Time: Tue Sep 16 05:28:44 1997
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Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 17:57:50 -0700
To: snetnews@world.std.com
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: SNET: Sky Cities and Space Balloons.

->  SearchNet's   SNETNEWS   Mailing List

... without such politeness and civility ......
we have ... government agents.

Who else would tolerate Janet Reno for a boss?  

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 05:20 PM 9/15/97 -0600, you wrote:
>->  SearchNet's   SNETNEWS   Mailing List
>>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 15:44:33 -0400
>>From: Vik Olliver /NZ <vik@CompuServe.COM>
>>To: BlindCopyReceiver:  ;
>>Subject: SNET: Sky Cities and Space Balloons. (fwd)
>>>Evan Soule', a sensitive and shy representative of Joseph
>>>Newman  inventions has posted to other lists on a Newman Space
>>>Balloon which works on advanced electromagnetic principles vs.
>>>conventional propulsion.
>>We've been through this one. The guy seems to have forgotten that when you
>>get higher, the balloon will have less lift due to the thiner atmosphere.
>>Eventually, the gas outside is less dense than the gas inside and the gas
>>becomes a burden rather than an asset. Unless he can demonstrate his
>>machinery lifting itself at ground level with no helium inside it, its a
>>Vik :v)
>>Over to you Evan. I don't think you are on Artemis but you are on
>>Snetnews so maybe you can explain your "Electromagnetic Space Balloon"
>>before experts. Frankly I don't think it will hold up (pun eh?) any more
>>than your free energy machine (it was blown out of the water on USA-Tesla)
>>but I'm all for a fair hearing.
>Dear "FWP",
>Once again you demonstrate what I presume is your ignorance tempered by
>your intellectual dishonesty.  Joseph Newman has never termed his system a
>"free energy machine" --- your characterization of same is indicative of
>how little you understand the technology.  Rather than endeavor to try to
>sincerely learn and understand something, your modus operandi has been to
>initiate hostility, attack, ridicule, and sarcasm.  If your negative
>mentality is any indication of the type of people destined for "False
>Creek" (your "New Cities" 'project'), then the name of that location would
>be most apropos.
>Also, you must have been on a different USA-Tesla list from the one with
>which I'm familiar.  Judging from the positive comments from those with
>whom I've privately communicated via the USA-Tesla List, there has been
>sincere interest in understanding the technology, despite the negative
>ridicule and hostility engendered by your own posts and those of several
>I will add that your statement above, "I'm all for a fair hearing" is sadly
>mistaken at best and hypocritical at worst.  Judging from your continued,
>initiated, negative antics and hostility you are quite the opposite of
>someone who is truly intellectually honest and values "fair hearings."
>Regarding the ELD (Electromagnetic Lift Device) and the comments of "Vik"
>above:  Joseph Newman has developed a system to accommodate the changing
>relative gas densities between the interior of the Device and external
>atmosphere as the Device rises.
>But of course, there are always those who are ready to pass judgement on
>something without understanding it --- the mark of the intellectually
>I'll repeat what I wrote earlier:
>Anyone else who would like to discuss aspects of the ELD technology, may
>directly contact me at my email address.
>Just a personal note and sincere suggestion to everyone else on these Lists:
>One of the obvious advantages of email communication afforded by high
>technology is its immediacy in allowing strangers (as well as friends) to
>communicate.  One of the disadvantages of email communication is its
>"one-dimensional" nature generally devoid of the more subtle connotations
>of inflection and tone which are present in the spoken word.
>If I may suggest:  because of such a "uni-dimensional" nature, it seems all
>the more desirable that we (as hopefully civilized species' members) strive
>for politeness and civility in our communication.... even with those with
>whom we may happen to disagree.
>I realize that maintaining such civility is sometimes difficult with those
>individuals who endeavor to engender hostility and create negativism as a
>result of their own sub-volitional difficulties; however, by their own
>initiated actions (of sarcasm, ridicule, insults, intellectual dishonesty,
>etc.) they have repudiated any claim to the rightness of their position.
>However, without such politeness and civility (hopefully based upon mutual
>respect regardless of whether one agrees or disagrees with another on a
>given issue)......
>we have nothing.
>Very sincerely,
>Evan Soule'
>-> Send "subscribe   snetnews " to majordomo@world.std.com
>->  Posted by: josephnewman@earthlink.net (Evan Soule)

Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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->  Posted by: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]


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