Time: Fri Aug 01 05:15:43 1997
	by primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id CAA25597
	for [address in tool bar]; Fri, 1 Aug 1997 02:17:10 -0700 (MST)
	by usr02.primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id GAA24622;
	Thu, 31 Jul 1997 06:59:13 -0700 (MST)
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 06:58:27 -0700
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
To: Designing for POST-INDUSTRIAL REALITIES <futurework@csf.colorado.edu>
Subject: email and privacy -- our voluntary program

Dear Friend,

With this message, we are launching a voluntary
program to improve privacy on the Internet, and
reduce the quantity of unwanted email which we
all receive.  We are staunch advocates of
self-government -- the best form of government!

We have decided to focus this effort on the
frequent use of email lists which are visible
to the recipient.  In Eudora Pro, this is done
by pasting a list of email addresses into the "Cc:"
field of a message.  See example(s) below.

Eudora Pro, like other modern email programs,
also has a blind copy feature, which is found 
in the "Bcc:" field instead.  This feature has
the result of suppressing the entire list, 
instead of displaying it to the recipient.
We used this feature to send this message to you.

Our voluntary effort now is to encourage people
like yourself to switch to blind copies, if and
when you decide to broadcast any message to 
a list of recipients.

As part of this program, we are also recommending
that list server software be modified, so that
the sender's email address is NOT displayed in
messages which are distributed to everyone on
any given email list.  This feature of list servers
would be the "default," which could be changed
by the user, but ONLY by the user.

If you have received what you might regard as
"unwanted" email from us recently, it is most
likely because your email address (and name)
were sent to us in a "Cc:" field.  

Please consider switching to blind copies, 
and pass this message along to your contacts 
who are adding your email address to their "Cc:" 
fields as well.

Thanks very much!

/s/ Paul Mitchell
Counselor at Law 

p.s.  Privacy is a fundamental Right.
See the Privacy Act for authority.

>Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 07:57:54 -0800
>From: Teresa Ojeda <ojeda@uclink.berkeley.edu>
>To: Designing for POST-INDUSTRIAL REALITIES <futurework@csf.colorado.edu>
>Subject: Union Pension Plans Conference
>        HRD-L@yorku.ca, BENEFITS-L@frank@mtsu.edu,
>        LabNews@cmsa.berkeley.edu, OBTS-L@BUCKNELL.EDU, IA-HRS@vm.marist.edu,
>        IABS-L@psuvm.psu.edu, CAUSEASM@cause.colorado.edu,
>        PRIR-L@list.waikato.ac.nz, MGMTDEV-L@miamiu.acs.muohio.edu,
>        IOOB-L@uga.cc.uga.edu, IERN-L@ube.ubalt.edu, Labor-L@vm1.yorku.ca,
>        JOBANALYSIS@listserv.vt.edu, IPMAAC-LIST@lists.best.com,
>        HR-OD-L@ksuvm.ksu.edu, NWAC-L@psuvm.psu.edu, Labor-L@vm1.yorku.ca,
>        ODCNET-L@psuvm.psu.edu, TRDEV-L@psuvm.psu.edu
>PRESS RELEASE			For Immediate Release
>Fifty billion dollars of pension fund money is jointly controlled by union
and management representatives in the Western states - the lion's share in
California.  The Center for Labor Research and Education of the University
of California at Berkeley's Institute of Industrial Relations will bring
this money into one room on September 4 - 5, 1997 in  "High Performance
Pensions: Multi-Employer Plans and Challenges of Falling Pension Coverage
and Retirement Insecurity."
>This two day conference features Assistant Secretary of Labor for Pension
and Welfare Funds Olena Berg.  Robert Georgine, President of the Building
and Construction Trades, AFL-CIO; Joel Rogers, Professor of Political
Science at University of Wisconsin and MacArthur "Genius" award winner;
and Leo Gerard, Secretary Treasurer  of the Steel Workers Union are among
the distinguished speakers. 
>Professor Michael Reich, Economics, UC Berkeley; Professor Teresa
Ghilarducci, Economics, University of Notre Dame; and Kirsten Spalding,
Esq.,  of UC Berkeley's Labor Center are conducting research on high
performance pensions, pensions and building local economics, and pensions
and housing development, and will present their findings at the conference. 
>The conference is for trustees, policy makers, scholars, and anyone
interested in how new capital strategies can be used to promote economic
growth, security, and equity.  Over 30 national and local officials and
academics will be leading workshops.  Conference participants can choose
three workshops among the following:  Tools for Trustees, Pensions as an
Organizing Tool; New Capital Strategies and Corporate Behavior
Modification; Building Local Economies, Institutional Barriers to
Innovative Pension Work; ERISA Boundaries and Fiduciary Responsibility;
Good News about Mutli-Employer Pensions; and Health Care Purchasing Alliances.
>A plenary speech, "Where is Your Money?" starts at 9:00 am, Thursday,
September 4.  Workshops are scheduled from 10:30 am to 4:30 pm with a
reception at  5:00 pm.  "Mobilizing Labor's Money" will be presented at
9:00 am the next day.
>The conference is part of the on-going mission of the Labor Center to
bring cutting-edge academic research  to the practical issues and concerns
facing workers in the state of California.  The Higgins Center for Labor
Research at the University of Notre Dame is also sponsoring the conference
to bring issues of social justice to research and teaching at the
University of Notre Dame.     
>Registration fee is $200  - lunch and materials included.   Scholarships
are also available.  Special hotel rates are available at the Claremont
Hotel in Berkeley and the Emeryville Holiday Inn.  For more information
about the conference contact Kirsten Snow Spalding at 510-643-6815, fax at
510-642-6432 or email ojeda@uclink.berkeley.edu.
>Ma. Teresa Ojeda
>Publications & Programs Coordinator
>2521 Channing Way #5555
>Berkeley, CA  94720-5555
>510 643 2355 vox
>510 642 6432 fax

Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

tel:     (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night
email:   [address in tool bar]       : using Eudora Pro 3.0.3 on 586 CPU
website: http://www.supremelaw.com   : visit the Supreme Law Library now
ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech,  at its best
             Tucson, Arizona state   : state zone,  not the federal zone
             Postal Zone 85719/tdc   : USPS delays first class  w/o this

As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice.  We shall
not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal.
[This text formatted on-screen in Courier 11, non-proportional spacing.]


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