Time: Sun Nov 09 02:57:17 1997 by primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id CAA07123 for [address in tool bar]; Sun, 9 Nov 1997 02:49:30 -0700 (MST) Date: Sun, 09 Nov 1997 02:49:29 -0700 To: pmitch@primenet.com From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in toolbar] Subject: SLF: 2nd SUPPLEMENT TO JUROR & VOTER QUALIFICATIONS CHALLENGE [This text is formatted in Courier 11, non-proportional spacing.] Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris Citizen of Arizona state c/o General Delivery at: 2509 North Campbell Avenue Tucson, Arizona state In Propria Persona Under Protest and Without Prejudice By Special Visitation Only PIMA COUNTY CONSOLIDATED JUSTICE COURT Paul Andrew Mitchell, ) Case Number #CV-97-3438 Plaintiff, ) ) SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF v. ) IN SUPPORT OF CHALLENGE TO ) JUROR QUALIFICATION STATUTES: Neil and Evelyn Nordbrock, ) et al., ) ARS 21-201; ARS 16-101; Defendants. ) Guarantee Clause; ) Seventh Amendment ) ) ) ___________________________) COMES NOW Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris, Citizen of Arizona state, expressly not a citizen of the United States ("federal citizen"), federal witness, Counselor at Law, private attorney general, and Plaintiff in the above entitled matter (hereinafter "Plaintiff"), to provide formal Notice to all interested parties, and to demand mandatory judicial notice by this honorable Court, pursuant to Rule 201(d) of the Arizona Rules of Evidence, of this, Plaintiff's SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF CHALLENGE TO JUROR QUALIFICATION STATUTES. Plaintiff hereby provides this honorable Court with additional reasons why Plaintiff's challenge is correct to conclude that the juror and voter registrant qualifications in Arizona state are demonstrably unconstitutional, in all civil cases and in all criminal cases. Second Supplement to Juror and Voter Qualifications Challenge: Page 1 of 5 Plaintiff has previously explained, in verbal arguments already made on the record, that all grand and petit juries in Arizona state would be necessarily unlawful, if the law(s) which convened such juries deliberately and expressly excluded all People of the male gender, so as to require that juries consist only of females. For precisely the same reason, all grand and petit juries in Arizona state would likewise be unlawful, if said law(s) deliberately and expressly excluded all People of the female gender, so as to require that juries consist only of males. The People of any given gender constitute a distinct class, and to discriminate against any one of these two classes, in obvious and total preference to the other, is unconstitutional and results in convening a "jury" which is not a legal body. Plaintiff has previously explained, in verbal arguments already made on the record, that all grand and petit juries in Arizona state would be necessarily unlawful, if the law(s) which convened such juries deliberately and expressly excluded all People of the white race, so as to require that juries consist only of non-white races. For precisely the same reason, all grand and petit juries in Arizona state would likewise be unlawful, if said law(s) deliberately and expressly excluded all People of the black race, so as to require that juries consist only of non-black races. The People of any given race constitute a distinct class, and to discriminate against any one of these two classes, in obvious and total preference to the other, is unconstitutional and results in convening a "jury" which is not a legal body. Second Supplement to Juror and Voter Qualifications Challenge: Page 2 of 5 Plaintiff has previously explained, in verbal arguments already made on the record, that all grand and petit juries in Arizona state would be necessarily unlawful, if the law(s) which convened such juries deliberately and expressly excluded all People who identify with the Democratic Party, so as to require that juries consist only of those People who identify with the Republican Party. For precisely the same reason, all grand and petit juries in Arizona state would likewise be unlawful, if said law(s) deliberately and expressly excluded all People who identify with the Republican Party, so as to require that juries consist only of those People who identify with the Democratic Party. The People who identify with any given political party constitute a distinct political class, and to discriminate against any one of these two classes, in obvious and total preference to the other, is unconstitutional and results in convening a "jury" which is not a legal body. Finally, Plaintiff has previously explained, in verbal and written arguments already made on the record, that all grand and petit juries in Arizona state would be necessarily unlawful, if the state law(s) which convened such juries deliberately and expressly excluded all People who are Citizens of one of the Union states by Right of Birth (read "state Citizens"), and who are not also citizens of the United States ("federal citizens") by Right of Election, so as to require that juries consist only of federal citizens. Confer at "Federal citizenship" in Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition. Confer also at "jus soli" in Black's supra. See ARS 16-101, 21-201, the offending state laws. Second Supplement to Juror and Voter Qualifications Challenge: Page 3 of 5 The People who identify with only one class of citizenship, to the deliberate exclusion of the other class of citizenship, constitute a distinct and identifiable group, and to discriminate against this one group by intentionally and systematically excluding them from jury service, in obvious and total preference to federal citizens only, is unconstitutional and results in convening a "jury" which is not a legal body. The Qualifications Clauses in the U.S. Constitution have never been lawfully amended; they refer specifically to Citizens of one of the several states which are united by, and under, that Constitution. There was no such thing as federal citizenship prior to the 1866 Civil Rights Act. See 1:2:2, 1:3:3, 2:1:5. VERIFICATION I, Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris, Citizen of Arizona state, expressly not a citizen of the United States ("federal citizen"), federal witness, Counselor at Law, private attorney general, and Plaintiff in the instant case, hereby verify, under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, without (outside) the "United States" (federal government), that the above statement of facts is true and correct, to the best of My current information, knowledge, and belief, so help Me God, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746(1). See Supremacy Clause. Dated: November 10, 1997 Respectfully submitted, /s/ Paul Mitchell _____________________________________ Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris Citizen of Arizona state (expressly not a citizen of the United States) All Rights Reserved without Prejudice Second Supplement to Juror and Voter Qualifications Challenge: Page 4 of 5 PROOF OF SERVICE I, Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris, hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, without the "United States," that I am at least 18 years of age, a Citizen of one of the United States of America, and that I personally served the following document(s): SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF CHALLENGE TO JUROR QUALIFICATION STATUTES: ARS 21-201; ARS 16-101; Guarantee Clause; Seventh Amendment by placing one true and correct copy of said document(s) in first class United States Mail, with postage prepaid and properly addressed to the following: Neil and Evelyn Nordbrock (fax line disconnected) c/o 6642 E. Calle de San Alberto Tucson, Arizona state Lawrence E. Condit VIA FAX TRANSMISSION c/o 376 South Stone Avenue to: (520) 624-8414 Tucson, Arizona state Mr. Walter U. Weber c/o 115 N. Church Avenue Tucson, Arizona state Hon. Robert J. Gibson c/o 115 N. Church Avenue Tucson, Arizona state Executed on November 10, 1997: /s/ Paul Mitchell _____________________________________ Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris Citizen of Arizona state (expressly not a citizen of the United States) All Rights Reserved without Prejudice Second Supplement to Juror and Voter Qualifications Challenge: Page 5 of 5 # # # =========================================================================== Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris : Counselor at Law, federal witness 01 B.A.: Political Science, UCLA; M.S.: Public Administration, U.C.Irvine 02 tel: (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night 03 email: [address in toolbar] : using Eudora Pro 3.0.3 on 586 CPU 04 website: http://supremelaw.com : visit the Supreme Law Library now 05 ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech, at its best 06 Tucson, Arizona state : state zone, not the federal zone 07 Postal Zone 85719/tdc : USPS delays first class w/o this 08 _____________________________________: Law is authority in written words 09 As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice. We shall 10 not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal. 11 ======================================================================== 12 [This text formatted on-screen in Courier 10, non-proportional spacing.] 13
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