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Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 08:22:47 -0400 (EDT)
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From: Patricia Neill <pnpj@db1.cc.rochester.edu>
Subject: IP: BILL'S WAR.
To: jad@locust.etext.org
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>Return-path: <aen!aen.org!rivero@uunet.uu.NET>
>Date: Fri, 14 Nov 1997 09:53:59 -0800 (PST)
>From: Michael Rivero <rivero@accessone.COM>
>Subject: BILL'S WAR.
>  I watched Clinton's face as he spoke about the increasing tensions with
>Iraq this morning. The man could scarely keep the smirk off of his face.
>  I know this smirk of his. I know it well. I have seen it many times
>  It's the smirk he tried to hide as he spoke to the Department of
>Commerce on the day after Ron Brown's plane crashed in the storm that
>never was.
>  It's the smirk he tried to hide as he declared that we would never know
>why Vincent Foster died, or why he couldn't protect himself.
>  It's the smirk of a man who thinks he's getting away with something.
>It's the smirk of a man who has found the loophole, the trap door, the
>hidden key that allows him to escape calamity yet one more time. It's the
>smirk of a man who has "shot the moon" and thinks he'll win the game.
>  Bill Clinton needs this war. Not for you. Not for me. Not for the
>nation. But for himself. He needs the public to be distracted from
>tornados that dig up proof of obstruction of justice. He needs the public
>to be distracted from volume two of the Starr Report. He needs the public
>to be distracted from a stuttering Dow. He needs the public to be
>distracted from 100+ witnesses who saw a missile rise up and strike TWA
>800 from the sky. He needs the public to be distracted form the drug money
>that touched his 1992 campaign and the four now-dead fundraisers who
>handled that cash. He needs the public to be distracted from the recent
>elections, which proved that the Democrats cannot retake congress
>(legally) in 1998 and vote away all his troubles. 
>  Bill Clinton thinks a war will do it. He knows that in the past,
>American citizens have always stood behind a President in time of war. 
>That's why, even as the ONI tried to keep the truth about flight 800 from
>the voters, Bill; was launching cruise missiles at Southern Iraq over
>events that took place in the north of thsat country.. All part of the
>1996 campaign to re-elect the President. 
>  Bill needs a war.
>  So, Bill is going to start one.
>  In the last few weeks, we've seen the internet flooded with stories
>assuring us that Iraq has stockpiles of biological weapons, mostly Anthrax
>(of which the United States is the largest producer). We are being asked
>to accept, on faith, that Saddam has these weapons even though years of
>random inspections, TV cameras, and audits have failed to find any. 
>  Think about it. If our intelligence agencies really did have proof that
>Saddam had Anthrax, don't you think they would have told the UN inspection
>teams where to look? Have the UN teams found anything? No.
>  The rumors of the anthrax, just like the story (manufactured by PR firm
>Hill & Knowlton) of the Kuwait incubators, is a lie designed to sell us a
>war with Iraq. Terak Aziz hit it right on the head. When America needs a
>crises, they bomb Baghdad. 
>  Bill needs a war to save his own skin. The press, more used to covering
>Clinton's ass than covering Clinton needs a war, so they have an excuse
>not to look at second volumes of reports, dead fundraisers, dead Deputy
>Councils, dead 747s, and checks unearthed by tornados.
>  Bill wants a war so bad he can taste it. And he doesn't care how many
>people have to die for it. He loathes the military; he's said so himself,
>in writing. Let them die. "Who cares?"
>  Bill wants a war.
>  And one way or the other, he's going to manufacture one.
>Feel free to repost.
>RANCHO RUNNAMUKKA | Special Effects / Documentary Films
>Mike & Claire - The Rancho Runnamukka http://www.accessone.com/~rivero/ 
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