Time: Fri Aug 22 11:58:52 1997
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Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 11:28:07 -0700
To: libnw@circuit.com
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: SNET: SLF: "Missing" children photos at IRS office

->  SearchNet's   SNETNEWS   Mailing List

Fernie  et al.,

If you will kindly share a fax number with me,
I will fax to you a copy of our NOTICE OF INTENT
for the deaths of those Waco children.

There were no death warrants for those children,
because we justly do not execute children in America,

So, we plan to submit a proper FOIA request for
their death warrants, which we KNOW do not exist.
This is political action entirely warranted by
the Petition Clause of the First Amendment.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 08:37 AM 8/22/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Howdy all, Fernie here, I hope no one cuts this post up and turns it around.
>I would suggest that you get pictures of the children killed at WACO and
>post them in the IRS office as well, only use just the caption: "  KILLED AT
>WACO " and let it go at that.
>At 08:49 PM 8/21/97 -0700, you wrote:
>>>It was not a good day for the conspiracy
>>>in Tucson, my friend.  I hand-delivered the
>>>criminal complaint to DOJ and to the Arizona
>>>AG's office.  As I headed back towards
>>>my car from the AG's office, I had to 
>>>walk right in front of the IRS office.
>>>So, since I had an envelope for one of
>>>the accused already in my briefcase, 
>>>rather than mail it, I hand-delivered it
>>>to their public counter.
>>>Metal detectors are always fun for me,
>>>because the metal support in these shoes
>>>I got, as a gift, always sets off the
>>>court metal detector.  So, I use it as a
>>>chance to joke with the guard, and 
>>>take bets whether or not the shoes
>>>will give me away, once again.  This 
>>>time, however, their detector did not
>>>pick up the shoes, even though the
>>>Superior Court detector does so 
>>>every time.  Does this say anything,
>>>or not?  Probably not.  Read on:
>>>After clearing the X-ray machine and
>>>putting my buckle back on, a free standing
>>>marquee caught my attention:  it had the
>>>photos of 7 or 8 young children, ages
>>>5 to 8, or so.  Each had been photographed
>>>like a WANTED poster, and each had the
>>>words "MISSING" over their heads.  Each child
>>>a unique beauty, now gone, probably forever.
>>>After what you told me, I grew steadily
>>>more angry.  Here, in the downtown federal
>>>building in Tucson, they have the gall to
>>>make it look like they do care so much [sic]
>>>for the children.  But, of course, it is
>>>all a big deception, like the IRS itself.
>>>These photos were proof positive to me
>>>that there were people in that building
>>>who knew full well what had likely happened 
>>>to those little people.  
>>>"What will you give for a nice new liver
>>>donation?  $50,000?  How about $75,000?
>>>We will be happy to lien on your life
>>>insurance, or your stock portfolio.
>>>You get the money, and we'll get the
>>>organ.  When do you need it?"
>>>Or something like that ...
>>>I went from there, to the Post Office,
>>>where all the counter clerks know me
>>>very well by now.  I went to the far
>>>end, where smiling Rosie was working
>>>today.  She always asks what's going on,
>>>so I told her.  This cold, clammy look
>>>came over her normally bright face, and 
>>>then I began to weep, dropping my head into
>>>my hands, as I told her the conspiracy is
>>>harvesting healthy organs from kidnapped 
>>>children, right after killing them.
>>>Rosie let me stand there, as the rest
>>>of the Post Office became suddenly 
>>>quiet and still, as I shed my tears, out loud,
>>>onto her clean and well ordered counter.
>>>We fumbled together with stamps and money
>>>orders and envelopes and receipts and did
>>>absolutely everything wrong.
>>>I even went out the "in", and heard Rick's
>>>voice reminding me about the other door.  
>>>He was the only one saying anything, at that 
>>>particular moment.
>>>It was not a good day for the conspiracy.
>>>/s/ Paul Mitchell
>>>At 07:09 PM 8/21/97 -0400, you wrote:
>>>>The Attorney stated that any more letters to the Publisher would be
>>>>taken as Harassment, but what about the News Desk of the competition?
>>>>Think they would love to hear about a scam or patent attorney kick some
>>>>poor teacher around, because he signed his letters with Arizona Republic?
>>>>How asinine!
>>>>Just moving a little slow on this today, that's all. My nature is to jump
>>>>into the ring and kick ass, but I guess I am maturing, or something.
>>>>I WILL do anything I can, to help you, Paul!
>>>>I agreed to call him, but I want to be sure of my tenor and statement;
>>>>perhaps a letter from me, the "Federal Witness," would carry more weight,
>>>>but of course then they have a piece of evidence too?  What do you
>>Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
>>B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine
>>tel:     (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night
>>email:   [address in tool bar]       : using Eudora Pro 3.0.3 on 586 CPU
>>website: http://www.supremelaw.com   : visit the Supreme Law Library now
>>ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech,  at its best
>>             Tucson, Arizona state   : state zone,  not the federal zone
>>             Postal Zone 85719/tdc   : USPS delays first class  w/o this
>>As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice.  We shall
>>not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal.
>>[This text formatted on-screen in Courier 11, non-proportional spacing.]
>>LIBERTY NORTHWEST CONFERENCE  Fidonet 1:346/16 (208) 267-9851
>>"The only libertarian-oriented political discussion conference on 
>>the Fidonet Backbone..."  SysOps AREAFIX: LIB_NW
>>Visit Liberty Northwest on the Web: http://www.saldivar.com/lib_nw/
>>Subscribe: libnw-on@circuit.com -- Unsubscribe: libnw-off@circuit.com
>>...Liberty is never an option... only a condition to be lost
>LIBERTY NORTHWEST CONFERENCE  Fidonet 1:346/16 (208) 267-9851
>"The only libertarian-oriented political discussion conference on 
>the Fidonet Backbone..."  SysOps AREAFIX: LIB_NW
>Visit Liberty Northwest on the Web: http://www.saldivar.com/lib_nw/
>Subscribe: libnw-on@circuit.com -- Unsubscribe: libnw-off@circuit.com
>...Liberty is never an option... only a condition to be lost

Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

tel:     (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night
email:   [address in tool bar]       : using Eudora Pro 3.0.3 on 586 CPU
website: http://www.supremelaw.com   : visit the Supreme Law Library now
ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech,  at its best
             Tucson, Arizona state   : state zone,  not the federal zone
             Postal Zone 85719/tdc   : USPS delays first class  w/o this

As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice.  We shall
not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal.
[This text formatted on-screen in Courier 11, non-proportional spacing.]

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->  Posted by: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]


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