Time: Thu Aug 07 22:19:48 1997
	by usr08.primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id VAA28753;
	Wed, 6 Aug 1997 21:05:34 -0700 (MST)
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 1997 21:04:32 -0700
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: FYI: Third Continental Congress


You seem like a good man who writes thoughtful
messages on my computer monitor.  Beyond that,
I know very little about you, except the

1.  I attempted quietly to explain to you that
I had serious reservations about traveling
all the way to Kansas City with total strangers.
Your response to my expressions of concern caused
me even more concern, not less.

2.  I have had several trusted contacts tell
me that Gary Hunt is an FBI agent.  I have asked
you to confirm this, and you have fallen silent.
The FBI in Phoenix have an exhaustive file on
the work I did last year in the federal court in
Tucson;  that file is a perfect "motive" to make
me go away (read "disappear").  Look at what they
did to Danny Cassolaro.  If you don't know his
story, you need to learn it, real fast.  He was
murdered for his inside knowledge about the Inslaw
case and the PROMIS software.

3.  Gary Hunt wrote me to ask for directions to
the local train station, because he was "coming
to town" to visit a nephew, or some other 
relative.  I guess FBI agents need help finding
the local train station.  Is that what I am
supposed to infer now?  Let's get real here, 

4.  My life was threatened 12 times last year;
I was loaned a car with tampered front brakes;
the office I was building to defend Elizabeth
Broderick was gutted by thieves, leaving me
nothing except a worn carpet.  My office equipment
was stolen from me;  the accountant I hired 
ended up embezzling $3,000 of my own money.
Almost every client of mine was persuaded to believe
a vicious lie that I am some kind of government
agent myself, giving them cause to refuse payment
of my several invoices, now totaling in excess
of $35,000.  I did not eat for 5 consecutive
days last month.  Several key cases have been
scuttled, I believe because of the momentous
issues which I have documented and brought before
the federal judiciary, in indisputable form.

The reason:  I crack rackets, big and small,
tough ones, easy ones, old ones, new ones.

If you were in my shoes, wouldn't you regard it
as more than prudent to be somewhat, if not 
extremely, cautious about taking long trips,
and getting politically involved, with total
strangers, notwithstanding all their nice-sounding
paragraphs and terrific documents which ping-pong 
around the Internet?

So, here is My Solution:

Perhaps, it would be best for all of us if you
told your 3CC that I had much more pressing
obligations, and could not participate any
further in your Continental Congress.

I am not the only one in this country who can
provide you with the experience and credentials
which you are seeking.  If you tell me that I
am somehow indispensable, I would respond by
growing even more suspicious of your true

I am sorry if this entire message comes as a
shock to you, but I have no other alternative
in light of what has transpired to date, and
in light of the fact that I do not know you 
well enough to trust you with my life.  In fact,
the security and investigations firm I just hired
for a variety of tasks, has advised me to trust
no one.  They don't, and they now advise me to 
do the same.

Such are the times in which we live.

Good luck to you, Sir.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

copy:  anonymous benefactors

Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

tel:     (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night
email:   [address in tool bar]       : using Eudora Pro 3.0.3 on 586 CPU
website: http://www.supremelaw.com   : visit the Supreme Law Library now
ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech,  at its best
             Tucson, Arizona state   : state zone,  not the federal zone
             Postal Zone 85719/tdc   : USPS delays first class  w/o this

As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice.  We shall
not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal.
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