Time: Thu Oct 09 19:15:37 1997
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Date: Thu, 09 Oct 1997 19:13:00 -0700
To: liberty-and-justice@pobox.com
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Solution for Promisekeepers and Threatened Widow - Reply
Cc: mmoxley@foto.infi.net
References: <199710092325.SAA18831@mail.hub.ofthe.net>

I hereby challenge PK to tell me EXACTLY how to 
restore integrity to state and federal courts
WITHOUT becoming political, HIGHLY POLITICAL,
even downright aggressive in our pursuit of justice, 
in a system of feudal servitude which now
absolutely reeks of graft, corruption, false
imprisonment, and even cold-blooded murder.

For proof, read "The Kick-Back Racket" in the
Supreme Law Library, at the URL just below my
name here, and then attend former U.S. Rep. 
George Hansen's upcoming lecture tour.  See also
the Anti-Kickback Act of 1986 (41 U.S.C. 51 et seq.)

If I am doing something wrong in the court cases
which I have litigated, then please show
EXACTLY where I have erred, in the pleadings
now loaded in that library.  They are free
to the entire nation, and they were brought
to you here, by way of much sacrifice, sweat, 
and tears, if not any bloodshed -- and for 
the latter, I am most happy, in deed.

I await your public answers here.  

Thank you.

/s/ Paul Mitchell, a Christian man

copy:  Supreme Law School

At 09:59 PM 10/9/97 -0400, you wrote:
>At 06:25  10/9/97 -0500, you wrote:
>>Hey I respect you guys. I loved what you did in DC. I loved the healing and
>>humble confessions and forgiveness of the racial wrongs. Until you let
>>Richard Abanes define the patriot/militia movement in the NEW MAN I was
>>planning on getting involved.
>>(by the way that seemed like you were getting into politics then...but then
>>that was a safe bet, attacking a government target group. huh?  I hope you
>>never get on their list.........guilt by association, false accusation and
>>stereotype is so hard to fight) 
>>We all have our different calling. If my ALMIGHTY GOD tells me to protect
>>the innocent and defenseless I have no choice, refusal is not even an
>>I think I have hit upon a solution for all of you in PK that will protect
>>your identity, keep you from looking political, and not even draw fire from
>>Patricia Ireland.  You can help this poor hostage widow, you could fedex or
>>UPS food to her at:
>>Mrs. Shirley Allen
>>at 825 E. 2725 NORTH Rd
>>Mechanicsburg, IL 62545-8027
>>or if you want to stay really covert you can still help:
>>********************by at least PRAYING
>>no one will know but God.
>>-Richard H. King
>>Lubbock, TX
>Dear Richard and fellow patriots,
>Having recently returned from Washington after attending the Stand in the
>Gap gathering,  I would like to say a few things.
>Individual people in Pk have political agendas, and PK as an organization
>may have political agendas, however, the Stand in the Gap gathering was NOT
>political.  It was by design not to be political and one of the first
>things spoken of was "for today, leave your politics behind,  leave your
>issues, gripes, and contentions behind.  That is not why we are gathered
>today."  Washington was chosen because it is our nations capitol.  Also PK
>is no longer affiliated with New Man Magazine.  I'll post that info later.
>Please allow me to present some facts about PK.
>1.  PK is a very, very loose knit organization.  Comprised of many
>Christian denominations and Messianic Jews.
>2.  The number one common factor that brings people together under Pk is
>that they love Jesus Christ and want to serve Him and Almighty God.
>3.  The event was NOT political, The ONLY reason for the gathering was to
>stand before God, the Creator, spoken of by our founding fathers in the
>Declaration of Independence, to humble ourselves, to acknowledge our sin,
>ask for forgiveness, and ask God to spare and heal our nation.
>We went there to honor the calling of two bible verses from God's word:
>"If MY PEOPLE, which are called by MY NAME, shall humble themselves, and
>pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear
>heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will HEAL THEIR LAND. -2Chr. 7:14 
>I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before
>me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but
>I found none. -Ezekiel 22:30
>4.  One message at the gathering was this:  That we need to pray for those
>in government, that they too, will repent and turn to God.  God can turn
>hearts around.  What a glorious day that would be if Bill Clinton repented
>of his ways and turned to God.  If Schumer and Brady turned from their
>Marxist ways and changed their views on gun control, etc.
>5.  I was there.  I saw over a million,  God fearing, America loving, men
>get in the prone position with their faces in the red dirt and mud of the
>Washington Mall, confessing, praying, crying, begging for the Almighty to
>forgive and heal this land.  After all,  is not America and our unalienable
>rights a gift of God?  Our founders thought so.
>God looked down from heaven that day and saw over a million men who built
>up that wall and stood in the gap before Him.
>I for one, thank PK, for arranging the gathering, so that God's people
>could gather and humbley stand before Him.  I also believe it was no
>coincidence that the gathering began with the blowing of the Showfar, a
>rams horn, to call the gathering together,  just as in the bible, the
>tribes of Israel were called to gather before God at the sounding of the
>Showfar, to repent and turn to Him as a nation.
>I write this because I have seen a lot of misinterpretation and
>misunderstanding in the media and, sadly to me, among patriots and militia
>supporters.  I can guarantee you there were thousands upon thousands of
>patriots and militia supporters there, whom God called to Stand in the Gap
>before Him, so that He would not have to destroy this land.
>I urge everyone to support this loosely knit organization as they are doing
>good things.  However it's the people who come together under it's umbrella
>who really are making the difference.
>If the PEOPLE of this nation do not turn and remember their first love,
>Jesus Christ, then a 100 million militiamen under arms will be in vain.
>Remember God Almighty.  He, who caused 1000 of the enemy to flee at the
>hands of 1 Israeli.  If we are on His side, then He will do battle for and
>through us and defeat the enemy and give us victory just as He did when our
>rag-tagged, ill-equipped, under-armed, founders fought and overcame the
>greatest army in the world at that time, the British Army.  Be prepared, be
>armed, but search yourself, humble yourselves, repent of evil, get on the
>ground with your face in the dirt just as Job did, and as John did when
>Christ appeared to him (John fell down as if dead), and pray for America.
>Pray that our nation and government will turn to Him so that our rifles
>need not be loaded and aimed at tyranny and may quietly sit in our closets.
>Let us leave the legacy of a righteous America and the knowledge of the
>Lord to our children and their children.
>I leave you with this quote from a very wise woman:
>"A patriot without religion, in my estimation, is as great a paradox as an
>honest man without the fear of God. Is it possible that he whom no moral
>obligations bind, can have any real Good Will towards Men? Can he be a
>patriot who, by an openly vicious conduct, is undermining the very bonds of
>Society? ...The Scriptures tell us righteousness exalteth a Nation." -
>Abigail Adams, wife of 2nd President and founding father, John Adams
>In service to Jesus Christ,
>Mike Moxley
>For additional PK info: http://www2.promisekeepers.org/
>and Dittos on prayer and help for Shirley.
>Michael Moxley               The Patriot Web Site:
>mmoxley@foto.infi.net      http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/6627/
>***************************Live Free or Die!***************************
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