Time: Fri Nov 14 06:31:05 1997
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Date: Fri, 14 Nov 1997 06:13:26 -0800
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: SLS: Who is Liable? (fwd)

>                               Who Is Liable?
>                    by Lowell ("Larry") H. Becraft, Jr.
>The 1954 Internal Revenue Code (Title 26 United States Code) imposes a tax 
>upon various objects and then makes various persons liable for the 
>collection and payment of the tax.
>How the system operates is made clinically clear in Subtitle D and E of the 
>Internal Revenue Code (IRC).
>In Section 4071(a), a tax upon certain tires is imposed, and in Section 
>4071(b), the manufacturer, producer, or importer of the tires is made liable 
>for the tax.
>In Section 4161, a tax is imposed upon sport fishing equipment and in 
>Section 4162(c), the retailer of such equipment is made liable.
>Section 4371 imposes a tax upon foreign insurance instruments and Section 
>4374 makes liable anyone who makes, signs, issues, or sells the instruments.
>In addition to these expressly cited taxes, the IRC imposes many others and, 
>except for the tax on income imposes by Sections 1 and 11, there are always 
>provisions in the IRC stating that some class of person is liable for 
>payment of the tax.
>For the convenience of the reader who wants to check the IRC for a better 
>understanding of these facts, the table below lists sections of the IRC that 
>impose income taxes and the related sections stating who is liable for 
>payment of each tax.
>     Tax Imposed by Section:            Liability for Payment:
>     4971(a), (b)                       4971(a), (b)
>     4973(a)                            4973(a)
>     4974(a)                            4974(a)
>     4975(a), (b)                       4975(a), (b)
>     4978(c)                            4978(c)
>     4986(a)                            4986(b)
>     4995(a)(1)(A)                      4995(a)(1)(B)
>     5001(a)(1), (3)                    5005
>     5041                               5043
>     5051                               5054, 5061
>     5701                               5703
>     5811(a)                            5811(b)
>     5821(a)                            5821(b)
>      871(a)                            1461
>        1                               none
>       11                               none
>The sections listed on the last two lines of the table are all part of 
>Subtitle A, which contains the sections of the IRC that relate to income 
>tax.  Note that there is no section of the Internal Revenue Code imposing a 
>liability (requirement) for payment of the tax imposed on income Sections 1 
>and 11.
>Section 1 imposes a tax on taxable income of (possessed by) individuals, and 
>Section 11 imposes a tax on taxable income of (possessed by) corporations, 
>but there is no provision in Subtitle A or elsewhere in the IRC that imposes 
>a liability (requirement) upon anyone for payment for either tax.
>Section 871 of Subtitle A imposes a tax on the total amount received in the 
>form of interest, dividends, rents, salaries, wages, premiums, etc., from 
>sources within the United States by nonresident alien individuals.
>Section 881 of Subtitle A imposes a tax on the amount received from sources 
>within the United States in the form of interest, dividends, rents, 
>salaries, wages, premiums, etc., by a foreign corporation.
>There is, however, no section of Subtitle A making such nonresident alien 
>individuals or foreign corporations liable for payment of the tax.
>The liability for paying the taxes imposed by Sections 871 and 881 is 
>imposed in Section 1461, which states that the person (individual, trust, 
>estate, partnership, association, company, or corporation) required to 
>deduct and withhold those taxes is "made liable for the tax."
>Other than Section 1461, there is no section that imposes any liability on 
>anyone for payment of any tax under Subtitle A.
>Therefore, unless individuals are acting as agents of government by 
>withholding money from nonresident aliens or foreign corporations, there is 
>no requirement for them to pay the tax on income and therefore no 
>requirement for them to file returns.
>     Benefits Available to Aliens
>The purpose of the tax return is to enable the alien to claim benefits of 
>deductions and credits against taxes already withheld by the withholding 
>agent -- that individual, partnership, corporation, trust, bank, etc., 
>having custody, control, receipt, disposal, or making payment of income 
>items.  The return is required of the alien only in the sense that his 
>failure to file will result in the denial of benefits to him.
>The explanation of this fact is detailed at Section 874(a):
>     A nonresident alien individual shall receive the benefit of the 
>     deductions and credits allowed him in this subtitle only by filing or 
>     causing to be filed with the Secretary a true and accurate return ... 
>     (b) The benefit of the deduction for exemptions under section 151 may 
>     ... be received by a nonresident alien individual entitled thereto, by 
>     filing a claim therefore with the withholding agent.
>There is no such benefit available to United States citizens except those 
>having income derived from sources in possessions of the United States 
>[Title 26 USC 931(f)] and in Guam [Section 935(b)].  There is no statutory 
>provision for a United States citizen to file a return on income derived 
>from sources within the United States.  If Subtitle A of Title 26 should in 
>fact apply to United States citizens having income derived from sources 
>within the United States, such citizens would be denied equal protection 
>under a law that benefits only (a) aliens and foreign corporations having 
>income from sources within the United States and (b) United States citizens 
>having income from Guam and United States possessions.
>Indeed, if one such excluded United States citizen -- driven, say, by 
>patriotic fever -- should crave paying income taxes in spite of there being 
>no legal duty, but wished to moderate his passion by claiming benefits of 
>deductions, he would have to make his claim under a statute applicable only 
>to nonresident aliens.  In other words, to enjoy deductions while 
>patriotically paying income taxes, he must either give up his United States 
>citizenship and declare himself an alien, or make the false claim that his 
>income was earned in a posession of the United States.  In the one case he 
>surrenders the world's most valuable legal posession, in the other he 
>perjured himself.
>     Withholding Agents
>Liability is imposed when the nonresident alien individual files his claim 
>for benefits of deductions and allowances (his return) directly with the 
>Secretary or causes the exemption claim to be filed by the withholding agent 
>per Section 874.  When filing directly, the alien makes himself 
>constructively liable for the truth and accuracy of his return.  When 
>causing the return to be filed under Section 874, the alien causes the 
>liability for the withholding agent.  (The withholding agent is the only 
>citizen of the United States domiciled in the United States who may have 
>income derived from sources within the United States who is required to file 
>a return under Subtitle A, but it is not his return that must be filed, it 
>is the return of the alien whose income items he controls.)
>The actual imposition of statutory liability for a tax on income occurs in 
>Subtitle A of Title 26 at Section 1461:
>     Every person required to deduct and withhold any tax under this chapter 
>     is hereby made liable for such tax and is hereby indemnified against 
>     the claims and demands of any persons for the amount of any payments 
>     made in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
>The purpose of Section 1461 is to assure that the withholding agent for 
>nonresident aliens and foreign corporations timely and properly collects, 
>deducts allowances and exemptions from gross income, administers benefit of 
>deductions, and pays over to the Secretary those amounts of tax withheld.  
>The government indemnifies the withholding agent from any demands the alien 
>or foreign corporation might make upon him for a refund.
>Once made liable, the withholding agent (or the alien, if he takes it upon 
>himself to claim benefits by filing a return or exemption claim) become 
>subjects to the rules and regulations of the Secretary, as set forth in 
>Section 6001:
>     Every person liable for any tax imposed by this title, or for the 
>     collection thereof, shall keep such records, render such statements, 
>     make such returns and comply with such rules and regulations as the 
>     Secretary may from time to time prescribe ...
>The party made liable for the tax or its collection -- more often the 
>withholding agent agent than the alien -- is then required by the 
>Secretary's regulations to make a return or statements, as fixed at Section 
>     When required by regulations prescribed by the Secretary any persons 
>     made liable for any tax imposed by this title, or for the collection 
>     thereof, shall make a return or statement ...
>Finally, the base rate at which a return must be filed is established at 
>Section 6012:
>     Returns with respect to income taxes under Subtitle A shall be made by 
>     the following:  (1)(A)  Every individual having for the taxable year a 
>     gross income of $1,000 or more ...
>Criminal liability attaches upon the alien when he files his own return and 
>attempts to lie or cheat the government out of its lawful revenues.  This is 
>tax evasion, a felony punished under Section 7201 of Title 26 USC.  But if 
>he merely fails to file a return, willfully or otherwise, he hurts no one 
>but himself.  He forfeits his right to claim benefits or deductions which he 
>is required to do if he wants the benefits.  Hence, the "requirement" to 
>file.  Only under the most perverted administration would the government 
>want an alien imprisoned for failing to demand money from the Treasury!
>The willful failure to file a return becomes criminal when done by the party 
>the alien has caused to file a return, namely, the withholding agent.  The 
>agent's failure to file is considerably more serious than the alien's, for 
>the agent's failure not only denies benefits to the alien and betrays the 
>fiduciary interest, but it also deprives the government of its lawful 
>The statute punishing the withholding agent made liable by the alien for 
>making returns and paying the tax withheld is Section 7203 of Title 26 USC:
>     Any person required under this title to pay any estimated tax or tax, 
>     or required by this title or by regulations made under authority 
>     thereof to make a return, keep any records, or supply any information, 
>     who willfully fails to pay such estimated tax or tax, make such return, 
>     keep such records, or supply such information, at the time or times 
>     required by laws or regulation, shall, in addition to other penalties 
>     provided by law, be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction 
>     thereof, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more 
>     than one year, or both, together with the costs of prosecution.
>     Income Tax as a Direct Tax Not to be Laid Upon Inland Income of U.S. 
>     Citizens
>There is no responsibility to suggest why the internal revenue laws do not 
>impose a tax on the inland incomes of United States citizens, but there is a 
>need to offer the following suggestions to support the inescapable finding 
>that they do not.
>As was made clear in Senate Joint Resolutions 165 proclaiming on February 3, 
>1983 that 1983 was "The Year of the Bible", the founders of the United 
>States were deeply motivated by Biblical conviction and principle.  They 
>were not establishing a Roman or Babylonian empire, but a Christian 
>republic, in which no tax was collected, except by the citizen's direct 
>representative whose duties were subject to review every two years.  The 
>Constitution of the United States of America provides in Article 1, Section 
>8, clause 1; and the 16th Amendment that only:
>     Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes ...
>Yet taxes imposed under Title 26 are collected not by Congress but by the 
>Secretary of the Treasury, an executive officer under Article 2, Section 2, 
>clause 2 of the Constitution.
>The executive department has no more constitutional authority to collect a 
>tax than it has to lay a tax on the people of the United States.
>It might be argued that Congress has power to delegate the collection 
>authority.  That power was proposed in convention at Philadelphia on 
>September 14, 1787.  The proposition was that Congress, already authorized 
>to lay and collect, be given power to delegate the collection process "by 
>joint ballot" to a Treasurer (69th Congress, 1st Session, House Document No. 
>398: `Documents Illustrative of the Formation of the Union of the American 
>States', pp. 722, 723).
>Mr. Rutledge [sic] of South Carolina moved to strike out this power and let 
>the Treasurer be appointed "in the same manner with other officers", i.e. by 
>the President, pursuant to Article 2, Section 2, clause 2.  The 
>Massachusetts deputies, Gorham and King, opposed the motions, arguing the 
>the people were accustomed to treasurers being appointed by legislatures.  
>General Pinckney, also of South Carolina, stated that the Treasurer was 
>appointed by the legislature in his state, too, but that "The consequence is 
>that bad appointments are made and the legislature will not listen to the 
>faults of their own officer."  Gouverneur Morris of Pennsylvania agreed that 
>denying Congress the power to delegate to a Treasurer the authority for 
>collecting taxes would cause the Treasurer to be "more narrowly watched, and 
>more readily impeached."
>The motion to deny Congress the power to appoint a Treasurer was approved.  
>The nation's tax collector would be appointed "in the same manner with other 
>officers," by the President, with the advice and consent not of Congress, 
>but of the Senate alone.
>Any attempt by the President or his officer to collect a tax from a United 
>States citizen would be a violation of the citizen's right to tax collection 
>by elected representative, unless the citizen had brought himself into a 
>class over which the executive department could constitutionally exercise 
>jurisdiction.  That class was the alien national.
>The Supreme Court has never failed to declare that the income tax is an 
>indirect excise tax (see Springer v. United States, 102 US 586; Brushaber v. 
>Union Pacific Railroad Co., 240 US 16; Stanton v. Baltic Mining Co., 240 US 
>112).  Excise taxes are:
>     ... taxes laid upon the manufacture, sale or consumption of commodities 
>     within the country, upon licensed to pursue certain occupations and 
>     upon corporate privileges.  Flint v. Stone Tracy Co., 220 US 110.
>If the Constitution prohibits taxes collected from United States Citizens by 
>any department of government but the legislature, and if the income tax is 
>collected by the executive department (which department is authorized to 
>enforce the law of nations), then an income tax collected by the Secretary 
>of Treasury can only be an excise laid upon an alien's privilege of pursuing 
>an occupation or otherwise deriving gain within the United States while 
>remaining loyal to his foreign sovereign; or upon a foreign-based United 
>States citizen's privilege of enjoying income from sources without the 
>United States.
>If the Founding Fathers of this nation were, as the Congress jointly 
>resolved in 1983, motivated by Scripture, we would expect them to pattern 
>their systems of excises and duties after the Bible.  And so they did:
>     ... What thinkest thou, Simon? of whom do the kings of the earth take 
>     custom or tribute? of their own children, or of strangers?
>     Peter saith unto him, Of strangers.  Jesus saith unto him, Then are the 
>     children free.  [Matthew 17:25}
>Larry Becraft is an attorney from Huntsville, Alabama.
>This article is the result of Mr. Becraft, after a conversation with Leo 
>Masters.  It was put into its present form by F. Tupper Saussy and edited by 
>John Sasscer.  It is reprinted from `Reasonable Action', the newsletter of 
>Save-A-Patriot Fellowship.
>All who read this article are cautioned not to run down to the courthouse 
>and submit these findings of law and fact.  In most cases it would not help 
>due to the fact that prior actions were not based on this knowledge, and it 
>would most likely just create bad case law that can be used against others.
>[Reprinted from `Freedom League Newsletter', Aug/Sept 1987]

Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris      : Counselor at Law, federal witness 01
B.A.: Political Science, UCLA;   M.S.: Public Administration, U.C.Irvine 02
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_____________________________________: Law is authority in written words 09
As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice.  We shall 10
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