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Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 16:07:12 -0400
From: Gun Owners of America <goamail@gunowners.org>
To: goamail@gunowners.org
Subject: GOA Alert-- Federal 09/19/97
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           Sen. Hatch's "Juvenile Crime" Bill Still a Problem

                    by Gun Owners of America
      8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA  22151,
             (703)321-8585, http://www.gunowners.org
                  (Friday, September 19, 1997)

     ACTION:  Let your Senators know that S. 10 still has major
problems with it!  Call the Capitol at 1-800-522-6721.  You can also
send a Western Union mailgram (1-800-651-1486) to both Senators for
only $7.95.  The preprinted messages give Senators several real-life
scenarios where S. 10 will victimize honest gun owners.

     ANALYSIS:   Despite some minor changes, the "new" S. 10 is
unconstitutional and still victimizes honest gun owners by
dramatically increasing existing penalties for many insignificant,
technical violations. Consider the following scenarios:

     1.  Three guys from work regularly get together with their
     families (and children) for safety training and an informal
     target shooting competition.  Although the teenagers are under
     continuous parental supervision, the teenagers do not possess
     and keep in their possession at all times a written note from
     the parents authorizing them to possess a handgun during these
     bimonthly events (required by 18 U.S.C. 922 (x)).  Could the
     parents be treated as "criminal street gangs" under this bill
     and be hit with a MANDATORY MINIMUM sentence of 5 years in
     jail? (Section 203 of S. 10.)

      S.10 (Old) YES   S.10 (New) YES

     2.  If a parent takes his sons to handgun target practice on a
     particular day, without the note of authorization (as mentioned
     above), could S. 10 treat the parent as an organized crime
     figure and impose a draconian sentence of 20 years upon him for
     this one time event? (Sec. 206 of S. 10.)

      S.10 (Old) YES   S.10 (New) YES

     3.  You drive downtown and back, passing within 1,000 feet of a
     school in both instances, carrying a gun in your glove
     compartment for self-protection.  Can you be sent to prison for
     20 years? (Section 206 of S.10.)

      S.10 (Old) YES   S.10 (New) YES

     4.  Five adult men often go hunting together, and like to
     tinker with their rifles. One afternoon, they put a folding
     stock on one of their rifles, to make it easier to carry in the
     field. Another day, they put a muzzle brake on the rifle, to
     make the follow-up shot more accurate.  Can they be hit with a
     MANDATORY MINIMUM sentence of 5 years? (Section 203 of S. 10.)

      S. 10 (Old) YES   S. 10 (New) YES

     5.  You own one of the largest firearms businesses in the
     country for the purchase and resale of used firearms.  Unknown
     to you, two of the firearms in your enormous inventory are
     stolen.  A court subsequently determines you should have
     conducted extensive background checks with respect to each
     firearm you purchased.  Can you be sent to prison for 20 years?
     (Sec. 206 of S. 10.)

      S.10 (Old) YES   S. 10 (New) YES

     6.  Your neighbor, who is being stalked by her violent
     ex-husband, asks you -- a gun dealer -- to sell her a handgun
     without complying with the Brady Bill harassment period.  You
     agree, but, as you are walking back to obtain a blank Form
     4473, you think better of it, and refuse to sell her the gun.
     Could you be imprisoned for the same prison sentence as if you
     had actually sold the gun?  (Biden Amendment in Committee.)

      S. 10 (Old) NO   S. 10 (New) YES

     7.  You are found guilty of possessing an illegal machine-gun
     collection, having negligently made a minor misstatement under
     the 1934 Act.  Is a court REQUIRED to order you to forfeit your
     collection to the government, rather than being able to sell
     them to a neighbor?  (Biden Amendment in Committee.)

      S. 10 (Old) NO   S. 10 (New) YES

     8.  If you are a firearms manufacturer or dealer who commits
     more than one paperwork error, could you be treated like a
     Mafia hitman in the case of virtually all recordkeeping
     violations? (Section 206 of S. 10.)

      S. 10 (Old) YES   S. 10 (New) NO

     9.  As a firearms dealer, you make two careless recordkeeping
     errors. Can Handgun Control sue you and force you to forfeit
     your business? (Sec. 206 of S. 10.)

      S. 10 (Old) YES   S. 10 (New) NO


Use this quote in your faxes and e-mails:

     "While Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) . . . has made some changes to
S-10, there are other provisions which are of concern to
gunowners....  S-10, which was reported out of the Judiciary
Committee by a 12-6 vote, would impose a 20-year sentence for minor
mistakes involving semi-automatics, school zones and supervised
handgun use by young people."

               -- The New Gun Week (August 20, 1997)

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