Time: Fri Sep 05 20:07:03 1997
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Date: Fri, 05 Sep 1997 20:03:52 -0700
To: "Frank W. Stamos" <stamos@mindsync.com>
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: NT biblical exegesis

Dear Frank,

Please find the time to share more and 
more of your biblical exegesis with us,
Frank.  You can do this from your mind,
without needing to go into too many
citations.  Please, make time to share
with us, okay?

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 07:57 PM 9/5/97 -0600, you wrote:
>Dear Paul,
>Your kind words are much appreciated, thank you.  This will be a quick note
>as tonight, Saturday and Sunday we are having our Greek Food Festival at
>the church and I do the tours.  When I point out the Icon of Christ in the
>dome (Pantocrater-Ruler of the universe) I will have a special thought for
>you during this week-end as that Icon, with Our Lord God Savior Jesus
>Christ holding the "Book of Life" has meant so much to you and I might add
>to myself as well.
>Yes, the dialog concerning the language of the new testament that you sent
>me is obviously without the facts or a study of the actual texts.  I will
>write to them later but do not have time just now.  The subject is actually
>a complex one as we must understand the culture of the time, for 300 years
>after our Lord's Ascension there was terrible persecution of Christians at
>the hands of Roman Emperor's from Nero to Diocletian and Christians were
>underground until Constantines rise to power.  Jesus and His disciples
>spoke Aramaic and not Hebrew, on the Cross Jesus cried with a loud voice,
>"Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani" which is Aramaic.  One must also remember that
>Gutenberg didn't invent the printing press until the 15th Century, it was
>about that time that Bible translations really began.  Except for St Jerome
>who finished the Latin Vulgate in the early 5th Century.
>Much of the New Testament, however, was written in Greek; the Gospel of St
>Luke and his Act's of the Apostles as well as St Paul's Epistles to the
>Churches were originally written in Greek as well as the Apocalypse.  The
>Greek language in Church history continued to be prominent due to the
>influence of the Byzantine empire which hosted the 7 Councils.
>Wow, I said this would be a short one.  Have a tour in 35 minutes, must
>run.  God Bless you.

Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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