Time: Sat Oct 11 06:44:45 1997
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Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 06:37:54 -0700
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: SLS: "John Birch: A Patriotic Exemplar" (fwd)

>->  SearchNet's   SNETNEWS   Mailing List
>[With all the posting regarding Communist Red China these days, I thought
>it'd be worthwhile to post this piece on John Birch so that folks can get a
>little historical perspective that leads up to our present relationship to
>the Communist Red Chinese nation. Now just as then, the highest positions
>in our land including the presidency, and the ruling insiders behind the
>scenes, are busily committing supreme acts of treachery. Course today they
>are even more brazen and out in the open regarding their unabashed aid and
>abetting of the Communist tyrant regimes in the world.]
>The following article originally appeared in the December 13, 1993 issue of
>The New American:
>John Birch: A Patriotic Exemplar <picture>	http://www.jbs.org/jbrchpic.htm
>Like many of the noble souls associated with America's founding, John
>Morrison Birch was a man rooted in principles that transcend politics. In a
>"prose poem" written at age 26, John Birch gave voice to his
>Jefferson-esque longing to "live slowly, to relax with my family before a
>glowing fireplace ... to enjoy a good book ... to reach the sunset of my
>life sound in body and mind, flanked by strong sons and grandsons...."
>Regrettably, John Birch's tireless service to God and liberty denied him
>such irenic pleasures.
>At the age of seven, Birch expressed a desire to become a Christian
>missionary. Upon learning of the violence inflicted upon missionaries by
>Chinese communists, the youngster selected China as his mission field. When
>cautioned by his pastor that "more will be killed" in China, Birch replied:
>"I know the big enemy is communism, but the Lord has called me. My life is
>in his hands, and I am not turning back."
>Birch's labors in China began in 1940, a time when the country was being
>ravaged by the Japanese military. After Pearl Harbor he dyed his hair
>black, adopted the garb of the local population, and continued his
>underground work behind enemy lines. 
>While near the border of Japanese-occupied territory on the evening of
>April 19, 1942, Birch came upon Colonel James H. Doolittle and members of
>the raiding party that had just completed a dramatic bombing raid on Tokyo.
>With his encyclopedic knowledge of the language, customs, and geography of
>China, Birch was able to convey Doolittle and the crews of 12 American
>bombers to safety in free China.
>Shortly thereafter, Birch became an intelligence analyst as a second
>lieutenant with the China Air Task Force -- General Claire Chennault's
>legendary "Flying Tigers." Performing high-risk intelligence-gathering
>missions on the ground, Birch acted as "the eyes of the 14th Air Force,"
>devising an early warning system that enabled U.S. air units to come to the
>aid of Chinese units under enemy attack. He also organized a rescue system
>for pilots who were shot down by the Japanese. Chennault credited Birch
>with the fact that 90 percent of his downed flyers were rescued. 
>On August 25, 1945 -- ten days after the end of WWII -- Birch (by then a
>captain) was part of an official military mission to Suchow that was
>detained by Chinese communists. Captain Birch and another man were.
>separated from their group and shot. An autopsy later demonstrated that
>after Birch had been immobilized by a gunshot to the leg, his hands were
>tied behind his back and he was shot execution-style in the back of his
>head. The communists had also desecrated Birch's dead body.
>In its desire to depict the Red Chinese as innocuous "agrarian reformers,"
>the U.S. government suppressed the news of the unprovoked murder of Captain
>Birch. It fell upon Robert Welch to rescue the memory of this selfless
>Christian patriot from the shameful oblivion to which it had been assigned.
>In December 1958, Welch named the new organization he created the John
>Birch Society to preserve the memory of this patriotic exemplar. Wrote Mr.
>Welch, "If we rediscover some of our sounder spiritual values in the
>example of his life ... and learn essential truths about our enemy from the
>lesson of his murder, then his death at twenty-six ceases to be a tragedy."
>-- William Norman Grigg
>THE NEW AMERICAN - Copyright 1996, American Opinion Publishing,
>P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54913
>Homepage: http://www.jbs.org/tna
>Subscriptions: $39.00/year (26 issues) -1-800-727-TRUE 
>purposes to allow individual file transfer, Usenet, and non-commercial
>mail-list posting only. All other copyright privileges reserved. Address
>reposting requests to tna@jbs.org or the above address.
>The following article originally appeared in the September 4, 1995 issue of
>The New American: 
>For God and Country 
>The Secret File on John Birch, by James and Marti Hefley, Hannibal, MO:
>Hannibal Books, 1995, 203 pages, paperback, $12.95. Available from American
>Opinion Book Services, P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54913. Add $2.00 for
>postage and handling. 
>It is difficult to write about the life and death of Captain John Birch,
>Baptist missionary to China and U.S. Army Air Force intelligence officer in
>World War II. His story is at once so beautiful and inspiring, yet set
>against acts so base and pernicious, that our emotions are torn between
>compassion for his early death and outrage at those who made it possible.
>Here in the fate of one man the treacherous policies of the Roosevelt and
>Truman Administrations in the China theater during the 1940s are glaringly
>illuminated. For John Birch would have lived to do much good had it not
>been for the Insider plan to destroy the Nationalist government of Chiang
>Kai-shek and turn China over to the Chinese Communists. 
>It is against this background that James and Marti Hefley assembled their
>splendid biography, The Secret File on John Birch, first published in 1980
>and now appearing in a revised and updated edition. With meticulous
>attention to detail, the Hefleys pursued every possible lead for authentic
>information both written and oral, personally interviewing just about
>everyone who had ever known John Birch, from family members to General
>Albert Wedemeyer, Birch's commanding officer in China. Although written in
>the form of a novel, which means that the authors assumed knowledge of
>conversations and thoughts they were not actually privy to, the intimate
>knowledge the Hefleys gained of John Birch's character and beliefs allows
>fact and imagination to meld into a realistic and seamless whole. 
>Early Calling 
>The reader first meets John Birch as a two-year-old arriving in the U.S.
>from India (where he was born) in 1920 with his missionary parents, who
>settled "back home" in Macon, Georgia, where Birches had lived for
>generations. The eldest of seven children, John showed signs at an early
>age of intellectual brilliance and a strong attraction to fundamental
>Christianity. At the age of 11 he announced to the family that the Lord was
>calling him to the mission field. Throughout his education at Mercer
>University, from which he graduated magna cum laude (and was named for a
>Rhodes scholarship!), John never deviated from this decision. His dream was
>realized in 1939, when at the age of 21 he left home for China, even though
>much of China was occupied by the invading Japanese in a devastating war
>that had already been raging for three years. 
>What John found in China were thousands dying every day from famine,
>disease, and Japanese bombs, with their cities leveled and their villages
>burned to ashes. Missionaries were attempting to feed the starving, nurse
>the wounded, and preach in between. But before John could be of any help he
>had to learn to speak the difficult Chinese language, which he did in less
>than a year with the highest grades ever achieved. 
>The Japanese were not the only enemy Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist army was
>battling. For an even longer time China had been struggling against a
>destructive Communist insurrection led by the Moscow-trained Chou En-lai
>and Mao Tse-tung. Although the Communists had no desire for Japan to take
>over the country they had marked for their own, they played a waiting game,
>a hindrance to Chiang Kai-shek. 
>After graduation from language school, John Birch began to travel and
>preach throughout China, covering thousands of miles on foot, on bicycle,
>and in sampans. Time and again he risked his life by going behind the
>Japanese lines, bringing comfort and hope to despairing people. In vividly
>descriptive passages, the Hefleys give an eye-opening account of what it
>meant to be a missionary in the China of the 1940s. Always penniless,
>eating and sleeping wherever and whenever he could, frequently laid low by
>malaria, John's superb physical endurance made it possible for him to reach
>areas, even in Free China, that had been isolated for years. 
>As Japan's offenses became more furious, the State Department ordered all
>missionaries out. John Birch refused to go. He had become known and loved
>by thousands of Chinese, while he himself had decided in his heart to
>devote his life to the Chinese people. But the entry of the U.S. into the
>war after Pearl Harbor brought a profound problem to John. As a clergyman
>he was exempt from the draft. Should he volunteer? Would this mean he would
>have to give up preaching? In spite of his deeply held religious beliefs,
>John was no pacifist. He reasoned that the Japanese had to be defeated in
>order to get on with the real battle -- the battle to bring the Word of God
>to the Chinese people. 
>An Offer of Service 
>One of the ways the authors help the reader feel close to John Birch is by
>reproducing many of his letters, both intensely personal and official ones.
>The letter he wrote to the American military mission in Chungking offering
>his services as an Army chaplain is a particularly precious find. One
>wonders how this letter ever survived the war, particularly since the
>American mission was a temporary set-up. Even though admired worldwide as
>the famous Flying Tigers under General Claire Chennault, who had been hired
>by Chiang Kai-shek as his air adviser, these daring pilots were volunteer
>mercenaries and not a part of the U.S. military. 
>Meanwhile, John accidentally became the rescuer of General James Doolittle
>following the legendary U.S. Air Force raid on Tokyo. Eighty heroic flyers
>had been instructed to continue west until they ran out of fuel over China,
>then abandon their planes. A number of these men were located and led to
>safety by John Birch. 
>General Claire Chennault, who was idolized by the Chinese for his
>incredible successes against the Japanese, immediately appointed John as
>his "intelligence department," with permission to preach whenever possible.
>Commissioned a second lieutenant, John for the first time came face to face
>with the ugly fact that there were Americans in high positions who were
>manipulating events in China for the benefit of the Chinese Communists and
>the defeat of Chiang Kai-shek. 
>The shameful story of the betrayal of China by Roosevelt, Truman, Dean
>Acheson, General George Marshall, and many others has been told numerous
>times, yet it bears repeating so that Americans will never forget. Although
>it is not the intention of the Hefleys to retell the entire story, they do
>an admirable job of getting across the essentials, except for their
>puzzling whitewashing of Roosevelt, the architect of the betrayal at Yalta.
>We learn how General "Vinegar Joe" Stilwell, surrounding himself with
>pro-Communists and consumed with hatred for Chiang, did everything in his
>power to humiliate and hamstring Chennault and prevent him from aiding
>Chiang. His accomplice in this treachery was General Clayton Bissell, who
>controlled the allocation of scarce fuel and was therefore able to ground
>as many Flying Tigers as he dared. These two obstructionists were finally
>able to force Chennault's outfit into the regular Army Air Force with
>Chennault taking orders from Stilwell, who transferred the force to the far
>west near the Himalayas, which was logistically ridiculous. 
>Hero's Death 
>During the last months of the war, while Japan was attempting to surrender
>and Truman was prolonging hostilities to give the Soviets time to enter,
>share in the spoils, and arm the Chinese Communists, John Birch was
>performing valuable service through a network of spies to spot Japanese
>shipping and planes. Japan's unconditional surrender was finally accepted
>on August 14, 1945. By this time Chennault had retired for reasons of ill
>health and an outcry in the U.S. had caused the recall of Stilwell. His
>replacement, General Albert Wedemeyer, was well aware of the Communist
>menace and was quickly moving to have Japanese commanders surrender to
>Americans before Communists took over their bases and airfields, which they
>immediately started doing as if they had won the war. To this end he
>dispatched Captain John Birch to a large Japanese facility in Suchow,
>several hundred miles away. 
>John set out in a party of 11; their route lay through territory thick with
>armed Communists. Several times they were forced to stop by surly
>Communists who threatened to kill them and demanded their equipment.
>Finally they were halted by a group of Communists with rifles aimed at
>them. For over an hour John and his Chinese aide, separated from the
>others, were given a hostile runaround while attempting to see the
>commanding officer and obtain permission to pass. John, who was wearing his
>full uniform with its Flying Tiger emblem, became increasingly vexed at the
>disrespect and arrogance of the Communists, reminding them that the war was
>over and there were no more enemies. 
>When an officer suddenly gave the command to disarm John, his aide tried to
>intervene and was shot in the thigh. Then a command was given to shoot
>John, who was also hit in the thigh. His ankles were then bound and he was
>forced to kneel for execution. He was shot in the back of the head and his
>face smashed with bayonets, as was that of his aide, who was left for dead.
>This man survived to tell the tale. So it was that John Birch died, without
>ever knowing that the China for which he had given his all to help save had
>been betrayed into Communist hands by his own nation's leaders. 
>When Wedemeyer heard of the murder, he went directly to Ambassador Patrick
>Hurley's office; coincidentally, both Mao and Chou En-lai were there. The
>scene that followed is one of the most sickening in the book, with
>Wedemeyer helpless to do anything but demand an investigation and Mao
>promising that the criminals would be punished, while at that very moment
>Hurley was under orders from Truman to force Chiang to accept the
>Communists into a coalition government -- the beginning of the end. 
>Exposing the Truth 
>When Wedemeyer sent the file on John Birch to the War Department it was
>stamped Top Secret and placed under lock and key. The official report
>received by John's parents read: "There was a clash between Chinese Central
>Government forces and irregular Chinese troops and your son was struck by a
>stray bullet ... his death was instantaneous and without pain." 
>The only politician known to have acted honorably was Senator William
>Knowland (R-CA), who exposed the purpose of the cover-up. Clearly, it was
>to prevent Americans from discovering that we had destroyed our friends in
>China and raised up our enemies, who remain in power to this day, still
>slaughtering their own people. 
>In 1950 candy manufacturer Robert Welch read Knowland's stirring speech and
>was deeply affected by both the tragedy and the perfidy. When he founded
>his own anti-Communist freedom organization in 1958, he named it the John
>Birch Society in honor of Captain John Birch, a truly great American hero. 
>- Jane Ingraham 
>Copyright 1997 - The John Birch Society, Inc. 
>-> Send "subscribe   snetnews " to majordomo@world.std.com
>->  Posted by: "Roger Voss" <rogerv@sttl.uswest.net>

Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris      : Counselor at Law, federal witness 01
B.A.: Political Science, UCLA;   M.S.: Public Administration, U.C.Irvine 02
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