I ask you: Are you able to work alongside your
>          colleagues, greet your neighbors, talk to your unsaved
>          family members -- and never once be concerned for their
>          souls? Is your mind occupied with simply surviving --
>          providing for your family, protecting your children?
>          Are you no longer burdened, witnessing, reaching out to
>          the lost and dying world?
>          Jesus Told Us His Mission on Earth Was to Save the
>          Lost!
>          "For the son of man is come to seek and to save that
>          which was lost" (Luke 19:10). Christ said, "I came into
>          this world for one reason -- to reach and save lost
>          souls!" Yet this was not only Jesus' mission. He made
>          it our mission as well: "And he said unto them, Go ye
>          into all the world, and preach the gospel to every
>          creature" (Mark 16:15).
>          Jesus was speaking here to a small band of believers --
>          about 120 people who had gathered in the upper room.
>          And what an impossible task he laid before them! Think
>          about it: At that time, Rome ruled the world. And he
>          was commanding his followers, "Go to Rome and tell
>          proud, egotistical Caesar there can be no king before
>          me. I rule over all creation! Go to Athens, where
>          paganism rules, and preach that I am the only way. Go
>          everywhere that philosophies, ancient religions, false
>          gods and superstitions rule -- and preach my cross and
>          resurrection.
>          "Go to foreign nations, live with the people and study
>          their languages. Lay hands on the sick, cast out
>          devils, proclaim the good news. Go to the very seat of
>          Satan, and preach the power and victory of the risen
>          savior!"
>          We have to realize -- Jesus was talking to ordinary,
>          insignificant, uneducated men and women. He was placing
>          the very future of his church on their shoulders. That
>          little band of believers had to be overwhelmed. Can you
>          imagine the conversation that must have taken place
>          once their master ascended to heaven?
>          "Did I hear him right? How could poor, ordinary people
>          like us start a worldwide revolution? We're penniless
>          -- the off-scouring of society. How could anyone treat
>          us with anything but disdain? The Romans are beating
>          and killing us. And if they treat us that way here in
>          Jerusalem, how will they treat us when we get to Rome,
>          witnessing and preaching?
>          "How can we possibly take the gospel to a world that so
>          hated Jesus they killed him? He was despised, rejected,
>          the song of drunkards. Yet we've been commanded to
>          preach him as Lord and king!
>          "And how does our Lord expect us to go into all the
>          world with the gospel, when we don't even have enough
>          money to go to Jericho? How are we to learn languages,
>          when we haven't been educated or equipped to do that?
>          Does he really expect us to go to the heathen in the
>          northern nations -- wild mobs from Europe whose armies
>          plunder and kill mercilessly? This is all impossible!"
>          It was indeed an impossible mission. Yet our challenge
>          today is just as daunting! The Bible tells us each
>          succeeding generation grows worse and worse. And as I
>          think of ancient Rome, Athens and Nineveh, I realize
>          those societies didn't have all the exotic, sinful
>          lusts and temptations our generation faces. They didn't
>          have ungodly television, filthy movies, porno
>          magazines, computer sex.
>          We face other impossible odds as well: Our government
>          has essentially tried to outlaw God. Our media is
>          liberal to the point of godlessness. Wall Street grows
>          increasingly greedy for more money. There is a tidal
>          wave of homosexuality. And now we're seeing the rise of
>          a generation that curses the Christ we preach!
>          It Is Time to Acknowledge That America Is Lost and
>          Going to Hell!
>          When the apostle Paul looked out at the idolatrous
>          multitudes in Athens, his spirit was moved. Likewise,
>          as I look out my apartment window every evening, gazing
>          upon the masses in Manhattan, I experience what Paul
>          felt. I see many beautiful buildings -- from the
>          midtown skyline to the Statue of Liberty -- yet they
>          all appear as tombstones! They're full of the walking
>          dead -- multitudes of people who are dying and going to
>          hell. I have to cry out daily, "Lord, we need you. We
>          can't do anything to reach these people without your
>          guidance and power!"
>          Jesus knew everything his church would be facing today.
>          He knew about all the impossibilities, the overwhelming
>          opposition, the many obstacles. And he knew exactly
>          what would happen to our society -- that there would be
>          a moral landslide, that humanity would wax worse and
>          worse, and that an angry devil would spew out a river
>          of hell against Christ's church.
>          I believe Jesus' words to his helpless disciples apply
>          to us today: "Behold, I send the promise of my Father
>          upon you: but tarry ye...until ye be endued with power
>          from on high" (Luke 24:49). Jesus was saying, in
>          essence, "If you try to evangelize in your own
>          strength, you'll fall on your face in a short time. You
>          can't do anything for me unless you're full of the Holy
>          Ghost!
>          "I know the battles and obstacles you face. And I'm
>          going to give you a power greater than any in the
>          universe. You'll be able to stand up to kings, princes,
>          governments. You'll have authority over demons and
>          principalities. But this power must come to you from on
>          high! You can't plan it, you can't strategize it, you
>          can't do anything to make it happen. You are simply to
>          sit still and wait. I will send my Spirit to you. He
>          will come and fill you with my power!"
>          Jesus never would have sent these disciples out unless
>          he knew that the power given to them would be more than
>          sufficient to meet every need and opposition. He knew
>          that these were the same men who had run in fear when
>          the soldiers came for him. They were the same ones who
>          had gone fishing instead of obeying him, because they
>          were afraid to take a stand. They were timid, fearful,
>          unskilled, untrained men. Yet Jesus knew that these men
>          -- when fully yielded to the Holy Ghost -- would work
>          miracles, put demons to flight, overcome every
>          opposition!
>          Indeed, when the Spirit fell upon the disciples, they
>          became fearless. As they went forth to the temple to
>          witness, the Holy Ghost made their words cutting,
>          convicting -- like swords piercing to the heart. They
>          preached the gospel with power and authority -- because
>          they had Holy-Ghost fire within them!
>          Suddenly the crowds were afraid of them. In just a
>          short time, some five thousand people were saved. Even
>          priests were converted. And further outpourings
>          happened in nearby villages, in distant cities and even
>          among Gentiles.
>          The best part of this unbelievable scene is that the
>          church got all of its direction from the Holy Ghost.
>          Nothing happened until the disciples had shut
>          themselves in with the Lord and fasted and prayed. When
>          they did this, the Spirit came and began to direct
>          their every move.
>          Yet, something else happened in this scene that is very
>          important. The disciples were to take the gospel to
>          every nation, every people -- yet Jewish tradition
>          forbade them even to touch the clothes of a Gentile.
>          How were they supposed to bring the good news to people
>          with whom they weren't even allowed to associate? It
>          seemed like an impossible command. Even the Jewish
>          converts held to these prejudices.
>          Yet the widespread proclamation of the gospel began
>          only when the Holy Ghost took over. The Spirit visited
>          Peter during his daily prayer time on a rooftop: "The
>          voice spake unto (Peter) again the second time, What
>          God hath cleansed, that call not thou common [unclean]"
>          (Acts 10:15). He told Peter, "Don't dare call unclean
>          what I have sanctified and made clean. Now, go
>          downstairs, because there are some Gentiles knocking on
>          your door. I want you to go with them -- and preach to
>          them about Jesus!"
>          The Holy Spirit had solved the prejudice problem
>          overnight. He opened up the Gentile world to the gospel
>          simply by speaking to his followers. It was all clearly
>          directed from heaven!
>          Yet this stands in contrast to much teaching in the
>          church today. All my life I've heard pastors and
>          evangelists say, "The only thing needed for you to go
>          to the mission field is a need. And the need is there
>          -- in Africa, Asia, South America. So, get up and go!
>          Take the gospel to the nations, as Christ commands."
>          But I believe unless you're full of the Holy Ghost, you
>          shouldn't dare go! If you don't have his direction, you
>          have nothing to offer. And whenever you act without the
>          Spirit's direction, the result is human folly.
>          The powerful first-century believers received all their
>          marching orders from the Holy Ghost himself: "As they
>          ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost
>          said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work
>          whereunto I have called them. And when they had fasted
>          and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent
>          them away. So they, being sent forth by the Holy Ghost,
>          departed..." (13:2-4).
>          These believers prayed, "Lord, which city should we go
>          to? And when? How? Once we arrive, how should we reach
>          the people?" They never made a move until they first
>          got alone with God and fasted and prayed. And the Holy
>          Ghost answered them by giving clear direction!
>          I ask you -- how much more do we need the Spirit's
>          direction today? Our bookstore shelves are lined with
>          an abundance of how- to books: how to prevail in
>          prayer, how to strategize for evangelism, how to do
>          spiritual warfare. But none of these books will do us
>          any good if we have not spent time on our knees!
>          It Is Always Easy to Move Ahead in Our Own Wisdom,
>          With Our Own Plans.
>          When I first moved to New York City, I had more plans
>          than anyone could imagine. I have spoken and written
>          often about some of these silly plans.
>          On one occasion I obtained a huge Land Cruiser from
>          Oral Roberts, a vehicle built by General Motors for a
>          half-million dollars. Its side opened up like a clam,
>          with a ready-made stage for a choir. The bus looked
>          like it had landed from Mars!
>          I thought that contraption would help our ministry
>          attract the lost. The first time we used it, we parked
>          it in front of a church in Brooklyn, where a revival
>          had taken place one hundred years before. We started
>          singing and preaching, and soon a big crowd gathered. I
>          thought, "This is it! We're going to see another great
>          ingathering of souls."
>          But all the people did was look at the Land Cruiser. By
>          the time our service ended, only two people stood
>          listening to us. As we packed up to go, I thought,
>          "Lord, what happened? Why didn't this work?" I later
>          sold the vehicle to a man in Yonkers, who charged
>          people fifty cents to go through it as a tourist
>          attraction.
>          Another time I decided, "What we need is a portable
>          street pulpit -- something with a telescopic flagpole,
>          a speaker in the middle and altar rails. We'll make
>          fifty of them, or maybe a hundred. Then we'll put them
>          on the street for our rallies."
>          I was going to unveil my inventions at a rally at Glad
>          Tidings Tabernacle on 33rd Street in Manhattan. But the
>          problem was, the design for such a pulpit made it too
>          heavy to carry. And it was expensive: I could only
>          afford half of one. On the night of the unveiling, I
>          had only a fraction of my new evangelistic invention. I
>          was totally embarrassed!
>          I also invented the collapsible flip-top box. It was an
>          evangelistic pack that looked like a cigarette pack (in
>          fact, a cigarette company took the idea and capitalized
>          on it). When the top flipped open, inside were five
>          gospel tracts I'd written. But that project turned out
>          to be another disaster. I ended up $25,000 in debt with
>          it.
>          Finally, in desperation after all these debacles, I
>          spent time in prayer, seeking God with tears. I cried,
>          "Lord, you know I have a burden for this city. I've got
>          to do something. Yet everything I've tried fails. What
>          do you want me to do?"
>          The Spirit answered, "Stop all your foolish plans,
>          David. You never talked to me about any of these
>          things. Now, spend time with me. If you want my burden,
>          you've got to get hold of me!"
>          I did just that. And out of the experience came the
>          most simple yet successful evangelistic efforts our
>          ministry ever attempted. The Lord directed us simply to
>          go to the streets with a microphone and a flag and
>          preach Jesus. Once we started doing that, the crowds
>          came, and people began getting saved left and right.
>          When the Holy Ghost is leading you, you don't have to
>          strive in your flesh to have his burden. No Christian
>          should ever feel burdened to find new ways and means to
>          reach lost souls. The Holy Spirit knows the heart and
>          burden of the Lord -- and he will give us his burden
>          and strategy if we'll simply seek him!
>          On the other hand, I know of many churches that are
>          satisfied just to have prayer meetings. The people pray
>          faithfully for hours on end. Yet they never expect to
>          actually move out and win the lost.
>          Beloved, prayer is not enough! You can belong to a
>          prayer group -- but if your prayers aren't about
>          receiving power to witness, you'll end up focusing on
>          your own problems. And you'll forget about the world
>          outside, which is headed for hell!
>          The More Diligently We Seek the Lord -- the More We Ask
>          Him for the Holy Ghost -- the More We Will Be Given!
>          "He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and
>          worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of
>          the law, or by the hearing of faith?" (Galatians 3:5).
>          Paul says that God measures out the Holy Ghost to us --
>          and he does so not according to our works, but
>          according to our faith in him.
>          Jesus is the only person who ever had the Holy Spirit
>          without measure. Yet there have been many men and women
>          -- in the Old and New Testaments, and throughout
>          history -- who were given a great measure of the
>          Spirit. Such believers have always known they don't
>          have to strive to weep holy tears over a lost, broken
>          world -- because the Holy Ghost does the weeping in
>          them!
>          Our part is simply to pray: "Holy Ghost, you know
>          everyone in my circle of influence who is under
>          conviction -- because you're the one who convicts them!
>          You see every tear that falls in the quiet of the
>          night. And you know everyone who's desperate and crying
>          for help. I am your instrument. Fill me with your
>          burden, and lead me to those you have prepared."
>          God wants to empower us for one reason -- and that is
>          to get us into the streets, filled with his word and
>          led by his Spirit. He wants us to be able to speak a
>          word direct from heaven -- a piercing, convicting
>          message that has the unmistakable fire of the Spirit!
>          Yet, I ask you: Does something stir in your soul over
>          the lost? Are you burdened for those in your circle of
>          influence? Or do you focus endlessly on your own needs?
>          If you don't know Christ's heart and have his burden,
>          you can never expect to be used of him!
>          This Message Is Not Meant to Condemn You -- But to
>          Awaken You!
>          Each of us can ask in faith for more of the Holy Ghost.
>          We can ask him to burden us, weep in us, lead us, speak
>          to us and through us. He is waiting to lead us -- to
>          reveal to us the father's ways!
>          Our circle of influence may not be China or Africa. For
>          many Christians, the work of eternity will center on
>          family, friends and coworkers. Yet the requirements are
>          just the same: To reach the lost, we have to ask the
>          Lord to move on them with conviction -- and to prepare
>          our hearts with a timely word.
>          If all who read this message would allow the Holy Ghost
>          to make this word real to them -- to seek him for his
>          burden and guidance -- there is no telling what kind of
>          harvest the Spirit might reap. The truth is, the
>          greatest works for eternity are done not in mass
>          crusades, but with one saint reaching one lost soul.
>          Yet that happens only when every saint gets the burden
>          of the Lord!
>          Offer yourself to the Holy Ghost right now. Call on
>          him; fast and pray. Ask him to lead you to those he has
>          convicted and prepared to hear his word. Then trust in
>          his guidance and power to do the miraculous. He will do
>          it! God wants to save many in your family and in your
>          circle of friends and acquaintances!
>                 ------------------------------------------

Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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