Time: Sun Oct 19 20:17:32 1997 by primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id UAA04055; Sun, 19 Oct 1997 20:15:49 -0700 (MST) by usr02.primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id UAA06933; Sun, 19 Oct 1997 20:01:29 -0700 (MST) Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 20:02:28 -0700 To: (Recipient list suppressed) From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar] Subject: SLS: biochip implant news (fwd) Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit <snip> > >>Dear Watchmen, >> >>I received this report on the status and future of Mondex from a gentleman >on >>our e-mail list. He had sent a previous post to the effect that Mondex will >>start experimenting with chip implants within the next two years using >>volunteers to determine how well implants will be received by the general >>population. The present report contains many informative web sites on Mondex >>with indications that smart card technology is moving in the direction of >the >>biochip. I especially appreciate his concluding thoughts which direct our >>focus to our Lord Jesus Christ and His soon return! >> >>Blessings, >>Barb Aho >>Watch Unto Prayer >>timbarbaho@msn.com >>http://watch.pair.com/pray.html >> >> >>Barb- >> >>I have been continuing to research the Mondex International Corporation, as >>well as the consortium of corporations which formed and own Mondex USA. >>These >>corporations are: Chase Manhattan (David Rockefeller’s bank - enough >said!!), >>Wells Fargo, Dean Witter Discover (parent corp of Novus and Discover Card), >>MasterCard, AT&T, First Chicago NBD, and Michigan National Bank - all of >whom >>will work with many other heavyweight international financial and >>technological corporations. >>The investment by each of these national banks in Mondex was approved by the >>Office of the Comptroller of the Currency in late 1996. >>Hitachi has already developed a whole line of consumer products for the >>Mondex >>card, scheduled to be rolled out in the first wide-scale introduction in >>first >>quarter of 1998. You can view Hitachi’s Mondex information page at: >>http://www.hitachi.co.jp/Div/nfs/index-E.html >> >>The Hitachi products can be viewed at: >>http://www.hitachi.co.jp/Div/nfs/products/index-E.html >>The worldwide introduction of Mondex has already been quietly initiated. >>Mondex has been launched in Hong Kong and Canada. “Mondex pilots and trials >>continue to gain acceptance in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, >>Canada, Hong Kong and New Zealand.” >>(from: http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/97/10/16/amh_bmo_r_1.html -the list of >>shareholders in Mondex International is also available at this site) >>Mondex franchises have already been granted for 28 countries around the >world. >> >>On October 6, just eleven days ago, Mondex was launched in New York, in >>Manhattan’s upper West Side. >> “Both Chase and Citibank have already issued smart cards to their customers >>on the Upper West Side, a three-square-mile area that stretches from 60th >>street to 96th street and from Central Park West to the Hudson River. >>Residents who do not have an account with either bank can get a stand-alone, >>reloadable smart card by visiting Citibank and Chase branches in their >>neighbourhoods.” >> >>(from a Mondex, Intl. press release, >>http://www.mondex.com/mondex/cgi-bin/printpage.pl?english+global&pilots_new >yor >>k_1.html ) >> >>Chase and Citibank are the number one and number two banks in the entire >>United States. What is also particularly significant is that both >MasterCard >>and Visa are working on this project in partnership. Press releases stated >>that 50,000 cards would be issued, and about 675 merchants have agreed to >>participate in the program. >> >>Mondex’s stated objective is to become the medium of exchange for the small >>transaction market - transactions under, say, $50 - a multi trillion dollar >>market per year in the U.S. alone. The profit potential here is absolutely >>enormous for the corporations involved. After consumers and retailers >become >>accustomed to this new form of electronic “cash,” the next logical step is >to >>make their e-cash the medium of exchange for all transactions. As Mondex >has >>already been approved by the governmental agencies governing currency, >future >>ramifications of implementation must have been considered. Currently, as >you >>are well aware, our currency is regulated by the Federal Reserve Board, a >>private and largely foreign-owned entity. They will experience dramatic >>changes as Mondex becomes the principal medium of financial transactions (as >>they and their associates are well-positioned to accomplish), and as hard >>currency will come into a dramatically decreasing demand. The same >>personalities continue to be found, however, behind the mega-corporations >and >>behind the “Federal” Reserve. >> >>Within a few years, the step of eliminating hard currency will be a >virtually >>rhetorical one, as the American “fast-food” mentality drives people to >>enslave >>themselves in the name of convenience. The “benefits” will appear >tremendous >>to this chronically short-sighted society, the savings to the individual, >the >>merchant, and the government will be enormous. Loss to theft will become >>impossible, rapid exchange of value for product at the point of sale will be >>expedited, and the government will save millions in the printing costs of >>physical currency. >> >>Mondex maintains that the tracking of individual transactions is not >>currently >>possible, as the technology is “chip to chip,” not requiring that >>transactions >>be processed through a central system, enabling transactions between >>individuals, using, for example, one of Hitachi’s stand-alone devices. Thus, >>our privacy is not being eliminated all at once, but is, like the frog in >>boiling water, continuing to decrease in very gradual degrees. “Mondex is >the >>only system which enables the direct transfer of electronic cash from one >>card >>to another. The cash value is immediately accessible without centrally >>routing >>and collecting each point-of-sale transaction. This feature makes it the >most >>cost-effective electronic cash solution for both retailers and financial >>institutions.” (http://www.mondexusa.com) This very cost advantage, coupled >>with its usage of an existing network, the financial backing, and the >>reputation of the corporations involved, will likely make Mondex the leading >>smartcard. >> >>The buy-in of so many heavyweight financial institutions into this one >>project, although it is not attracting press attention, it will most >>certainly >>command the attention of the world’s smaller-sized corporations and >>retailers. >> As even the smallest retailer in the most remote areas will currently >accept >>major credit cards, the financial backbone of America - the working citizen, >>the small retailer, etc. - will be stong-armed into participation in this >>system by these behemoth corporations, using the same financial transactions >>system currently in place. It will simply be extended to utilize the Mondex >>system. Eventually, only Mondex payments will be accepted. >> >>Regarding the implementation of the biometric technology, and, specifically, >>the implantable biochip, I am still tracking down the lead given on the >radio >>broadcast mentioned in my earlier mail. I personally did not hear the >>program >>- perhaps another Internet prayer warrior did hear. A letter was sent in >>from >>a listener to the program “Vincent and Company,” hosted by Joel Vincent in >>Florida and broadcast on the “United Broadcasting Network” (UBN), apparently >>with more information on the topic of Mondex and biochip implants. UBN is >>broadcast on audionet.com, but it appears that they only relay live >>broadcasts, and do not archive the programs. UBN itself is in the process >of >>developing a web site (www.ubn.com ), but the site is under development and >>is >>currently empty. >> >>I did, however, speak to a member of Joel Vincent’s staff, who will be >faxing >>the letter to me. I will forward that to you, should the information be >>credible, as soon as I receive it. >> >>Much in this area of biochips, however, is available online from Mondex >>themselves. One of the members of the consortium working on the smartcard >>operating system, known as MULTOS, is Siemens Semiconductors (you can >>discover >>more about the technical and operational aspects of MULTOS at the very >>detailed MULTOS web site, especially at http://www.multos.com/100/110.html. >> >>“Siemens Semiconductors’ role in the consortium will be to provide smartcard >>IC’s [Integrated Circuit or chips] for use in MULTOS cards. >>“We see there is a clear market requirement for a highly-secure >>multi-application operating system,” commented Dr Jörg Borchert, Smartcard >IC >>Marketing Director. “This latest development will act as another >spring-board >>for the growth of the smartcard market. Our skills in deep sub-micron >>manufacturing and contactless technology are well-matched to the present and >>future demands of the MULTOS operating system.” “ >> (from http://www.mondex.ca/news013.html) >> >>Significant are the steps which they are taking to ensure this >>“highly-secure” >>environment. Notice that Siemens mentions their aptitudes in “contactless” >>technology - a natural requirement for an implantable biochip. “In the >>future, the Mondex platform will offer loyalty programs and personal >>identification applications....” One can only speculate about what their >>“loyalty programs” will eventually entail (Rev. 13:16-17 mentions a quaint >>“loyalty program” - receive it or face not being able to buy or sell!). The >>current rage in “personal identification” techniques in the smartcard >>industry >>is “biometrics” - identification through some physical corroboration of >>identity. >> >>Currently, every person in the course of their everyday life verifies their >>identity through biometrics. Current methods, however, have significant >room >>for error, such as photograph-bearing identification cards, signatures, >etc. >>Fingerprints, as biometric measurements, are much more accurate, but have >>some >>problems. More sophisticated devices currently in use include; retinal >>scanners, which map the pattern of veins in the eye (a pattern unique to >each >>individual) and measure various parts of the eye, voice recognition devices, >>digital hand scanners, and other various devices. None of the above, >>however, >>can yet ensure with complete reliability that the person presenting the >>biometric device with the appropriate part of the body for authorization is >>actually the authorized individual. Pardon the directness, but the fact >>remains that a second individual could obtain the desired authorization with >>the appropriate part from the authorized individual’s body, attached or >not. >>Developments are in progress which will verify that the person is alive, but >>100% accuracy is very difficult to obtain, especially when considering the >>economic factor. Implantable biochips, for which the technology currently >>exists (and is in use in animals), is the only logical conclusion to >>resolving >>this ambiguity in the verification process. >> >>The hurdle which must be overcome in introducing implanted biochips is one >of >>public discomfort. Again, however, as with the Mondex universal smartcard, >>trials will be executed in specific areas, perhaps first with the military. >>(It is disgraceful that the men and women of our military, so deserving of >>our >>respect and appreciation as a nation, should be degraded to the status of >NWO >>guinea pigs, as with the M.A.R.C. program [ >>http://www.dtic.mil:80/c3i/marcard.html ] and so many others.) Gradual >>introduction would be accelerated by intense media promotion of the >>benefits. >>Alternately, the biochip may be a step which is mandated. Time will tell. >> >>In the midst of understanding these sobering developments, let us give all >>the >>more glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He promised two thousand >>years ago that these things would come to pass - we are merely witnessing >and >>experiencing another example of the complete infallibility of Bible >>prophecy. >>Let us give praise to God as we rest at peace in His incredible promises. >We >>have been redeemed from the hand of the enemy (Ps 107:2), and are free from >>fear (1 John 4:18), not being moved by what we see (Rom 4:19-20). We are >>more >>than conquerors (Rom 8:37), overcoming by the blood of the Lamb, and the >Word >>of our testimonies (Rv 12:11). >>Finally, we are definitely looking for His soon return (1 Th 4:15-18). >>Praised be the Name of Jesus Christ!! >> >>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >> >>Watch and Pray… >> >>1. For spiritual discernment within the Church and a disposition to try the >>spirits and to prove all things. >>2. That Christians will look only to the Word of God as the foundation for >>sound doctrine and prophecy. >>3. That pastors, teachers and other shepherds will not be deceived, but will >>warn and protect the flock. >>4. That false prophets and teachers will be exposed and their teachings >>rejected by the Church. >>5. That God will raise up men and women to earnestly contend for the faith. >>6. That God will enlist men and women of prayer to intercede for the Church >>in >>these perilous times. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >======================================================================== > FOLLOWING AND REPORTING THE "REVIVAL" AS IT DEVELOPS > > @@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@ Present The Truth > @@! @@! !@@ @@! @@@ !@@ > !!@ @!!!:! !@@!! @!@ !@! !@@!! Expose The Lie > . .!! !!: !:! !!: !!! !:! > ::.:: : :: ::: ::.: : :.:: : ::.: : Protect The Innocent > >The material sent out is for your information for the purpose of exposing >the endtime apostasy in the Church. It is not sent out in support of the >current "revival." Visit our Home Page for documentation on the current >drive to establish the coming one world religion. > | > http://www.ncinter.net/~ejt/ --|-- E-Mail: > _|_ Ed ejt@ncinter.net > / \ Stef stef@plinet.com > ___/ \__ >======================================================================== > > > > > =========================================================================== Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris : Counselor at Law, federal witness 01 B.A.: Political Science, UCLA; M.S.: Public Administration, U.C.Irvine 02 tel: (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night 03 email: [address in tool bar] : using Eudora Pro 3.0.3 on 586 CPU 04 website: http://supremelaw.com : visit the Supreme Law Library now 05 ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech, at its best 06 Tucson, Arizona state : state zone, not the federal zone 07 Postal Zone 85719/tdc : USPS delays first class w/o this 08 _____________________________________: Law is authority in written words 09 As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice. We shall 10 not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal. 11 ======================================================================== 12 [This text formatted on-screen in Courier 11, non-proportional spacing.] 13
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