Time: Sat Aug 02 08:58:01 1997
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Date: Sat, 02 Aug 1997 07:00:45 -0700
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: IP: SLF: Paul Mitchell's FBI contacts

Dear Friends and Clients,

I hereby publicize the FBI contacts
which I have in my database.  For the
record, I have never had any telephone
or personal contacts with these people.

Their names came to me when their office
responded to evidence which I sent to them
of federal judicial corruption in Arizona.

I think the letter speaks for itself.

For more background material, please read
"The Kick-Back Racket" in the Supreme Law
Library at the URL right below my name here.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

[This text is formatted in Courier 11, non-proportional spacing.]

                                      c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776
                                         Tucson [zip code exempt]
                                                 ARIZONA REPUBLIC

                                               September 13, 1996

Mr. Thomas H. Basham
Supervisory Senior Resident Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation
U.S. Department of Justice
201 East Indianola
Phoenix, Arizona 85012/tdc

Subject:  Criminal Misconduct by John M. Roll,
          United States District Court, Tucson

Dear Mr. Basham:

     Thank you  very much  for your letter to Me, dated September
9, 1996,  concerning alleged  criminal misconduct  by  a  Federal
District Court Judge in Tucson, Arizona.

     In your  letter, you  stated that  My letter to the FBI does
not contain  sufficient detail  to determine  whether a  criminal
investigation is warranted.  You also requested that I submit, to
the Tucson  office of  the  FBI,  further  documentation  of  the
alleged misconduct,  to include names, dates, and any other facts
that may be pertinent.  To this end, enclosed please find all the
pertinent materials currently in My possession and control.

     The thread of evidence you should follow concerns the events
which occurred  immediately after  a federal  grand jury subpoena
was first  served on  New Life  Health Center  Company in Tucson,
Arizona state ("New Life").  Pay particular attention to the fate
of all  the U.S.  Mail which We transmitted directly to the grand
jury Foreperson in response to their subpoena.

     I was  retained by  New Life  at that  time  to  answer  the
subpoena (see  enclosed PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION, dated March 20,
1996) and  to assist  New Life  with their  civil defense.   This
PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION  was mailed to the Grand Jury Foreperson
via Registered  U.S. Mail, return receipt and restricted delivery
both requested.   The  enclosed  evidence  will  show  that  this
PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION  was illegally  intercepted by  John  M.
Roll, who  handed it  to Robert  L. Miskell  in the office of the
United States Attorney in Tucson.

     After investigating on Our own, and with the able assistance
of the  Postmaster, We  decided to  prepare  and  mail  a  FORMAL
REQUEST FOR  INVESTIGATION to  the same federal grand jury.  This
request was  mailed to  the Foreperson  on April  28,  1996  (see
enclosed).   This FORMAL  REQUEST was also intercepted by John M.
Roll, who also handed it to Robert L. Miskell.  We have reason to
believe that the federal grand jury never saw this FORMAL REQUEST

     At  a  subsequent  hearing  on  the  matter,  John  M.  Roll
admitted, on  the official  court record, that he had intercepted
this FORMAL REQUEST.  He also said that he had not opened it, but
that he had given it to Robert L. Miskell.  At that same hearing,
Robert L.  Miskell admitted, on record, that he had received this
FORMAL REQUEST  from John  M. Roll, and that the mail in question
simply contained  a formal  request that  the federal  grand jury
investigate possible  violations of  federal  law  by  Robert  L.
Miskell.   We inferred  from  Miskell's  comments  that  he  had,
indeed, opened  this mail,  because  he  was  correct  about  its

     At this  point, We  felt  it  was  necessary  to  place  the
Foreperson of the federal grand jury on the Proof of Service list
for all  subsequent pleadings  which We  planned to  file in that
case.   All together,  some twenty-five  (25) different pleadings
were then  filed under  My signature, or under signatures of Mine
and Dr. Eugene A. Burns.  Some of these pleadings are affidavits.
All  pleadings   currently  in  My  possession  and  control  are
enclosed, for your review.

     Counting all  25  pleadings,  the  PRIVILEGED  COMMUNICATION
(26), and  the FORMAL  REQUEST FOR  INVESTIGATION (27),  none  of
which were ever delivered to the federal grand jury Foreperson to
whom they  were mailed,  We count  27 counts  of mail  fraud,  27
counts of  jury tampering,  27 counts  of obstruction of justice,
and 27 counts of conspiracy to commit all of the above, committed
by a conspiracy of persons including, but not limited to, John M.
Roll,  Janet   Napolitano,  Robert  L.  Miskell,  and  Evangelina
Cardenas.   Other likely  accessories  to  these  crimes  include
Robert A. Johnson, Robert H. Weare, and William M. McCool.

     At another  hearing on  the matter,  John M. Roll complained
that he  had some  14 inches  of pleadings  to read in this case.
But then,  he immediately  called a recess, and huddled for quite
some time  with his staff, both inside and outside the courtroom.
When he  came back  into session,  John  M.  Roll  qualified  his
earlier statement by saying that he really had only 6 or 7 inches
of pleadings  in this  case, but  that he  guaranteed, if  We had
filed them, he had read them.  This statement was witnessed by Me
and by My assistant Counsel, Neil Thomas Nordbrock, who is also a
federal witness  to perjury  of oath  by  Robert  L.  Miskell  in
another case.   Neil  Nordbrock and  I took  his qualification to
mean that John M. Roll had, in fact, intercepted all 25 pleadings
which We  had mailed  to the  grand jury  Foreperson.    You  can
measure their thickness yourself.

     I hope this response to your letter is satisfactory.  If you
should need  any additional  information, permit  Me to recommend
that you  first contact Dr. Eugene A. Burns, Managing Director of
New Life  Health Center  Company, 4500  East Speedway,  Suite 27,
Tucson, Arizona  state.   As of the moment I vacated the premises
at New  Life, Dr.  Burns was in possession and control of all the
documentary  exhibits   which  were   attached  to  the  enclosed
pleadings.   These documentary exhibits include, for example, the
Postmaster's response to our FOIA request for a certified copy of
the Standing  Delivery Order  (USPS  Form  3801)  signed  by  the
federal grand  jury Foreperson  in  the  New  Life  case.    This
response stated  that there  was no  such document  in existence,
proving that  the Foreperson  had never authorized anyone else to
accept or sign for U.S. Mail addressed to him/her.

     Thank you very much for your consideration.

     I, Paul  Andrew, Mitchell,  B.A., M.S.,  Citizen of  Arizona
state and  federal  witness,  hereby  verify,  under  penalty  of
perjury, under  the laws of the United States of America, without
the "United  States," that the above statements of fact are true,
correct, complete,  and not misleading, to the best of My current
information, knowledge,  and belief,  so help Me God, pursuant to
28 U.S.C. 1746(1).

Further Affiant sayeth naught.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Paul Mitchell

Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Citizen of Arizona state and federal witness

attachments:  to FBI, Tucson

copy:  Bruce J. Gebhardt
       Special Agent in Charge

copy:  Thomas H. Basham
       Supervisory Senior Resident Agent
       c/o Federal Bureau of Investigation
       1 South Church Avenue, Suite 600
       Tucson, Arizona state 85701/tdc

copy:  Postmaster
       U.S. Post Office
       Downtown Station
       Tucson, Arizona

                             #  #  #

Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

tel:     (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night
email:   [address in tool bar]       : using Eudora Pro 3.0.3 on 586 CPU
website: http://www.supremelaw.com   : visit the Supreme Law Library now
ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech,  at its best
             Tucson, Arizona state   : state zone,  not the federal zone
             Postal Zone 85719/tdc   : USPS delays first class  w/o this

As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice.  We shall
not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal.
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