Time: Tue Sep 16 13:07:44 1997
	by usr09.primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id GAA13071;
	Tue, 16 Sep 1997 06:01:49 -0700 (MST)
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 06:01:39 -0700
To: Jury Rights Project <jrights@cygnus.com>
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Kriho Appeal Filed / ACLU & CCDB Support Appeal

What is the docket number for the appeal?

Thank you.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 11:24 PM 9/15/97 -0600, you wrote:
>>From the Jury Rights Project
>For immediate release: September 15, 1997
>Reversal of Conviction Sought in Juror Case
>ACLU and CCDB Support Kriho's Appeal
>[Denver] -- Opening briefs were filed Monday with the Colorado 
>Court of Appeals by Paul Grant, on behalf of his client, former 
>juror Laura Kriho.  The appeal seeks to reverse Kriho's conviction 
>for contempt of court for failing to volunteer information that 
>was not requested of her during jury selection.
>The Colorado chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union and the 
>Colorado Criminal Defense Bar both filed amicus (friend of the 
>court) briefs in support of Kriho's appeal.  Neither organization 
>could be reached for comment Monday.
>Kriho was prosecuted after she was the lone holdout for acquittal 
>on a jury in a methamphetamine possession case in Gilpin County in 
>May 1996.  During jury deliberations, Kriho allegedly criticized 
>the drug laws, discussed sentencing consequences for the 
>defendant, and discussed the doctrine of jury nullification, the 
>historic power of juries to vote according to their conscience.
>Kriho was tried in October 1996 by First Judicial District Chief 
>Judge Henry Nieto.  Nine of her fellow jurors testified about 
>their discussions during jury deliberations.  In February 1997, 
>Judge Nieto convicted Kriho for failing to volunteer information 
>to the court during jury selection.  Judge Nieto ruled that Kriho 
>should have volunteered the facts that she supported reform of 
>hemp and marijuana laws, that she was arrested (but not convicted) 
>in 1985 for LSD possession, and that she was familiar with the 
>doctrine of jury nullification.  Kriho was cleared of the perjury 
>aspect of the contempt charge.  The judge admitted that she had 
>not been asked any questions about those issues.  Kriho was fined 
>"A juror cannot be put on trial for improper deliberations, as 
>Laura was.  This will destroy the independence of the jury 
>system," Grant says.  "The purpose of the jury is to resist 
>government oppression.  A jury cannot function if the eyes and 
>ears of the government are in the jury room with them.  Laura is 
>not guilty of anything more than following her conscience and 
>standing up for what she believed was right."
>"I don't want my conviction to make anyone afraid to serve on a 
>jury or to deliberate freely when they do serve on a jury," Kriho 
>says.  "Hopefully, my experience will educate people about the 
>history, the power, and the importance of juries. "
>Legal experts say the last time a juror was prosecuted based on 
>evidence of jury room deliberations was over 300 years ago.  
>The Colorado Attorney General's office will file a response to the 
>appeal within the next few months.
>                             ###
>		      Re-distributed by the:
>	    Jury Rights Project (jrights@welcomehome.org)
>          Background info.:  http://www.fija.org
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Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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