Time: Sun Sep 21 20:08:51 1997
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Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 20:07:46 -0700
To: <ignition-point@pobox.com>
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: IP: (Do) All Multicultural Nations Slip Into Moral, Social,
  Economic decay?

"Give me your tired, your poor,
 your huddled masses, yearning
 to breathe free."

                 Emma Lazarus

How quickly we forget!

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 01:40 PM 9/1/97 -0700, you wrote:
>All Multicultural Nations Slip Into Moral, Social, Economic decay
>In 1984, George Orwell predicted we were 
>"moving into an age of totalitarian dictatorships."
>How right he was.
>By Louis Beam
>>From the Spotlight
>August 18, 1997
>	No nation is born multicultured.  Multiculturalism is an unnatural as
well as unhealthy condition that can only afflict states in national
decline.  A multicultural state carries in its genes the seeds of certain
national destruction.
>	All multicultural nations must be in a state of political, moral,
economic and social decay.  Greed and corruption will characterize the
government coupled with oppressive measures directed against citizens.
Lies and deceit will be stock and trade of me
>dia, politicians and educational institutions.  Such are the bellwethers
of a multiculturalist advent.
>	In modern times multiculturalism is instituted from the top down as an
elitist ruling-class tool used to play one or more racial or ethnic groups
against another.  The ensuing cultural melee serves the political designs,
economic goals and power needs of
> elitist rulers and their sponsors.
>	This technique was developed by Marxist ideologues who used
multiculturalism in Russia to divide and conquer resistance to the
institution of a communist state.  The end result of their successful
takeover was the murder of 30 million humans in the Sovie
>t Union alone; many more elsewhere.
>	The same internationalist cabals that sponsored Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin
as the multicultural leaders of the Soviet state from their banking houses
in New York similarly sponsor the multicultural leaders of the United
States, Canada and Europe today.
>	An interlocking network of foundations such as Ford and Carnegie,
international banking empires such as Rockefeller and Rothschild, and
government agencies firmly in their control work in tandem with controlled
propaganda outlets such as the New York Tim
>es, CBS, and Hollywood, to promote, foster and institute multiculturalism
>	While the examples used in this essay deal primarily with the United
States, the same process with the same methods is being employed elsewhere.
 This is prima facie evidence of a cabal which promotes multiculturalism as
a tool to achieve its objectives.
>	Multiculturalism is being used as a hammer to forge the compliant people
who will compose the obedient states of the New World Order.  As a weapon
of post modern political warfare, multiculturalism has few equals, which
thus explains its use currently ag
>ainst all of Western Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New
>	Deliberate fragmentation of these nations and the resultant loss of
national identity and purpose into politically disharmonious units is a
requirement of world government.  
>	And who will compose that world government? A ruling class consisting of
an "economic hierarchy" that replaces the philosophy of the nineteenth
century "natural hierarchy." A force that views countries and the people
who live in them first as economic ta
>rgets to be exploited, and second as military targets to be defeated if
they resist.
>	One must not let himself be confused by the window dressing of willing
dupes from the left who are most often, but not always, seen as the
spokesmen for the glories of multiculturalism.
>	Liberal supporters of multiculturalism amount to nothing more than
opportunistic parasites riding on the back of a social fungus attacking the
body politic.  While some incoherent liberals have been spokesmen for
multiculturalism, they should not be view
>ed as representing other main stream liberals any more so than so-called
conservatives like Bob Dole and Newt Gingrich speak for constitutionalists
and populists.
>	The real stimulus, unseen elitists who promote multiculturalism as a tool
of warfare, are themselves anything but liberal, progressive, or
democratic.  Rather they are global social tyrants who seek more power,
more wealth, and more control over people. 
> They could not care less what the politics are of those they seek to rule.
>	Elitist schemers envision a dictatorial world government composed of
forcibly federated states, which, properly speaking, are police states
without borders.
>	The United Nations will serve as the storehouse front and public face of
those who from behind the scenes manipulate world events.
>	Economically envisioned is a global workers plantation overseen by
transnational corporations who have no more concern for the human rights of
those who produce their products or services than Stalin did for his
miserable workers.  Vassal states are to p
>roduce goods and insure compliance of their subjects by defining all
opposition to the borderless police state as terrorism.  Thus will be the
good times.  In bad times, when elitist multinational corporations are
unable to maintain control, the armed mig
>ht of NATO will be used to enforce obedience by non-compliant geographical
>	Those who imagine the United Nations as a military threat are naive or
deliberately mislead.  Global elitists would never trust the UN with an
army other than one on loan.  Because of the UN's diversity there is too
great a potential for some member stat
>es taking as serious elitist propaganda of "democratic" rule and
"equality" then using any military that might exist without elitist sanction.
>	NATO, on the other hand, is controlled by the United States government,
which is the chief force behind the establishment of the New World Order.
It is, and will remain in the foreseeable future, the army of choice for
insuring compliance.  A quick chan
>ge of hat from green to blue will make NATO troops "UN Forces" when such
need is sanctioned by elitists.
>	Just as television commercials are run by those who will profit from
their airing, multiculturalism is fostered upon a country by its sponsors
who intend to benefit from its acceptance. 
>	The anti-thesis of multiculturalism is moral, religious, and cultural
solidarity among the people of a nation.  Belief in one's self and the
ultimate good of his people.  A cohesiveness that produces a national
vision, with set boundaries of acceptabilit
>y and unacceptability in the affairs of a nation, while allowing for the
natural differences in men.  Multiculturalism as a tool of warfare becomes
impotent and rejected in such an environment.
>	A necessary first step toward recovery is to look at politics, social
policy and government emanating from Washington D.C. with new eyes,
unclouded by a lifetime of false information and deception propagated by
elitist sponsors.
>	Pretending any longer that the bought-and-paid-for political prostitutes
in Washington D.C. represent you or anyone you know is tantamount to
cutting your own wrist with a razor blade.  Self-destructive behavior may
qualify one for government "protected 
>class status" under diversity laws, but it will not save you, your family
or your nation.
>	America, Canada and most of Europe are ruled by politicians about whom
the best that can be said is that they are men of ill repute, each out to
loot the state.  One thing is clear, the American ruling elite of today is
far closer in ideological viewpoin
>t to world government ruled by a privileged few than it is to the world of
the American Revolution or the Constitutional Convention of 1789.
>	Yet still, the spirit of 1776 lives on in this land.  For once again
rebellion to tyrants in obedience to God is afoot.  Listen closely and in
the distance you can hear the ring of liberty's bell calling gallant sons
and noble daughters to her aid.  They
> know no left, nor right, only treason.  And they will not fear to answer.
 Let tyrants tremble.  And though the heavens fall, let there be justice. 
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Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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