Time: Tue Sep 09 16:45:36 1997
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Date: Tue, 09 Sep 1997 16:42:36 -0700
To: snetnews@world.std.com
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Diane & car headlights into the air?

"Car headlights into the air"?

A Mercedes Benz weighs about 2 tons (4,000+ lbs.).
A motorcycle, even a large one, is no match for
such a huge momentum.  The 2 tons would vault a
motorcycle into the air, but the motorcycle would
not vault the Benz into the air.  Are you sure the
"headlights into the air" were not the motorcycle's?

I am only speaking about the physics here, okay?

I would not be surprised if the car was closer to
3 tons, with the extra equipment it was carrying,
plus 4 adults:  4 x 175 = 700 lbs. (+/-) extra weight,
to add to the momentum.

What usually happens when big cars strike smaller 
moving objects, like walking pedestrians, bicycles,
strollers, motorcycles, and such, is that the smaller
objects get accelerated away from the car, as they
recoil, like a billiard ball which has just been struck
by a fast moving cue ball.  The momentum of the car is
imparted to the smaller object, at the point of impact.

So, my "theory" on what you are reporting here is that
one of the motorcycles was struck and IT vaulted into the
air.  But, where is that motorcycle now?  If this did
happen, then French police must be hiding it.  If the
car ran over it, that event could have severed a brake line,
damaged the car's suspension, all sorts of things.

This is beginning to look more and more like murder one.

Was Diana pregnant, by any chance?  If so, then it was a 
quadruple homicide.  That would also explain the lack
of autopsy results for Diana.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 06:29 PM 9/9/97 -0400, you wrote:
>->  SearchNet's   SNETNEWS   Mailing List
>   There was one very unusual thing the French fellow that saw the car just
>before it hit said he saw: 1. the motor cycles all over the car, 2. the
>flash,  3. then swerving,  4.  then the cars headlights went into the air,
>and 5. then it hit.   This sure sounds like the car ran over
>something------maybe a motorcycle-----and maybe they removed that?????  Maybe
>this explains why no one was helping the car occupants---the motorcycles
> were mad about the car hitting one of them or something they threw and they
>were cleaning up the mess.
>   The cars headlights into the air on a flat road is a bit unusual.
>-> Send "subscribe   snetnews " to majordomo@world.std.com
>->  Posted by: Magnu96196@aol.com

Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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