Time: Mon Sep 29 19:56:31 1997
	by primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id TAA27201;
	Mon, 29 Sep 1997 19:56:11 -0700 (MST)
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 22:55:49 -0400
Originator: heritage-l@gate.net
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
To: pmitch@primenet.com
Subject: fate of conventional media (was "Conner's Response")

Pardon me for jumping in (and perhaps
jumping out of) this thread, but I wanted
to add a few additional points here:

1.  the price of microprocessors continues to plummet;
    if you compare the clock speed of an obsolete 486,
    to the bit rate of a fast modem, such a "slow" CPU has
    no trouble whatsoever keeping up with the fast modem;

2.  the price of fast modems also continues to fall,
    although not quite as fast as processors;

3.  the Internet is experiencing an unprecedented
    amount of investment in software and hardware 
    development, quite independently of the broadcast

4.  it is quite possible, and foreseeable, that the
    Internet will soon compete favorably with the
    standard broadcast media, for the attention
    of the American People;

5.  the spread of home personal computers is moving
    faster than the spread of televisions, from 
    everything I can surmise;  this trend shows no
    signs of abating in the near-term (2-5 years);

6.  if you want a stirring and inspirational view of
    the Noosphere, as he called it, I have an electronic
    copy of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's essay entitled
    "The Formation of the Noosphere";  no one can read
    and understand this essay, without having their 
    breath taken away;

7.  the Noosphere is the membrane of thinking substance
    which now surrounds planet earth;  the Internet
    is one essential component of this Noosphere;
    our thinking brains are, of course, another essential
    component;  there are many others.

These trends tell me that our true political leverage
will succeed from encouraging, and teaching everyone
we contact, to get on the Internet, and to begin 
exploiting the vast resources which are now available
there.  When I say "vast" I mean to say that there
are AT LEAST 40 million websites now installed and
operational on the Internet, and you ain't seen 
nuthin' yet!

/s/ Paul Mitchell

p.s.  Please help yourself to all of the
documents now available in the Supreme Law
Library at the URL just below my name here.

copy: Supreme Law School

At 10:04 PM 9/29/97 -0400, you wrote:
>>  <Frank Conner's article snipped>
>>Anyway, the point is that Lee Collins and I have different visions.  I
>>could write reams of copy without changing his central beliefs one iota.
>>Similarly, I'm locked into the belief that the subversion of the media is
>>the most-important weapon in the arsenal of defense of the
>>South--impossible though that may presently seem to nonbelievers; and I
>>doubt that anybody is likely to change my opinion either.  
>        Frank:
>        You make a compelling case but I don't think we disagree on the
>importance of controlling or retaking the media. What we disagree on is the
>plausibility of it. In the political science chapter that HPA has just
>completed, we expose a great deal of media bias and how it has contributed
>to cultural censorship of Southern heritage. If the liberal dominated media
>represents the battle hardened, goose stepping, shock troops of the
>political correctness movement, then liberalism in the educational arena is
>the soft underbelly.
>        HPA has been contacted by dozens and dozens of teachers over the
>years who desperately want to teach the truth but cannot readily find the
>material to use. Sure its easy for us or anyone to point them to Mike
>Grissom's books or John Tilley's books, but this is not what they need.
>They don't need books about Celtic culture or the religious nature of the
>Confederate army. The teachers I have spoken to care even less about the
>black confederate issue. What they tell me they need are specific teaching
>aids that will make their life EASIER not require that they spend hundreds
>of hours carefully selecting material from a dozen sources in order to
>teach one part of history the way we would like for it to be taught. These
>teachers would gladly defy the educational administrations in order to
>teach the truth.
>        Given the limited resources of the combined participants in the
>pro-Southern movement, I firmly believe we will get more bang for the buck
>by aggressively satisfying the educational needs of our children and their
>children. By doing this I am in no way inferring that HPA or any group
>lighten or cease their assaults with legal and political action.
>        This is what I recommended to the SCV over four years ago when
>Norman Dasinger and other SCV leaders of the time continuously asked myself
>and Charles for advice. What many people don't realize is that in 1993 and
>early 1994, most of the national SCV executive council were members of HPA
>(and bragged about it). After our victory in Georgia regarding the state
>flag, rarely an SCV meeting could take place without Charles or myself or
>both being cornered by a national SCV leader wanting advice and guidance
>regarding heritage defense.
>        Even though the SCV is currently the most qualified to lead this
>new educational vanguard, they are unfortunately afflicted with a desire to
>imitate HPA regarding heritage battles instead of doing what they could do
>best. Their educational window of opportunity is closing fast. Without a
>complete SCV leadership overhaul as you so accurately recognized, it will
>continue to be an organization that flounders in the wind. To be blunt, HPA
>has set standards of performance that the SCV cannot match with regards to
>fighting heritage battles. Not because we wanted to leave the SCV behind,
>but because we simply hate to loose heritage battles and we refuse to
>compromise away our symbols.
>        It may be more gratifying to all of us personally to use the media
>in a campaign against modern liberalism, as they have done against us. But
>that is the direction our enemies want us to take. They want a head-on
>assault and Southern noblesse oblige is destined to give it to them, even
>though a wiser course could and should be taken. Fort Sumter, Gettysburg,
>you'd think we would learn. 
>        Of course I am not a political scientist or even an historian. I
>have no PHD. I'm just a simple country boy with a couple of industrial
>engineering degrees from Georgia Tech. I can speak and I can write but I do
>not consider myself to be well read, well written or well spoken. I am
>however, a successful strategist. I enjoy analyzing problems and
>formulating solutions. These are just my thoughts.
>        Lee Collins
> _<+>_                                                     _<+>_
>(_____)    "Guarding Our Future By Preserving Our Past"   (_____)
> |"""|=====================================================|"""|
> |   |          HERITAGE PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION          |   |
> |   |       P.O. Box 98209   Atlanta, GA 30359-1909       |   |
> |   |      tel: (770) 928-2714   fax: (770) 928-2719      |   |
> |   | email: hpa@america.net  website: http://www.hpa.org |   |
> |   |-----------------------------------------------------|   |
> |   |"In the beginning of change, the patriot is a scarce |   |
> |   | man, brave, hated, and scorned. But when his cause  |   |
> |   | succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it   |   |
> |   | costs nothing to be a patriot."    (Mark Twain)     |   |
> |___|=====================================================|___|
>(_____)                                                   (_____)
> "<+>"                                                     "<+>"

Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris      : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine
tel:     (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night
email:   [address in tool bar]       : using Eudora Pro 3.0.3 on 586 CPU
website: http://supremelaw.com       : visit the Supreme Law Library now
ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech,  at its best
             Tucson, Arizona state   : state zone,  not the federal zone
             Postal Zone 85719/tdc   : USPS delays first class  w/o this

As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice.  We shall
not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal.
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