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Subject: L&J: EPA: Master of Mission Creep
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>From Forbes, Oct. 20, 1997

Found this at: 

 the Environmental Protection Agency Congress created a
 monster it can no longer control. With a shrewd politician like
 Carol Browner running it, the agency just thumbs its nose at
 the legislators. 

 Carol Browner, master of mission creep

 By Pranay Gupte and Bonner R. Cohen 

 AS THE CENTER OF that enormous rent-seeking
 organization known as the federal government, Washington,
 D.C. has evolved its own vocabulary. There is, in
 bureaucratese, an innocent-sounding but insidious phrase:
 mission creep. Mark it well: Mission creep explains a lot
 about how big government grows and grows and grows.

 Mission creep is to a taxpayer-supported organization what
 new markets are to a business organization. It involves a
 gradual, sometimes authorized, sometimes not, broadening of a
 bureaucracy's original mission. It is a way to accrete money
 and power beyond what Congress originally approved when it
 funded an agency. 

 Playing mission creep is an old game in Washington. But no
 one has ever played the game with more skill than Carol M.
 Browner, Bill Clinton's choice to head the Environmental
 Protection Agency. 

 From a modest beginning a quarter-century ago, the agency
 has grown to employ nearly 20,000 people and control an
 annual budget of $7 billion. But these numbers are a poor
 measure of the agency's power: Because its regulations have
 the force of law, the agency can jail people, close factories and
 override the judgments of local authorities. 

 In its quest for power and money, the agency has imposed
 many unnecessary costs on American industry, and ultimately
 on the American people—costs that do more to satisfy
 bureaucratic zeal than to clean the air or the water. 

 The EPA was established in 1970 by an executive order issued
 by President Richard M. Nixon. Rachel Carson, a patron saint
 of the environmental movement, had made a huge impact with
 her emotional tract, Silent Spring, a few years earlier. 

 The public was right to be alarmed. Industrialization has
 imposed hidden costs in the form of polluted air, despoiled
 streams, unsightly dumps and a general degradation of the
 landscape. Concerns about pollution could, of course, have
 been dealt with by existing agencies, but that is not the nature
 of American politics. Politicians must be seen to be doing
 something dramatic. Creating new agencies makes favorable
 waves in the media. 

      EPA scientists, following the agency's
      cancer-risk guidelines, were soon
      ignoring the age-old admonition that the
      "dose makes the poison." 

 Nixon created a new agency. Pulled together from a
 hodgepodge of existing federal programs, the EPA never had a
 congressional charter that would have defined its regulatory
 activities. It was simply given the task of carrying out the
 provisions of what, over time, became 13 environmental
 statutes, each with its own peculiarities and constituencies. 

 Without perhaps fully comprehending the issues, Nixon made
 the new EPA the instrument for a tremendous power grab by
 the federal government. Most environmental
 problems—chemical spills, groundwater con- tamination,
 abandoned dump sites—are purely local in nature. But
 suddenly they were federal matters. In the name of a greener,
 cleaner Earth, Washington mightily increased its power to
 intervene in the daily lives of its citizens. It was a goal so
 worthy that few people saw the dangers inherent in it.
 Mission creep had begun. 

 In 1978 then-EPA administrator Douglas Costle cleverly
 shifted the focus of the agency. Henceforth the EPA would
 protect not just the environment but your health. "Costle
 became determined to convince the public that [the] EPA was
 first and foremost a public health agency, not a guardian of
 bugs and bunnies," wrote Mark K. Landry, Marc J. Roberts
 and Stephen R. Thomas in their book, The Environmental
 Protection Agency: Asking the Wrong Questions from Nixon
 to Clinton. 

 People do care about forests and wildlife, but they care much
 more about themselves and their families. There is a strong
 strain of hypochondria in the American people, and nothing
 grabs our attention faster than an alleged threat to our health.
 If the alleged threat involves cancer, it is almost guaranteed to
 make the six o'clock news. Costle shrewdly exploited
 cancerphobia to expand his agency's reach and to wring money
 from Congress. He launched the EPA on a cancer hunt,
 looking for carcinogens in foods and air and water, even in the
 showers we take. 

 Carcinogens, of course, abound in nature, ordinary sunlight
 being one of the most prevalent. So it is with many man-made
 substances. The exposure to background levels of these
 carcinogens is so minimal in most cases as to pose no serious
 threat in the overwhelming majority of cases. Never mind:
 EPA scientists, following the agency's cancer-risk guidelines,
 were soon ignoring the age-old admonition that the "dose
 makes the poison." If it was man-made and carried
 carcinogens, the EPA would root it out. As one EPA scientist
 explained it to Forbes: "At EPA, we're not paid not to find

 Under the mantra of "one fiber can kill," the EPA in the 1980s
 mounted a costly and probably self-defeating nationwide
 effort to rip asbestos out of schools. Simply sealing the
 substance would have kept the fibers away from kids at a
 fraction of the cost. But it would not have yielded the same
 harvest in headlines. 

      Where most agency chiefs tremble at
      criticism frm congress, Browner has a
      platform from which to counterattack. 

 Even more than her predecessors—and possessing much
 greater resources—Carol Browner presents herself as the great
 family physician. "There isn't a decision I make on any given
 day that's not related to the health of the American people,"
 she tells Forbes. Browner, it's worth noting, is a lawyer with
 no medical training. 

 After all, she reminds us, she's the mom of a young boy.
 Attendees of Capitol Hill hearings snicker at her constant
 references to her son, Zachary, when she testifies on
 environmental issues. But she never misses a chance to repeat
 the message. "If we can focus on protecting the children . . .
 we will be protecting the population at large, which is
 obviously our job," she tells Forbes 

 Who said that was her job? Nobody, but that's what mission
 creep is all about. 

 Last September Browner announced the release of a new EPA
 report setting forth a broad national agenda to protect children
 from environmental risks. She followed up the report with the
 creation earlier this year of the Office of Children's Health
 Protection at EPA. 

 There was no congressional mandate, but Congress meekly
 went along by failing to challenge the agency's justification of
 the program. Who would want to face reelection accused of
 being callous toward children? Especially when the EPA's
 kept researchers stand by ready to produce scare studies on
 EPA money (see box, p. 172). 

 Where most agency chiefs tremble at criticism from Congress,
 Browner has a platform from which she can counterattack. An
 EPA-funded newsletter was recently distributed by the
 National Parents Teachers Association. At the time an internal
 EPA memo noted: "The PTA could become a major ally for
 the Agency in preventing Congress from slashing our budget."
 Thus does Browner's EPA use taxpayer money to fight
 efforts to trim the federal budget. 

 On Mar. 15, 1995 David Lewis, an EPA scientist attached to
 the agency's laboratory in Athens, Ga., was told by his
 supervisor that EPA employees with connections to members
 of Congress should use their influence to sway lawmakers
 against a bill proposed by Representative Clifford Stearns
 (R-Fla.)—if it could be done "without getting into trouble."
 Stearns' bill would have reduced funding for EPA. The
 scientist later said in a deposition: "We were being asked to do
 this during government business hours, and the purpose was
 to protect EPA funding levels." This request on the part of
 high-level EPA officials to lobby Congress on government
 time is under investigation by the House Government Reform
 and Oversight Committee. 

 Had this been a Republican administration and had the
 department involved been other than the EPA, one can
 imagine the outcry in the media. 

 Asked about the growing criticism of her tactics, Browner
 blatantly ducks the question with: "This isn't about me. It
 never has been about me. It's about the air being cleaner. Is the
 water going to be safer? It's about business going to be able to
 find a better solution to our environmental problems." 

 It's really about politics. When supportive lawmakers ask to
 borrow EPA experts for their staffs, the EPA hastens to
 comply. Requests from liberal Democrats almost always are
 filled, those from Republicans rarely. A request by
 Representative Richard Pombo (R-Calif.) for an EPA detailee
 was rejected on Jan. 2, 1997 on the grounds that "new
 procedures" were being written. Less than four weeks later
 (Jan. 28), a similar request from liberal Democrat
 Representative Charles Rangel of New York was approved,
 without reference to any "new procedures." 

 Since 1995 her office has approved all requests for employee
 details to four Democratic lawmakers—Senator Frank
 Lautenberg (D-N.J.), Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.), Senator
 Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.) and Rangel. Of the four
 GOP requests, three were rejected. 

 Browner was at her politically impressive best in this
 summer's debate over the EPA's tougher clean air standards.
 Because air quality levels have improved markedly since
 passage of the Clean Air Act amendments of 1990, it was
 widely hoped—especially in areas that badly need new
 jobs—that the standards would not be further tightened. The
 EPA's own data showed that levels of the particulates have
 dropped dramatically over the past decade. Many local
 governments, anxious for jobs and economic development,
 were looking forward to being removed from the list of
 so-called nonattainment areas for ozone and particulate
 matter, or PM. 

 In July the EPA finalized new tighter standards for ozone and
 PM. For communities that had made expensive efforts to
 comply with the current law, the higher standards were like a
 baseball player, having rounded third base and heading toward
 home, being told he had to circle the bases again to score. 

 A good many congresspeople were outraged. Browner's
 insistence on imposing the new standards in the face of
 nothing more than scanty scientific evidence unleashed howls
 of protest from elected officials in the affected communities. 

 Legally, Browner was probably in the right. In its haste to
 seem to be attending to the environment, Congress failed to
 exert control over EPA standards and regulations. 

 There was nonetheless quite a donnybrook, with veteran
 Democrat John Dingell of Michigan leading the charge against
 Browner. A lot of jobs were at stake in Michigan, still
 headquarters of the U.S. auto industry. Congress, he insisted,
 should be consulted. Dingell was not alone. 

 With lots of support from Vice President Al Gore's office,
 Browner went to work putting down the congressional revolt.
 Her testimony before Congress was, by general agreement,
 brilliant, though her facts were often shaky. 

 Until then, Bill Clinton had remained on the sidelines. But
 Browner maneuvered the President into a corner, where he
 faced the politically embarrassing choice of supporting her
 controversial initiatives or disavowing his outspoken EPA
 administrator. Clinton then got to the head of the parade by
 declaring his support for Browner. The game was over.
 Browner 1, Congress 0. 

 If EPA's new standards survive congressional and legal
 challenges, state and local governments will have to devise
 elaborate State Implementation Plans, or SIPs, detailing their
 strategies for complying with the agency's latest regulatory
 diktat. And in accordance with the Clean Air Act, it will be up
 to the EPA to approve or disapprove the SIPs. The estimated
 cost of compliance with the new standards for the Chicago
 area alone is projected to be between $3 billion and $7 billion. 

 "I wish we never had that fight with Congress," she tells
 Forbes. "I wish it could have been avoided. I think it came at
 great expense to the country. I think it was very unfortunate."
 Note the implication: The way it could have been avoided was
 for Congress to avoid challenging her. 

 You can admire Browner's skill and still be appalled by what
 she is doing. "This is by far the most politicized EPA I've
 seen in my three decades of working in state governments,"
 says Russell J. Harding, director of Michigan's Department of
 Environmental Quality. "It is an agency driven more by sound
 bites than by sound science." 

      In its haste to seem to be attending to the
      environment, Congress failed to exert
      control over EPA standards and

 Says Barry McBee, chairman of the Texas Natural Resource
 Conservation Commission: "EPA continues to embody an
 outdated attitude that Washington knows best, that only
 Washington has the capability to protect our environment.
 States are closer to the people they protect and closer to the
 resources and can do a better job today." 

 As a weapon to humble the state regulatory bodies, Carol
 Browner's EPA has embraced the politically correct concept
 of "environmental justice." This broadens EPA's mandates
 even beyond protection of everyone's health. 

 In early 1993 Browner set up the Office of Environmental
 Justice within EPA which, among other things, passes out
 taxpayer-funded grants for studying the effects of industrial
 pollutants on poorer, mostly black, communities. In 1994 the
 White House supported this initiative by ordering federal
 agencies to consider the health and environmental effects of
 their decisions on minority and low-income communities. 

 That's the rhetoric. The reality is that the federal agencies have
 a new weapon for over-ruling state agencies. Browner's EPA
 recently delayed the approval of a $700 million polyvinyl
 chloride plant to be built by Japanese-owned Shintech in the
 predominantly black southern Louisiana town of Convent.
 Louisiana's Department of Environmental Quality had already
 given the go-ahead; the plant would have created good-paying
 jobs and opportunities in an area suffering from 60%
 unemployment and low incomes. But the EPA argued that
 blacks would suffer disproportionately from potentially
 cancer-causing emissions of the plant in an area already lined
 with chemical factories of all descriptions. 

 Louisiana Economic Development Director Kevin Reilly was
 enraged. "It is demeaning and despicable for these people to
 play the race card," he says, pointing out that poor people
 and blacks would have gained economically and were at little
 health risk. The scientific evidence bears Reilly out: A recent
 article in the Journal of the Louisiana Medical Society found
 that cancer incidence in the area is in most cases no higher than

 But never mind the facts: This kind of decision has less to do
 with science than with power politics. It delivers the message:
 Don't mess with the EPA. "Carol Browner is the best hardball
 player in the Clinton Administration," says Steven J. Milloy,
 executive director of The Advancement of Sound Science
 Coalition in Washington, a longtime critic of EPA who
 acknowledges receiving funding from industry. "She has the
 105th Congress completely intimidated by her debating skills
 and her sheer grasp of facts, however questionable. She eats
 their lunch." 

 Like many Clintonites, Browner takes her own good time
 about responding to congressional requests for EPA
 documents. When word got out that EPA was developing a
 series of proposals for reducing U.S. emissions of man-made
 greenhouse gases, the House Commerce Committee asked for
 a copy. The EPA ignored the request for two years. 

 When the proposals were leaked to the committee late last
 year, it was immediately clear why EPA had stiffed Congress.
 The document was loaded with proposals for raising taxes to
 pay for new EPA initiatives. Produced in the agency's Office
 of Policy, Planning & Evaluation and dated May 31, 1994,
 EPA's "Climate Change Action" recommends a new
 50-cent-per-gallon gasoline tax, with an estimated cost to
 motorists of $47 billion in the year 2000 alone. Seven other
 tax increases were recommended: a "greenhouse gas tax," a
 "carbon tax," a "BTU tax," an "at-the-source ad-valorem tax"
 on the value of the fuel at the source of extraction, an "end-use
 ad valorem tax" on the value of the fuel at the point of sale, a
 "motor fuels tax" on the retail price of gasoline and diesel, an
 "oil import fee." Also recommended: A new federal fee on
 vehicle emissions tests of $40 per person to "shift the cost of
 vehicle inspection from the state to the vehicle owner." 

 How could they hope to get so many new taxes through a
 tax-shy Congress? The "Climate Change Action Plan"
 contains repeated references to how each of the above taxes
 and fees can be imposed under existing laws. Talk about
 taxation without representation. 

 It's not entirely surprising that Browner and her crew think in
 terms of government-by-edict. Browner's extraordinary power
 is in many ways a consequence of Congress' delegation of its
 lawmaking power to the EPA. It has let the agency
 micromanage environmental activities throughout the nation
 with little regard for either local wishes or the cost. This
 negligence has permitted the agency to ignore scientific data
 that conflict with agency orthodoxy. The EPA is in many
 ways becoming a state within the state. 

      "I wish we never had that fight with
      Congress.I wish it could have been
      avoided. I think it came at great expense
      to the country." 

 "This is Washington at its worst—out-of-touch bureaucrats
 churning out red tape with reckless abandon. The EPA hasn't
 taken into account an ounce of reality," says Representative
 Fred Upton (R-Mich.), a frequent critic, referring to the new
 clean air rules. 

 If science isn't Browner's strong point, political tactics are.
 Her enemies can only envy the way the EPA uses the courts.
 An organization such as the Natural Resources Defense
 Council will go into federal court and sue to force the EPA to
 do something. The EPA will wink and, after the courts expand
 its mandate, see to it that big legal fees go to the NRDC. 

 Mission creep, in short, takes many forms and its
 practitioners have many ways to plunder the public purse. 

 For her part. Browner often dismisses as simple male
 chauvinism any criticism of her hardball tactics. "I think
 sometimes that it's an issue of men and women," she says,

 Such cute demagoguery aside, there is no doubting Browner's
 sincerity. She is an environmentalist zealot. She was clearly
 behind the decision to tighten the clean air standards to what
 many people regard as unreasonable levels. If not a tree-hugger
 she is philosophically close to Al Gore and his quasi-religious

 After graduating from University of Florida law school,
 Browner (both of whose parents were college teachers) went
 to work for a Ralph Nader-affiliated consumer advocate
 group. There she met her husband, Michael Podhorzer, who
 still works there. 

 She learned politics working on Gore's Senate staff, where she
 rose to be his legislative director before heading back to
 Florida to head the state environmental commission. 

 After the EPA, what's next for this tough and aggressive
 politician? If Al Gore's presidential hopes aren't dashed by the
 fund-raising scandals, there's a vice presidential slot on the
 Democratic ticket up for grabs in 2000. A female
 environmentalist and mother of a young boy would do a lot to
 bolster Gore's otherwise soggy appeal. 

 In a statement to Forbes, Gore went so far as to try to claim
 for Browner some of the credit for the current economic
 prosperity. "She has helped prove," he declares, "that a
 healthy environment and a strong economy are inextricably

 If not a vice presidential run, what? Could Browner be
 nominated by the Clinton Administration to be the next head
 of the United Nations' environment program? Or would the
 Administration nominate her as the new U.N. Deputy
 Secretary General? Either position would give Browner
 instant international visibility, which couldn't hurt her
 political prospects in Washington. 

 One way or another, you are going to be hearing a lot more
 about Carol M. Browner; whenever you do, it's unlikely to be
 good news for business—and it may not even be good news
 for the environment. 


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         High costs, higher confusion
         Providing a bonus for snoops and spies 

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