Time: Fri Aug 22 07:13:13 1997
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Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 07:10:03 -0700
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: C-NEWS: Perspectives column from Aug. 20th isse of Wednesday
  on the Web (fwd)

>Perspectives Column from August 20 issue of Wednesday on the Web
>By Phil Brennan
> This week's edition of the Weekly Standard features the musings of a
>whole gaggle of conservatives commenting on just what philosophical
>positions members of the right wing of American politics should clasp
>to their bosoms.
>I haven't read the issue so I don't have any idea what my fellow
>Neanderthals think is important. But it seems to me that it should be
>pretty clear where we should make our stand because it's where we have
>always stood: to conserve those values that underlie the foundations
>of this republic.
>That means unwavering support of the Constitution which as Kim
>Weissman has pointed out, is badly in need of champions. It means
>insisting that the Constitution means precisely what it says, not what
>a bunch of wooly-headed liberal wackos would like it to say.
>It means insisting that the federal government must abide by the
>constitutional mandate that the powers not enumerated in the
>Consititution are forever reserved to the several states, and not
>subject to revision at the whim and caprice of Congress, or the
>Executive or Judicial branches. It means recognizing that there is
>only one entity that has the force and power to threaten our lives,
>liberty and treasure: government. It means recognizing that this is
>what motivated the founding fathers to produce a document that bound
>government in the fetters of constitutional law.
>It means demanding that the three branches of government understand
>that they are co-equal and that the health of this Republic depends on
>the prevention of any one of those branches impinging upon the powers
>of the other two branches or asserting supremacy over them.
>It means refusing to allow the government to assert powers over the
>citizenry not specifically granted it by the Consititution.
>It means insisting that any relaxation of the strictures imposed on
>government by the Constitution be achieved only by the amendment
>process and not merely by legislation or judicial or executive fiat
>(one thinks of the Second Amendment and the absolute right of the
>citizens to bear arms as a case in point -- if you don't like it,
>amend it, period).
>It means resisting any attempts to deny the right to life guaranteed
>by the Constitution by such subterfuges as the Supreme Court's
>assertion that an unborn human is not human and therefor is not
>entitled to the protection of the law.
>It means resisting the temptation to engage in class warfare, thereby
>denying a segment of the population the right to equal treatment under
>the law.
>The Constitution of the United States was meant to be a navagation
>chart by which the ship of state was to be guided safely through the
>uncharted waters of time and circumstance. Ignore it and the nation
>can only sail aimlessly through alien seas, lost forever in a fog of
>confusion and uncertainty.
>On the practical side, it means getting rid of the present inequitable
>and tyrannical system of federal taxation and replacing it with a
>system that guarantees equal treatment for all -- a national sales tax
>-- and it means abolishing the Internal Revenue Service -- an
>organization that has routinely violated the rights of the citizenry
>guaranteed by the Constitution.
>It means resisting all attempts to repeal natural law in the name of a
>sham equality that demands that the differences between the sexes be
>ignored regardless of the consequences. And that's just the beginning.
> Also on this week's issue of Wednesday on the Web: Part 8, Global
>Warming or Globaloney: The Forgotten Case for Global Cooling. In this
>concluding part, the cause of the new El Nino threatening vast
>devastation this year is explained; if you're suffering from kidney
>stones you need to read Julia Busch's Beating the Clock Column -- she
>has an answer for beating that excruciating disorder; Kim Weissman
>uncovers a very scary UN document in part one of an explosive expose
>of what the globalists have in store for us;Malcolm Wallop on global
>warming as an alibi to socialize the world's economy; 10 signs of the
>death of culture and lots of other really informative reports. Check
>us out at
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>UNSUBSCRIBE C-NEWS to unsubscribe, to majordomo@world.std.com. Contact
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Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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