Time: Wed Sep 10 10:21:50 1997
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Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 10:20:02 -0700
To: liberty-and-justice@pobox.com
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: L&J: Oopsie! Albert Knew It Was Hard

Duuuuuuh!  My left hand gave it to my right hand
(I think), but what my right hand did with it
aftuh that, I just can't remembuh 8-).

Gosh and golly, evvy won.  Don't be mean to me.
I'm trying to be President of Vice here, and
you guys are not playing fair.

I want my sand bucket back!!

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 11:46 AM 9/10/97 -0500, you wrote:
>This headline is a hoot:  The article itself provides
>evidence that The Stupidest Man In The World did in
>fact know the money was going into hard accounts.
>DNC lawyer says Gore not aware of what happened to donations he solicited
>Associated Press, 09/10/97 11:58
>WASHINGTON (AP) - Around the time he was making fund-raising calls from
>the White House last year, Vice President Al Gore was advised that some
>of the donations would likely be treated as ``hard money,'' memos
>released today show.
>Such ``hard money'' donations are covered by federal laws prohibiting
>fund-raising solicitations on federal property, and Senate Republicans
>introduced the documents in an effort to undercut Gore's claim his calls
>did not violate federal law.
>The disclosure could also impact ongoing deliberations at the Justice
>Department about whether to appoint an independent counsel to
>investigate Gore's calls.
>The information was contained in memos from the Democratic Party
>outlining plans for how donations being solicited for media buys would
>be allocated by the party. It was forwarded to Gore and President
>Clinton in February 1996 by then-White House deputy chief of staff
>Harold Ickes, the documents show.
>One memo from Feb. 21, 1996, addressed to Ickes, said, ``Federal money
>is the first $20,000 given by an individual ($40,000 from a married
>couple). Any amount over this $20,000 amount from an individual is
>considered non-federal individual.''
>Ickes attached the document to a cover memo to Clinton and Gore that
>said: ``The media buys each week require the following mix of money...
>'' It then gave a breakdown of how the money would be allocated.
>The Governmental Affairs Committee, investigating campaign fund-raising
>abuse, showed the memos to Joseph E. Sandler, general counsel of the
>DNC, during tetsimony today.
>Sandler explained, ``If a single check was received from a donor in
>excess of federal limits, our procedure was to deposit the entire amount
>in the federal (hard money) account, and transferr the excess to the
>non-federal (soft money) account.''
>The committee also released excerpts of deposition testimony from Gore's
>executive assistant, Heather Marabeti, who said Ickes' memos ``were the
>type of memos that stayed in (Gore's) inbox.''
>Other memos were written in June and July 1996.
>Sandler had testified earlier that Gore ```would have no reason
>whatsoever to be aware the DNC - after the fact and without the vice
>president's knowledge'' deposited money into the hard money accounts.
>The distinction between so-called hard money or federal donations and
>soft money or nonfederal donations is usually a technical question for
>But it has become one of political importance for Gore in recent weeks
>as the Justice Department must decide whether Gore's calls should prompt
>appointment of a special prosecutor.
>Originally, the Justice Department said calls from the White House might
>not be illegal if Gore raised soft money. But the disclosure that some
>of Gore's call resulted in hard money donations has prompted a new look
>at the issue.
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Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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