Time: Fri Sep 19 09:41:25 1997
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Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 09:33:21 -0700
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: SNET: SLS: brownies, milk and blood pH  (fwd with comments)

->  SearchNet's   SNETNEWS   Mailing List

A sufficient quantity of cow's milk shifts
the blood pH into the acidic range, and the
body compensates by dissolving calcium,
usually from essential bone structures.

In the short run, this compensation balances
blood pH by introducing an alkaline.

The long-term result of excessive milk 
consumption by adults is osteoporosis --
quite the opposite of what the milk industry

It is best to wean adults entirely of milk
and milk by-products, and to substitute
instead large quantities of green leafy
vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower.

Plenty of non-diary milk substitutes are also
available, such as those derived from soy,
peanuts, and other legumes.

Adults should also supplement their diets with
calcium and other minerals, readily available
over the counter.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 11:23 AM 9/19/97 -0500, you wrote:
>------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
>Date:          Fri, 19 Sep 1997 08:27:24 -0500
>From:          Daily Outrage! <moderator@dailyoutrage.com>
>Subject:       Friday's Outrage:  THE BROWNIE TAX!  
>                       The Daily Outrage!
>                    ************************
>                 <http://www.DailyOutrage.com/>
>Friday, September 19, 1997
>                      THE BROWNIE TAX!
>We've all heard about the ongoing battle of lawyers and plaintiffs to hold
>the tobacco industry responsible for a wide variety of health ills.  
>That's just the beginning.  In a society where the concept of individual
>responsibility has been under attack for quite some time, there is almost
>no action that can't be blamed on others.  
>Take your daily diet.  Do you like milk?  Norman Mayo does.  He drinks lots
>of it.  So much that he thinks milk was responsible for his recent stroke. 
>So, like any good modern-day American, Mayo decided to file suit.  His
>targets?  Safeway Supermarkets and the Dairy Farmers of America.  Said
>Mayo, "...milk is just as dangerous as tobacco."  
>Of course any good movement requires an intellectual vanguard, and Yale
>University is here to provide it.  Two Yale University researchers recently
>attacked the food industry for providing food "...high in fat, high in
>calories, delicious, widely available and low in cost." We're not joking --
>Kelly Brownell, director of Yale's Center For Eating and Weight Disorders,
>actually said this.  
>We can only assume that Ms. Brownell would prefer that Americans eat a
>steady diet of nasty tasting, expensive, and hard-to-find food.  If we
>couldn't afford to eat, can't find food, and don't like the taste, we'd all
>be bound to shed a few pounds.  True enough.  
>We had always thought that producing food that tasted good, was affordable,
>and widely available was one of the great achievements of modern society. 
>But we're pretty naive.  
>Ms. Brownell has an innovative solution: A fat tax.  Foods that contribute
>to obesity would be subject to special taxes.  This notion is not as
>far-fetched as it might seem.  There are already a host of "sin taxes"
>which supposedly discourage consumption of alcohol and cigarettes.  A sin
>tax on brownies and chocolate chip cookies could be just around the corner.
>Here at the Daily Outrage we normally have a breakfast of steak and eggs
>after we finish the morning update.  But we're about to make a change. 
>We're going to add a dessert of milk and brownies to our morning repast. 
>Get it while you can.  
>Read more about today's Outrage in the Townhall story.
>If you are outraged at not being able to access this story, then try
>accessing it from <http://www.dailyoutrage.com>.
>Read more about the tobacco industry and various tobacco lawsuits:  
>"Feds Pay a House Call"
>"The Billion Dollar Fee"
>"Addicted to Stupidity"
>                     ************************
>                         Quote of the Day
>A detachable burden easily shifted to the shoulders of God, Fate, Fortune,
>Luck or one's neighbor. In the days of astrology it was customary to unload
>it upon a star. 
>-- The definition of responsibility according to Ambrose Bierce, "The
>Devil's Dictionary," 1911.
>                     ************************
>If you have any comments about today's Daily Outrage, or if you want to
>hurl vituperative insults at us (expletive-free insults, that is), then
>please post them in the new RAGEBACK area on our web site.  
>Read Comments about This Outrage:
>Post Your Own Comments about This Outrage:
>If you're not getting your own Outrage every day, or if you have any other 
>questions or concerns regarding the Daily Outrage mailing, please write to
>Thanks for listening, and stay outraged!
>Copyright 1997, The Daily Outrage is produced by Struan Communications. 
>rights reserved.
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>     majordomo@majordomo.pobox.com
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Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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->  Posted by: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]


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