Time: Sat Sep 20 19:24:04 1997
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From: SErtelt@aol.com
Date: Sat, 20 Sep 1997 21:08:47 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <970920205853_-229905111@emout15.mail.aol.com>
To: SErtelt@aol.com
Subject: CAMPEL-L:  White House 2000 update

Forwarded message:
Subj:    Re: CAMPEL-L:  White House 2000 update
Date:    97-09-20 18:10:03 EDT
From:    DeValera77
To:      SErtelt

In a message dated 97-09-20 11:38:35 EDT, SErtelt writes:

<< He sounded like a Republican. Suggested in a liberal way that the income
gap was too far apart but suggested expanded tax free IRAs as the way to
solve the problem, instead of taxation and redistribution.
 Gee, anyone want to support Kerry for President? :->  >>

Well no, considering how Dole was too "liberal" for me, but I must admit that
I do think Kerrey would be about the best candidate the Democrats could
field, not only for the country, but for themselves.  Kerrey would have a lot
of potential appeal among moderate-to-"liberal" suburban Republican types, as
well as independents and would probably be a virtually unstopable juggernaut
in the general election.  The only question is, can a man like Kerrey, who
wishes to be be fiscally responsible and do something pro-active to prevent
Social Security and Medicare from going bankrupt (such as means testing)
actually get through the "liberal" filter of the Democratic Party's
presidential primaries?  I'm skeptical.  Its one thing to pose as a New
Democrat while winking at the "liberals" ala Clinton & Gore, its quite
another to actually BE a New Democrat.

I suspect that the naton may be moving into a phase (albeit probably not as
long of one) that is the reverse of what we saw in the post-Truman years, ie.
Republicans tend to get the White House and Demos tend to get the Congress.
 Since I believe my party is liable to lose in 2000 anyway (but virtually
assured of holding both houses of Congress until at least 2004), I can't help
but wish Kerrey a certain degree of luck.


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