Time: Fri Sep 05 06:40:37 1997 by usr04.primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id FAA23321; Fri, 5 Sep 1997 05:05:35 -0700 (MST) Date: Fri, 05 Sep 1997 05:05:34 -0700 To: (Recipient list suppressed) From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar] Subject: SLS: Three letters (fwd) <snip> > >Subject: Three letters > >Three letters attached from an "insider" at the DoJ to me. >I thought you'd be interested, especially in the last one. >--Mark >From: Deleted >To: msmith01@flash.net >Subject: Justice Dept Provocations >Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 05:56:33 PDT > >Hey Mark, I work at the Justice Dept. >You want to know why the Govt is trying to start something that you are >desperately trying to stop? Short answer, look at the history of the >Reichstag fire. Hitler used it effectively to destroy his opposition. >It has worked well for Bill Clinton so far. Why do you think Militias >get such bad press, and why do you think that they are frightened? The >militias have been effectively neutered, and are valuable as a tool for >Government usurpation of God given rights. > >Look up the definition of a state sponsered terrorist group and figure >out how many Federal organizations fit the definition. > >I have a little theory, it goes like this: Almost everyday you read or >hear about something that causes you to say, "that's impossible, can't >happen here, or who would have believed that things could have gone >this far." What this means is that things are already worse than you >can imagine, you just don't know about it yet. > >Good luck trying to motivate, or waken people. We are gladly forging >our own chains. > >A Friend Inside. DTTNWO > >From: Deleted >To: msmith01@flash.net >Subject: Provocations >Date: Tue, 02 Sep 1997 07:32:31 PDT > >Great to hear from you. > >You are right about the hazards of the position and my views, so I tend >to change names and locations at odd intervals. You will still know my >work though. > >As to why the Justice Dept provocations, as I suggested you should read >about the Reichstag fire and its aftermath. > >The radical left groups of the seventies were used in the same manner as >the Militias are being used now. Government used the spectre of >revolution, where none ever existed, to take away citizens rights, and >expand its power. It was done for the good of the country, and to keep >us safe (isn't that right?). People can be persuaded to trade freedom >for safety. This time there will be no Church Commission to set things >back. > >I agree with all in the vampire Paper you sent me but fear nothing can >be done to wake the people up in time. Insiders in the Gov understand >that it is now a race to get enough technology into place so that any >change becomes impossible. You will need to get PGP before I can say >too much about things. > >I teach and write about these things, but those who are aware are in no >position to change things yet. > >Sorry that this is somewhat disjointed but I'm just writing things down >as they come to me. > >The Gov knows that there is trouble out there. Last week all went on >alert because of Ruby Ridge news. If they can just keep people asleep >for a while longer technology will protect them, see 1984. > >The biggest trouble spot now is Gadsden AL. More potential for a >shooting war to erupt there than anywhere else. Uncle knows this, tried >to walk away from the problem but ACLU wouldn't let him. If Judge >stands firm and ask for help could get out of hand very quickly with >national backing. Thats why the low profile as much as possible. Can >discuss further if you feel like listening but you probably already see >it. > >Corruption starts at the top. Pentagon now so completely neutered that >any thing out of it is tainted. Clinton has all oposition removed, only >lickspittle lackeys left in charge. I also have sources inside. > >You are also correct that most people in Gov aren't aware. Continue to >do a good job and feel patriotic. Will be necessary for them to make a >choice one day. Many will opt for security, but remember, change is not >made by the masses. > >Clinton gang has corrupted top levels of Gov. Every branch and section >that you can name, I see it in reports almost every day. > >Can't say much but, I've been involved in this "counterterrorism" >business for many, many years. I hesitate to use the term now. Applies >to more Gov agencies world wide than any others. > >By the way, you are aware that NSA monitors all internet traffic by the >use of Key Words aren't you? You should get PGP for personal messages. > >In the belly of the beast. DTTNWO. > > >From: Deleted >To: msmith01@flash.net >Subject: Thanks >Date: Wed, 03 Sep 1997 06:11:15 PDT > > > Thanks for the Web Page. I've got it bookmarked now. > Had a chance to read the paper that you sent. It was good, and I >have made copies for some friends who are in the MD, and VA Guard. It >drives D.C. Orgs nuts that they are infiltrated and have difficulty >planning anything secure. They have ample evidence that plants work >both ways. The difference is that most of theirs are paid to sell out >their people, while ours do it for love of liberty. > Observation at the Jefferson Memorial: One of his most famous >sayings is missing from the wall, "A little revolution now and again is >a good thing." I wonder why they left that off? > Had a conversation with Walter Williams (sure you know he is Black >Commentator, and Economist at George Mason Univ.), anyway, after >discussion of Militias, why they came into being, where they are going, >and general comments on the country's direction, I asked what he saw in >the future. He said that in reality he saw no way out except armed >confrontation. Pretty strong stuff, and he said it on the air (WBAL >Baltimore station). Don't be surprised, most of the people in this >business, and the terrorism think tanks are predicting the same thing. > As I said, the race is on for technology and weapons superiority. >Why do you think they are arming police with tanks, helos, auto weapons, >and training like military special forces? Your police org can make a >significant difference. It is important to let the Gov know that all >troops are not blindly loyal. Soviets overcame this by having Army and >Police serve in areas other than their homeland. Clinton will have the >same problem if he tries to nationalize Alabama Guard to shoot their >neighbors in Gadsden. Gadsden could also bring out people who to this >point have had no part in the movement. There the issue is not only >constitutional, but religious as well, a very explosive combination. >There is no community wedge there, no black white issues to exploit, as >both communities support the Judge. > As to Militias, Gov has discounted the threat (could be a huge mistake >in Gadsden). The real threat is what I call the Ideologically Pure >Warrior. He isn't a joiner, no militia connections, probably ex or >current military, or police, well trained. If he decides that the >Government is no longer legitimate, and decides to do something about >it, (plenty of legal ground to stand on here in the Declaration) there >will be no warning, no group to infiltrate, no phone to tap. >He will just do it. Several hundred, unconnected except for belief in >their cause could do major damage to the Gov. This is where the real >danger lies, Federal Law Enforcement has known, and discussed this for >years. The militias are red herrings to drag across the trail. Anti >terrorist measures put in place to "combat the threat" will do nothing >to stop the Warrior, but can be used to monitor the people. > Gotta go now, can continue later if you wish. I probably need to >change sites and name soon. You will know when I do. Comments welcome. > A friend inside, DTTNWO. > > ======================================================================== Paul Andrew Mitchell : Counselor at Law, federal witness B.A., Political Science, UCLA; M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine tel: (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night email: [address in tool bar] : using Eudora Pro 3.0.3 on 586 CPU website: http://www.supremelaw.com : visit the Supreme Law Library now ship to: c/o 2509 N. 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