Time: Wed Aug 13 03:53:03 1997 by primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id DAA02983; Wed, 13 Aug 1997 03:53:33 -0700 (MST) by usr01.primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id DAA24671; Wed, 13 Aug 1997 03:48:55 -0700 (MST) Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 03:47:48 -0700 To: (Recipient list suppressed) From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar] Subject: SLS: THE IRS QUESTIONS YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO ASK - GET THE ANSWERS DIRECT (fwd) <snip> > >Hi Folks, > >The enclosed post has an ironic ring to it as I am just getting ready to >file an extended return. The questions posed have a familiar thread to >Daniel J. Pilla's *IRS, TAXES and the BEAST* and *HOW TO FIRE THE IRS.* > >Frederick Bastiat's *THE LAW* also comments on our current situation. >Somthing about . . . Breaking the law under the *color* of law. > >Best regards, > >Brian A. Cavallo >Glendale, Arizona ixmail7.ix.netcom.com (8.7.5/SMI-4.1/Netcom) > id QAA22431; Tue, 12 Aug 1997 16:30:48 -0700 (PDT) >From: TWStough@aol.com > by emout19.mail.aol.com (8.7.6/8.7.3/AOL-2.0.0) > id SAA15775; > Tue, 12 Aug 1997 18:47:35 -0400 (EDT) >Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 18:47:35 -0400 (EDT) >Message-ID: <970812184536_65757712@emout19.mail.aol.com> >To: TWStough@aol.com >Subject: THE IRS QUESTIONS YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO ASK - GET THE ANSWERS DIRECT >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Content-type: multipart/mixed; > boundary="PART.BOUNDARY.0.19005.emout19.mail.aol.com.871425936" > >REMAIL TO PATRIOTS WHO WILL TAKE A SMALL STAND FOR AMERICA! >REMAIL TO PATRIOTS WHO WILL TAKE A SMALL STAND FOR AMERICA! >REMAIL TO PATRIOTS WHO WILL TAKE A SMALL STAND FOR AMERICA! > >(PRINT THIS E-MAIL AND THE ATTACHED FILE FOR FUTURE REFERRENCE!) > >Dear Patriotic Americans: > >Over the last few months, I have gathered an incredible amount of information >from a wide variety of sources indicating there are severe problems with the >IRS and the Federal Income Tax. Based on this information I have compiled a >list of questions the answers to which every American has an ABSOLUTE RIGHT. > >I prepared these questions over the last several days. A copy of the letter >containing these VITAL QUESTIONS is attached to this document. The name of >the file is "IRSQuest.Txt". This afternoon, I mailed the letter to the IRS >at the address shown below. I also faxed copies to my Senators and >Congressman. > >PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO ME AND YOURSELF THREE FAVORS: > >1. Read the questions and see if you need to know the answers. Determine if >you have a PERFECT RIGHT to these answers. Would it be HIGHLY VALUABLE >AND/OR CRITICAL for you to have the answers if the answers said in writing (si >gned by an IRS employee so that you can LEGALLY place reliance on it) that >you were not required to keep records, file tax returns or pay federal income >taxes or social security ever again? > >2. PLEASE ask the IRS for your own signed copy of the answers to these VITAL >QUESTIONS! This is VERY VERY IMPORTANT. If we can get a few thousand >requests in to the IRS for these answers, they will be on notice that these >questions can not be ignored and must be answered. They may be able to >avoid answering me. They can't avoid answering thousands or tens of >thousands of people who all have the questions and probably already know most >of the answers. Besides, if you ask for the answers and they won't give >them, will you ever be able to file a tax return again since you would be >more confused than ever? NOTE: IF YOU CAN, SEND YOUR LETTER CERTIFIED MAIL >RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED -- INVEST A COUPLE OF BUCKS IN YOUR FUTURE AND YOUR >CHILDREN'S FUTURE! If you can not send it Certified within 24 hours, send it >by REGULAR MAIL right now! Having all the letters show up over a 2-3 day >period will get us the most impact. If you can, send or fax copies of your >request to your Senators and Congressman. Addresses, fax numbers, e-mail >addresses, etc. for members of Congress are posted on the web site shown >below. E-mailing them a copy of the attached letter and asking for a >response would be good also. Also, don't forget your local media! BUT >ABOVE ALL, SEND THE REQUEST FOR THE ANSWERS TO THE ADDRESS SHOWN BELOW! THE >MORE ATTENTION WE CAN FOCUS ON THIS ISSUE, THE BETTER. > >You can mention in your request letter that I supplied you (directly or >indirectly) with a copy of the letter containing all the questions. Since >none of the answers will be personal anyway but are important for ALL >AMERICANS you have every right to know the answers. > >The address for the IRS office to which the questions were sent (and to which >you should address your request for answers) is: > >IRS / Taxpayer Service Division >Attn: Correspondence Desk >P.O. Box 1037 >Atlanta, GA 30370 > >Ask for answers to the letter sent by Terry W. Stough on August 12, 1997 by >Certified Mail. If they have any questions about my permission for anyone >and everyone to have this information upon request, have them call me at >(770) 641-9042. > >3. REMAIL this e-mail together with the attached document to EVERY Red >Blooded American you can. If it is possible to reach a million people, WE >NEED TO REACH A MILLION PEOPLE. WE CAN DO IT IF EVERYONE DOES JUST A LITTLE >BIT. This should be a wake-up call for Americans who wanted to challenge the >IRS but did not have the time or the information to do so. > >DO NOT TAKE THE NEGATIVE ATTITUDE THAT THIS WILL NOT WORK! WHAT HAVE YOU GOT >TO LOSE OTHER THAN THE COST OF SENDING THE LETTER? THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE >TO GAIN! ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION -- HOW CAN WE LOSE -- EVEN IF THEY >DON'T ANSWER THE QUESTIONS, WE WIN! > >This is your perfect opportunity. I have asked the questions. All you need >to do is get the word out and request a copy of the answers. PLEASE PLEASE >PLEASE REQUEST A COPY OF THE ANSWERS. The more people who do, the more >certain we will be that they will be forced to answer. Take 5 minutes and >PLEASE DO IT NOW! > >Thanks in advance for your support. > > > Terry W. Stough > <A HREF="http://members.aol.com/TWStough/main.htm">The American Resistance Mo >vement</A> >(http://members.aol.com/TWStough/main.htm) > BY CERTIFIED MAIL > >IRS / Taxpayer Service Division >ATTN: Correspondence Desk >P.O. Box 1037 >Atlanta, Georgia 30370 > >Dear Sirs: > > I have become extremely confused about my liability for Federal Income >Tax. I am not a "Tax Protester" and I clearly believe in paying all amounts owed. >But there seems to be a lot of evidence in books and on the Internet that suggests >that myself and citizens of the 50 States are not subject to this tax. I have written >this letter in an attempt to get a clarification so that I can conduct myself in a >lawful manner. If there is a massive amount of disinformation regarding these >matters, then the public needs to know the truth. > > I have a number of questions. The questions are not asked in any way to >harass, threaten or intimidate anyone. Each has been carefully thought out based >on the information reviewed. Answers to each of the questions is highly important >in deciding what must be done. I would assume that IRS training covers the vast >majority of these questions and upper management should be able to help with the >remainder. > > The information I have suggests that it is vital to have a clear meaning of >the words as they are used in any particular section of the IRC or other rules >and/or regulations. For this reason, please define all words used in your response >so as to be crystal clear as to what you mean. I also understand that capitalization >is also important. If a word has different meanings depending on whether or not >it is capitalized, please give both. Not being an expert, please excuse my >capitalizations because I may use the wrong ones. If capitalization makes any >difference in my questions, please answer under both the capitalized and non- >capitalized forms. Make sure your answers have the correct capitalizations for >clarity. It is vital that the person who prepares this response also give their name, >phone number, address, and credentials so that I can rely on the answers. Here >are the questions: > >1. IDENTITY OF THE IRS: What is the IRS? When did Congress approve >it? Is it really a federal agency? Is it really a branch of the Treasury where the >term Treasury refers to a governmental agency as opposed to part of some >Corporation? Is the IRS the same as the BIR? Is the IRS a Trust created in or >associated with Puerto Rico? If it is a Trust, who owns it? Where is the IRS's >Delegation Of Authority? Can you supply a copy of Treasury Delegation Order >No. 150-37 dated March 17, 1955? Can you supply a copy of the Delegation of >Authority Order dated April 22, 1982? Does this document state "This Order >supersedes Treasury Department Order No. 150-37? Is it true that the number >of the new document dated April 22, 1982 also is Order No. 150-37? If so, how >could this be? Does it mean that the new document was not properly registered >and filed? Does that mean it is of no effect? What about the DOA document >created in 1986 known as Order No. 150-10? Was it ever signed? Has any DOA >regarding the IRS ever been published in the Federal Register? If so, please state >the dates and the length of time that a DOA is vaild. Isn't publication necessary >per 44 USC Section 1505? If not published is it valid? Does not 26 USC rest >entirely on a valid Delegation of Authority? How are citizens to take notice of a >DOA if it is not brought out into the light of day? Does this mean that the IRS has >no authority whatsoever? > >2. DEFINITION OF INCOME, EMPLOYEE, CORPORATION, >TRADE OR BUSINESS, BUSINESS AND BUSINESS INCOME: >What is income as it is defined for federal income tax purposes? If there are >multiple definitions, please give them all including where they can be found in the >IRC, CFR, etc. and what the individual definitions are related and applicable to. >I can not find a definition which is not circular. Every case I have seen says that >income is not wages and salaries. Does income for non-federal employees living >in the 50 states include wages and salaries? What court rulings, laws, regulations, >etc. are there to substantiate any definition of income which includes wages and >salaries? Is the Federal Income Tax just a tax on "Federal Income"? Define the >word "employee" as used in IRS rules, etc.. Is this definition for purposes of >withholding the same as that found at Section 3401(c)? Does this imply that only >federal government employees (and a few other related classifications) are >covered by these rules? Why do most people think otherwise? Define >"corporation". Is a corporation for purposes of IRS rules, etc. limited to the >definition at Section 7701(c)(3)? Define "Trade or Business". Is a trade or >business for purposes of IRS rules, etc. the same as that given in Section 7701(a) >also? If any answers to the above conflict with Conner v.US. 303 F Supp 1197 >(1969), Staples v. U.S., 21 F Supp 737 U.S.Dist.Ct. ED.PA, (1937) or Oliver v. >Halsted, 86 S.E. Rep 2nd 85e9 (1955) or Lucas v. Earl, 281 U.S. 111 (1930) or >Edwards v. Keith, 231 F 111 (1916) please give the reasons why these do not apply >to the definition of income per IRS rulings. If income does not include wages and >salaries, why are all the instructions for filing written in a way that implies they >are? Why does Form 1040, Line 7 say "Wages, Salaries, Tips, etc."? What are >the specific definitions of these items as used on Form 1040 Line 7? If a person >lived in Georgia, worked in Georgia and held a job at a private factory for which >he was paid $7.00 per hour and he worked 1000 hours and was paid for his work, >would that person have "Wages, Salaries, Tips, etc." as defined per Form 1040, >Line 7? Why does Form 1040, Line 12 say "Business Income or (Loss)"? What >are the specific definitions of a "Business" and "Business Income" as used on >Form 1040 Line 12? If a person lived in Georgia, owned a business in Georgia >organized as a sole proprietorship and engaged in the business of lawn care for >private individuals, would that business be a "Business" as defined for Form 1040 >Line 12? Would that business have any "Business Income" as defined per Form >1040, Line 12? > >3. TYPE OF TAX: Is Federal Income Tax a direct tax or an Excise Tax. If >it is a direct tax, how could it be Constitutional? Was the so called 16thAmendment (I say so called because of the removal of the real 13th Amendment >and the questions of ratification of the so called 14th Amendment) really ratified? >If so, how/why have Courts ruled otherwise? If it was ratified, why has the >Supreme Court ruled that it changed nothing other than to express a right to tax >federal citizens or employees of the federal government which the federal >government had anyway (Brushaber,etc.)? > >4. IRS JURISDICTION: What is the jurisdiction of the IRS? Is it limited >to citizens of DC and U.S. possessions? Why would otherwise intelligent citizens >of the 50 states believe that it applies to them? Under what specific conditions >might the IRS have jurisdiction over a citizen of one of the 50 states who is >employed by a private company engaged in non-governmental work? > >5. WITHHOLDING OF INCOME TAX AND SOCIAL SECURITY: >How can employers be required to withhold? Does the law not really translate to >the fact that the employers "may" withhold if there is tax liability? How is tax >liability determined? Are citizens of the 50 States required to file a W-4? If not, >why does everyone think so? If not required, why does the IRS seem to demand >it? Is it true that if W-4 withholding laws were ever Constitutional, they were >repealed by Congress in 1944? I understand that Publication 515 explains the >implementation of IRS Treasury Reg. 1.1441-5 (26 CFR 1.1441-5). Please explain >the following quote from page 2 of Pub. 515 as it pertains to citizens of the 50 >States who do not work for the federal government or an affiliated entity of the >federal government: "If an individual give you [the employer or withholding >agent] a written statement, in duplicate, stating that he or she is a citizen or >resident of the United States, and you do not know otherwise, you may accept this >statement and are relieved from the duty of withholding the tax". Does IRC Sec. >6654(e)(2)(c) not say the same thing as the quotation above, which clearly implies >that federal income tax for residents of the 50 states has to be PURELY >VOLUNTARY? Also, please give the definition of "United States" and "tax" as >used above. Is there ANY federal regulation which requires non-federal >employees living in the 50 states to obtain a Social Security Number or complete >a W-4 in order to obtain employment from a private employer located in one of >the 50 states? If so, please give me the citation, the definitions of the words used >therein and any case law which supports this. > >6. DEFINITIONS OF CITIZEN, STATE AND UNITED STATES: >Are all state Citizens also federal citizens. If not, can a person who is a citizen of >one of the 50 States also be a federal Citizen? I don't know of anyone who has >applied for federal citizenship. On what basis can a claim be made that a person >is a federal citizen when that person has made no election? Can reliance be >placed on an oath that a person is a citizen of the united States without giving the >definition of united States? Would such an oath not be void for vagueness. >Which capitalization is correct united States of America OR United States of >America? Why does the Declaration of Independence use the former? Does >"State" as used in laws which deal with tax liability include the 50 States? Is not >the definition of "State" and "United States" defined in Section 7701(a)? Are the >50 States sovereign Nations? Why is State and United States used in so many >different ways? Is the "country" for citizens of the 50 states in fact their state? > > >7. STATUS OF THE CONSTITUTION AND COMMON LAW: With >regard to the frequent use of martial law rulings, admiralty rulings, etc. to defend >the IRS, what is the status of a citizen of one of the 50 states in a Court dealing >with taxes? If there are multiple types of courts, please explain for each. If a >citizen is in a court under court martial rules or admiralty courts, explain the >reason why this is possible. Are we in a state of national emergency? Has the >Constitution been suspended? If it has, when did this occur? If it has, since a >suspension is by definition temporary, when is the Constitution supposed to be >restored? Did the Supreme Court "statutorize" the Common Law in 1938? Did >it have the power to do so? > >8. SEIZURE AND LEVY: If the Constitution has not been suspended, how >can property be seized without due process of law? How can bank accounts be >frozen using papers which don't bear a signature or a seal? On a "Notice Of >Levy" is it true that you do not include 26 USC Sec. 6221 (a) which says who it >really applies to? Is it true that it does NOT apply to most citizens of the 50 states >but was written primarily to allow seizure of wages from federal employees who >falsified their tax returns or committed some other crime in relation to the tax >laws as they apply to federal employees or related groups? > >9. KICKBACKS, BRIBES AND PAYMENTS TO JUDGES, >LAWYERS, GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, ELECTED >OFFICIALS, ETC. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE >COVERED UNDER THE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND >RECOGNITION PROGRAM OR SIMILAR PROGRAMS: Are Judges >and defense attorneys covered under a program such as the Performance >Management and Recognition Program which allows them to receive financial >or other compensation in any form upon the indictment, conviction or guilty >pleading of a person in a tax case especially if that person is classified as an >"Illegal Tax Protester" or "ITP"? If so, does this extend all the way to Bill >Clinton? If not, where does it stop? Is it true that the IRS can not supply records >of these payments since most are made in cash? Would these payments be taxable >income? Does the President get $35,000 per indictment and the U.S. Attorneys >$25,000 per indictment of ITP's as has been reported? Are additional payments >to the President even Constitutional? If the IRS is a Trust and the trust is owned >by people who are not citizens of the 50 States, is the acceptance of these funds, >etc. by any government employee or elected official not prohibited by the >Constitution? Are their any records of any kind which detail exactly who got >what for sending who to prison, allowing inappropriate fines, etc.? What exactly >is an "Illegal Tax Protester"? Does the word "Illegal" modify "Tax" or >"Protester"? If it modifies "Tax", don't citizens have the right to protest >something which is "Illegal"? If it modifies "Protester", please cite the law which >makes protesting taxes illegal. Have Congressmen, Presidents, Supreme Court >Justices, etc. been compromised by the IRS in ANY WAY? Do Judges pay >income tax? What percentage of judges pay? Is it true that according to >Treasury/IRS 46.002, Privacy Act of 1974, Resource Document #6372 that the >Criminal Investigation Division of the IRS maintains fines on all U.S. District >Court Judges? Would this not be a direct violation of the Constitution by >attempting to bring the Judicial Branch under the control of the Legislative? >Does this not have at least the appearance of a Conspiracy to deprive Americans >of their rights and their property? Do IRS employees pay income tax? If so, >what percentage? Was there ever a document referred to as the "IRS Pink >Pages" which told IRS employees how to avoid Federal Income Tax and how to >win any action brought against them for failure to file or other tax related >charges? Shouldn't Federal Income Tax at least apply to IRS employees since >they are federal employees? Are they federal employees? If you have never >heard of the "IRS Pink Pages" and I supplied you with a copy, could you >comment in full, not in regard to it's authenticity, but with regard to its accuracy? >Would you like a copy? Could you verify the accuracy of the following statements >contained in the alleged IRS Pink Pages: > > A. "Income is not specifically defined in our manuals nor is defined in > I.R.S. Code. Congress did not define it." > B. "Income has always been defined by the courts as to exclude wages." > C. "He/She is exempt, as wages need not be counted." > D. "There are also the questions as to both the ratification and the > constitutionality of the 16th Amendment, but neither has been ruled > on by the U.S. Supreme Court and why clutter up a good defense?" > E. "Since the general term "income" is not defined in the Internal > Revenue Code (U.S. v. Ballard 535 F2d 400 (1976)) and the U.S. > Supreme Court has ruled the Congress may not, by any definition it > may adopt, conclude the matter, since it cannot by legislation alter > the Constitution, from which alone it derives it's power to legislate, > and within whose limitations alone, that power can be lawfully > exercised (Eisner v. Macomber, 252 U.S. 1889 (1920))." > F. "Since the Rules contained in the I.R.S. Manual, even if codified in > the code of Federal Regulations, do not have the force and effect of > law (U.S. v. Horne, C.A. Me. 1983, 714 F2d 206) and the power to > promulgate regulations does not include the power to broaden or > narrow the meaning of the statutory provisions beyond what > Congress intended (Abbot, Procter and Pain v. U.S. 1965 344 F2d > 333, 170 Ct Cl 408), and regulations can not do what Congress itself > is without the power to do; they must first conform to the > Constitution - (C.I.R. v. Van Vorst, C.C.A. 1932 59 F2d 677). Since > the ultimate appellate court is the U.S. Supreme Court, we must look > to them for a definite answer on the question of conformance and > affirmation of our little secret that wages are not classified as income > which can be taxed." > G. Under "Handling A Jury Trial" - "Even if you get a jury trial that is > outraged by an agent not paying taxes you cannot be condemned. > Both Tax Evasion and Failure to File require "willfulness". Again > we look to the U.S. Supreme Court and find that, "The requirement > of an offense committed willfully is not met, therefore if a taxpayer > has relied in good faith upon a prior decision of the court". " (Bishop > and Sullivan are cited). > H. "Refuse to produce anything the government does not already have > on us from payroll. We must refuse any I.R.S. Summons not > judicially enforced, as long as the attack is in good faith. The statute > we usually refer to (Title 26 USC 7210) which prescribes criminal > punishment for anyone refusing to obey an Internal Revenue > summons for production records, was addressed by the U.S. > Supreme Court in Reisman v. Caplink, 375 U.S. 440." > I. "CONCLUSION: As you can see, by negating wages as income, only > profit or gain need to be considered, making most persons ineligible > for filing. There is no willful act, no omission, not intent, and no > income ... hence no case for the prosecution, and even if confronted > by an angry jury, by relying on the U.S. Supreme Court decisions, > YOU MUST BE ACQUITTED AS A MATTER OF LAW. If you > are not acquitted, your lawyer will ask for a Judgement not > withstanding the verdict, and/or appeal, from which you will > eventually be found not guilty." > >10. SOCIAL SECURITY AND SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS: Is >Social Security in fact voluntary for the citizens of the 50 States? If it is, why does >everyone think it is not? Is it required for citizens of the 50 states to have a social >security number? Is it required that babies have Social Security numbers before >they even leave the hospital? > >11. MISCELLANEOUS DEFINITIONS: Please define these words >specifically as they are used in any way connected with tax liability: include > includes shall may. > >12. RIGHTS OF CITIZENS OF THE 50 STATES: What rights above >those contained in official IRS documents do citizens of the 50 States have with >regard to the IRS? Can we individually sue employees of the IRS who violate our >rights? Do we have the right to sue for fraud and taxes paid as a result of fraud >intentionally perpetrated by agents or employees of the IRS? Would an >individual who has had their rights violated as far back as several years be able >to bring such a suit? How many years would that be? If an IRS employee >knowingly violated the rights a citizen of one of the 50 states, causing that person >physical or financial harm, could that employee and his or her supervisors be held >personally responsible? > >13. POWERS OF THE IRS: What powers does the IRS actually have? Is >the IRS the same as the BATF? If not, why does the IRS seem to assume the >powers delegated to the BATF? What is the legal support for seizure, collections >efforts, etc.? Are you relying on 26 USC 7608(a) which deals with alcohol, >tobacco and firearms tax? How does this apply? How does the IRS conduct >criminal investigations? Isn't a Criminal Investigator required? In IRS Manual >1132.75 (12/21/87) what definitions are being used to allow citizens of the 50 states >to be investigated since the Manual states that the Criminal Investigation Division >is responsible for alleged crimes "involving U.S. citizens residing in foreign >countries and nonresident aliens subject to Federal income tax filing >requirements"? If the IRS is acting beyond the scope of it's powers, what about >26 USC 7214(a) which declares IRS employees to be guilty of a felony punishable >by up to $10,000 and 5 years for each offense for "willful oppression under color >of law", "knowingly demands other or greater sums than are authorized by law", >or "attempts to collect... except as expressly authorized by law to do"? > >14. PAYMENT OF TAXES: Does the IRC really say that all funds are to >be collected by the Secretary of the Treasury? If so, why does the IRS instruct >citizens to send the money to the IRS? Why is it deposited into a private bank (the >Federal Reserve) rather than the Treasury? Does this mean that taxes paid do >not go to run the govermnent but rather to enrich a private corporation? Is the >Federal Reserve even Constitutional? > >15. DISCLOSURE OF NON-VOLUNTEERS / CONGRESSIONAL >KNOWLEDGE: Is it true that millions of Americans and many corporations >have dropped out of the Federal Income tax system and are keeping quiet about >it? If so, does Congress know about this? If they do, why don't they just tell us? >After all, they keep saying that the American Public needs a break on Federal >Income Taxes. Why wouldn't someone in Congress just say "Hey, Federal >Income Taxes don't apply to most citizens of the 50 states and never did. We >have all been defrauded by international bankers and your tax money is only >going to enrich these criminals"? > >16. SOVEREIGNTY OF CITIZENS / JURY NULLIFICATION: Is >it true that in Utah, cases for tax evasion are rarely or no longer brought? If so, >is this because the people of Utah understand that Citizens are the Sovereign and >can render verdicts without regard to the stated law? Is the principle of Jury >Nullification valid? Has Jury Nullification not been part of the Common Law >since the Magna Carta? > >17. RECORD KEEPING REQUIREMENTS: Is there any legally binding >record keeping requirement for citizens of the 50 States who are not federal >employees? If so, state the specifics of the requirements. > >18. FILING REQUIREMENTS / AIMS/AMDIS FILES: Describe in full >detail who is required to file a tax return. You can cite the IRC as long as you >make sure to include the meanings for these words in your answer. Can a citizen >of the 50 States rely on U.S. Supreme Court cases like Sullivan, Bishop or Cheek >as they relate to willful failure to file? Is it true that AIMS or AMDIS files on >alleged taxpayers show them to have failed to file taxes covered under the BATF >such as firearms manufacturing, alcohol production, etc. subject to an EXCISE >tax which in the majority of cases have absolutely no basis in fact, nor is there any >reasonable belief on the part of IRS employees of such tax liability? Is it true that >you won't even let victims of this alleged hoax even see their AIMS or AMDIS >files despite requests under the FOIA? Is it true that in at least one "willful >failure to file" case (Gabe Scott of Alaska), the jury was so upset that 10 of the 12 >swore to never file a tax return again and the other 2 said they would continue to >file due to fear of the IRS? Should citizens acting lawfully fear the IRS? Should >citizens acting lawfully fear any branch of government? > >19. PUBLIC PROTECTION / OMB NUMBERS / APPLICABLE >TAX FORMS / "BOOTLEGGED" FORMS: Does 5 USC Chapter III not >include these words: "1320.5 Public Protection. (a) Notwithstanding any other >provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failure to comply >with any information collection request if the request does not display a current >valid OMB control number"? Does Form 1040 have the OMB Number 1545- >0074? Is this number assigned to by the OMB to a form entitled "TREATMENT >OF GAIN FROM DISPOSITION OF CERTAIN NATURAL RESOURCE >CAPTURE PROPERTY"? In the CFR does it not say the applicable form bears >the OMB Number 1545-0067? Does 1545-0067 even exist? Does IRS Pub. 54 >page 13 indicate that the only request form assigned for information gathering is >Form 2555 which has the title "FOREIGN EARNED INCOME"? Can requests >not bearing a current valid OMB number or stating why they bear such number >be ignored by the public as indicated in Congress Administrative News - 1980 >VOL 5 for requests made after December 31, 1981? Is the Form 1040 actually >classified as a "bootlegged form"? In that case what about CFR 601.106(1) >which says "Rule 1. An exaction by the U.S. Government, which is not based >upon law, statutory or otherwise is a taking of property without due process of >law in violation of the fifth amendment to the U.S. Constitution". Does this mean >that NO PERSON is required to comply with IRS rules, etc. because the IRS >forms do not comply with the requirements of law? If not, why not? > >20. TC Codes: What is the meaning of the "TC" codes? Is it true that the TC >code for citizens of the 50 states indicates they are foreigners filing voluntarily? > > Please include in any response to this letter the signature of the person >making the response, specific contact information regarding the signer, their title, >their specific authority level, their physical address where they can be served >during normal business hours, their phone number, etc.. Doing so makes it >impossible for me to adequately respond. Also, please be aware that I will >vigorously defend any classification as a "tax protestor". I want to do what I am >Constitutionally required to do. I just need to know what that is. There is no >intent to argue, protest, delay or evade. I just need to get the facts straight. If I >have filed returns which were not required, I hereby revoke my signature if this >is a lawful action. > > If a response to this letter will take more than 30 days, please let me know >exactly who is handling it, how they can be contacted, etc. and when a response >will be made. > > Thanks for your prompt attention to these matters. Once you have given >me all the information, I will be more than happy to distribute it to tens of >thousands of others who are concerned about these matters. I can be reached at >(770) 641-9042 if you have any questions or need further clarification. I look >forward to hearing from you and getting these matters resolved. > >Sincerely, > > >Terry W. Stough > > >CC: Senator Paul Coverdale > Senator Max Cleland > Congressman Newt Gingrich > ======================================================================== Paul Andrew Mitchell : Counselor at Law, federal witness B.A., Political Science, UCLA; M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine tel: (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night email: [address in tool bar] : using Eudora Pro 3.0.3 on 586 CPU website: http://www.supremelaw.com : visit the Supreme Law Library now ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech, at its best Tucson, Arizona state : state zone, not the federal zone Postal Zone 85719/tdc : USPS delays first class w/o this As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice. We shall not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal. ======================================================================== [This text formatted on-screen in Courier 11, non-proportional spacing.]
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