Time: Fri Sep 19 08:34:12 1997
	by primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id HAA22146;
	Fri, 19 Sep 1997 07:52:53 -0700 (MST)
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 10:52:37 -0400
Originator: heritage-l@gate.net
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
To: pmitch@primenet.com
Subject: Re: [USTP] Michael New Update!

Is this case likely to go up to the Supremes,
on a Writ of Certiorari?

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 10:50 PM 9/16/97 -0400, you wrote:
>>Dear Friends of Michael New,
>>You've prayed, you've sent money, you've written letters. You've
>>brought the issue of forcing American soldiers to serve under the
>>United Nations to a "boiling point issue." We've all waited for a
>>long time for action out of Congress - this is it! 
>>Please join Michael New and his father Daniel for their presentation
>>to members of Congress. Howard Phillips will be presiding over the
>>event. Additional speakers include Herb Titus, Michael Farris,
>>Congressman Roscoe Bartlett, and others. 
>>1. Call your Congressman and both Senators at 800-522-6721.
>>Politely request that they attend the Legal and Legislative Update
>>Which will be provided to them in the Cannon Caucus Room #345
>>At 12:30 pm on Friday September 26, 1997
>>Michael New and his attorneys will be there, telling them how
>>Congress holds the key to solving this problem.
>>Ask them to co-sponsor a "Sense of Congress" Resolution which will be
>>presented that day. 
>>2. Join us if you can for the Oral Arguments phase of Michael's case.
>>U.S. Court of Appeals.
>>333 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington DC
>>9:30-10:30 am, Friday September 26, 1997
>>Michael and his family are hopeful that you and your friends will be
>>able to attend. 
>>3. Please remember Michael, his father Daniel and his entire family
>>in prayer, both for safety in travel and a clear presentation of
>>their case before the court and Congress. 
>>And please forward this email across the Internet and the USA to ALL 
>>who may be interested. 
>>For the Cause, Linda
>>"To a very great degree, the people who fund the Republican
>>party, the people who sit in its high councils, are people
>>who profit from the internationalization of decision making
>>and from the decline of the United States as an independent
>>nation state."
>>"Congress has disobeyed its duty under the Constitution to
>>exercise all legislative authority. Congress instead has
>>delegated policy setting to regulatory agencies, to the UN,
>>to other institutions of the NWO, to the Federal Reserve,
>>to the judiciary, to the civil service, to the non-profit
>>sector, and to presidents, who have been permitted to govern
>>by Executive Order."
>>-- Howard Phillips - June 25, 1997 
>>Fight the Fingerprint! http://www.networkusa.org/fingerprint.shtml
>>US Taxpayers Party  http://www.ustaxpayers.org  
>>450 Maple Avenue East, Vienna, VA 22180 1-800-2-VETO-IRS  
>>Buchanan Brigade Internet Headquarters http://www.buchanan.org  
>>Network USA - Fight Vote Fraud!! http://www.networkusa.org   
>>Un-Official News and Opinion from Linda Muller- linda@networkusa.org
>>P.O. Box 13078, Huntsville, AL 35802
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Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice.  We shall
not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal.
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