Time: Sat Aug 30 10:05:43 1997
	by usr03.primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id KAA24677;
	Sat, 30 Aug 1997 10:16:44 -0700 (MST)
Date: Sat, 30 Aug 1997 10:15:07 -0700
To: TWStough@aol.com
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]

Paul Mitchell, private attorney general on behalf
of the People of the United States of America,
makes this unsolicited recommendation to
the People of Australia, jointly and 
severally, to entertain an immediate and
unconditional moratorium on the surrender of
all firearms, until such time as a lawful
national referendum can be scheduled, and
implemented, on the question now before you.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Paul Mitchell

Counselor at Law, federal witness,
and private attorney general

At 12:03 PM 8/30/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Dear Fellow Patriot:
>I have tried to limit my e-mails recently to only items which pertain to the
>main thrust of The American Resistance Movement, with the IRS being the
>starting point.  However, I am making an exception due to the significance of
>this information.
>I recently wrote to an Austrailian on my mailing list asking for an "on the
>scene account" of what was going on in Australia with gun control.  His
>account shows that the Australians have guts and there is going to be a
>wn as early as October 1, 1997 if the Police go door to door as they have
>promised to do.   The writer says that only 5% of the guns have been bought
>back, turned in, etc. in some of the states.
>Notice where the money comes from to buy the guns:  The criminal government
>raises taxes (stealing it from everybody) and then pays gun owners SEVERAL
>TIMES what the guns are worth.   We need to study the history of gun control
>in Australia so that we can avoid further infringements here!
>Here is the information: 
>Thanks for assistance. Here's the scoop on Australian gun control.
>The Australian Federal Government as you know mandated a turn-in of any
>semi-automatic shoulder weapon (all semi rifles and shotguns) and banned pump
>shotguns as well. To assure greater compliance, the Feds here created an
>elaborate "buy-back" scheme that allocated millions of dollars to fund the
>buy-back. To generate the funds, the Feds increased the tax levy that
>individuals pay for the Federal health care benefit by 1%.  Gun owners have
>been offered several times what their guns are worth to assure greater
>compliance. So, if you own a FAL pattern rifle (commonly made here at the
>government "Lithgow" arsenal for the Australian army and called SLR's or
>L1A1's), you'd be offered $2500 for this rifle. I had considered buying one,
>but the same rifle is selling in the U.S. for about $700. Even parts for
>banned weapons are fetching considerable sums. In addition, the Fed here is
>offering complete amnesty to anyone turning in previously banned or
>unregistered firearms. Large numbers of machine guns and semi-auto rifles,
>previously illegal are coming out of hiding. The money offered is
>irresistable to many. 
>However, the scheme has been rated an overall failure, and has many nervous
>as to what the next step will be. Here's why......
>Several Australian states didn't require gun registration over the previous
>years. States such as New South Wales and Queensland registered the gun owner
>and not the weapons he or she purchased. In these states, the numbers of
>banned weapons sold is known, but not to whom. THERE ARE NO FEDERAL GUN
>CONTROL RECORDS HERE, gun registration and licensing had always been
>controlled by the individual states. The numbers of banned weapons being
>turned in in those states which didn't have gun registration records has been
>DISMAL.  There are no official estimates, but many gun stores estimate
that th
>e turn-in of banned weapons is probably less than 5%.
>The reason why this concerns many is due to what the government is pondering
>as their "next step." Several states have openly stated that door-to-door gun
>round-ups are next. The policemen (whom I come here to train) are extremely
>concerned about this, as many are openly sympathetic regarding the rights of
>gun owners and believe the gun laws are absurd.  Deadlines for the turn-in
>vary from state to state, but the last deadline
>appears to be the one set by the state of West Australia, which is October
>1st, 1997. What each state government does from then is open to speculation,
>but many believe the Federal government will be publicity sensitive to any
>major upheaval prior to the 2000 Olympic Games being held in Sydney. 
>There is word that New Zealand is considering a similar gun buy-back scheme
>that will be patterned after the Australian model.
>Stay tuned...
>P.S.:  If you have not taken steps to free yourself from the IRS and to help
>us take back America,  please read the material at:
> <A HREF="http://members.aol.com/TWStough/whyfight.htm">Why Fight The
>Then take action to help us win this battle.   
>If you have already taken the first steps, an update and the next steps will
>be coming shortly.  Thanks for all your help.  The response has been
>Keep in mind that efforts of The American Resistance Movement are aimed at
a T
>OTAL SOLUTION.  We start with the IRS but our goal is to eliminate 100% of
>all rules governing any weapon any soldier could be expected to carry with
>the exception of those individuals who committed felonies using a gun. 
> I fear organized crime (the government) a lot more than I fear a few random
>Terry W. Stough
> <A HREF="http://members.aol.com/TWStough/main.htm">The American
Resistance Mo
>(770) 641-9042

Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice.  We shall
not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal.
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