Time: Tue Oct 28 05:49:28 1997
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 via SMTP by smtp03.primenet.com, id smtpd011601; Tue Oct 28 05:45:16 1997
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 05:46:00 -0800
To: jeff.gordon@wellnow.com
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Charles Pixley

Hello Jeff,

Charlie retained me for a limited number
of specific tasks.  We succeeded in getting
him to file an administrative demand for
issuance of regulations promulgating the
Jury Selection and Service Act ("JSSA"), in line 
with our challenge to the JSSA which has now 
been put before the 8th Circuit.  It is hard for
me to explain what then happened at Charlie's end,
because he appeared to be overcome by certain
emotions which I could not explain entirely.

On top of that, money became a very big problem,
and he struggled unsuccessfully when I told him
I could not work for free.  He got a job, and
then lost it within a matter of weeks;  he and
I had agreed that I would continue working,
if he would go to work too, in order to help 
with the expenses.  When I confronted him about 
being home one day, doing email, when he was 
supposed to be at work, he blew up at me.

As soon as we get more funds, we will load
our work in Charlie's case into the Supreme
Law Library.  Would you care to make a donation?

Thank you for writing. 

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 10:26 PM 10/27/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi, Paul --
>Forwarding you a message sent me by Ed McCabe, sent to him by the writer ,
>who is presently "doing time" for his efforts to make a particular cancer
>compound known and available to the world, or by an intermediary for the
>writer.  I'm not privy to the legal details of the case, but thought you'd
>wanna know of this if you're not already aware.
>PLEASE CONSIDER THIS AS CONFIDENTIAL; I don't know that any useful purpose
>would be served for the writer and his family if this letter were to be
>'broadcast' at this time.
>Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 12:32:26 -0400
>Subject: [Fwd: (no subject)]Charlie Pixley in Jail for distributing 714-X
>cancer treatment
>Charlie Pixley is in Fed jail with family left behind suffering. Charlie
>helped me out when I was first distributing Oxygen Therapy books as my
>initial distributor.  He is an honest warrior for alternative health care
>who needs our help.
>He has been railroaded into jail for distributing Gaston Nassen's 714-X
>Cancer treatment. Kangaroo Fed Court turned him into slave labor. attached
>is his first message from "inside" the slave labor camps. Please
>distribute far and wide, and if anyone can, donate to his family.
>His phone (wife) is  716-266-4630.
>I agree with his reasoning that the whole aim is not to educate, but to
>supply slave labor for the corporations while silencing dissent, or in
>this case competing therapies, and the media blacks out the entire subject
>so the good people won't change anything.
>Ed McCabe, Author of "Oxygen Therapies"
>Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 09:15:06 -0400
>From: Charles Pixley <pix108@frontiernet.net>
>Organization: WRITERS and RESEARCH, Inc.
>Subject: (no subject)
>October 24, 1997
>Dear Friends,
>Dad died at age of 89,  old age and loss of will and feeling of job well
>done, died with his boots on as they say, tough old bugger, loved by many.
>Even in death still giving me gifts, allowed home for approx. 24 hours, 6
>hour drive each way, Brother and family coming from North Carolina allowed
>to pick me up and must return no matter how by 10 pm tonight.
>Normal is to be taken out in shackles and cuffs driven and return without
>any dignity nor respect and mandatory reimbursement for guard overtime and
>gas and mileage of approximately $700, in my case.  Stories of 714X and
>respectfully requesting leave in a military custom, they couldn't have
>been any more accommodating in my case.  Self-Respect wins again Superman.
>Very pleased all around, get to see my Judy and kids for one night sleep
>over, Judy waking up with what appears to be the beginning of the seasons
>go-around stomach flu, apparently Zack had it yesterday.
>Judy is without out-bound long distances phone service, yet somehow able
>to keep the mortgage and other mandatory services running.   Amazing!
>Teenage girls giving every penny of their sweet little heart earnings, I
>am so proud of these people.
>Don't have any real solid information, some follows but there are certain
>ties to the new age flesh/slave industry and quota systems to keep these
>mills full.  Make the laws, break the law to get people to commit a crime,
>lock them up without a constitutionally sound reason and hitch them to the
>company store.
>More research and investigations focused on the forced slave trade of the
>USA is in order for certain.  Federal Prisons Systems Inc., UNICOR. Bush
>family apparently owns a company called Keefe Foods, out of St. Louis, MO. 
>Generic foods packaged and sold at a profit to every federal prison and
>elsewhere presumably.  Many other favors to star politicians are in the
>wood piles like this one, without a doubt.  Particularly is the lease
>payment agreements to absentee landlords to build camps and prisons and
>lease back from the FED or state at a hefty profit, I am guessing 22%,
>above investment costs with a probable lease of 100 years, just to house
>we campers.  Check it out if you have an interest.
>Prison CAMP is what is officially I am in, styled after Military in fact a
>little better than Fort Gordon, where I stayed, no three day passes or at
>least not to many.  All is well by me, the family is surviving and having
>their souls tempered in the fires of knowledge and I am so proud of every
>one of them.
>No word from the Genius who is the inspiration of this venture, suspect
>that total destruction is pending there too.  With a devil as a side-kick
>to "protect" the corporate helm and destroy all that is family, as
>referred by the World Bank, how can it be any other way.  My prayers are
>for speedy healing of his great mind and heart.
>No word on Summer round of historic appeals, so we wait in patient
>surrender or hard work for those behind.  Some help coming from loving
>supporters is most appreciated and gratefully acknowledged at this time.
>Destruction all around, nothing is what it was nor shall be, creative
>destruction in full swing.  I can only look on in peace and awe like a
>mirage, reaching out to find I am helpless and unheard nor able to do
>anything.  So it goes...
>Please pass this on to anyone who may inquire.  My love to you you all.

Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris      : Counselor at Law, federal witness 01
B.A.: Political Science, UCLA;   M.S.: Public Administration, U.C.Irvine 02
tel:     (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night 03
email:   [address in tool bar]       : using Eudora Pro 3.0.3 on 586 CPU 04
website: http://supremelaw.com       : visit the Supreme Law Library now 05
ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech,  at its best 06
             Tucson, Arizona state   : state zone,  not the federal zone 07
             Postal Zone 85719/tdc   : USPS delays first class  w/o this 08
_____________________________________: Law is authority in written words 09
As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice.  We shall 10
not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal. 11
======================================================================== 12
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