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Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 08:46:13 -0400 (EDT)
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From: Patricia Neill <pnpj@db1.cc.rochester.edu>
Subject: IP: Webtoday on Shirley Allen
To: jadinardo@lucent.COM
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>From WebToday


                                     by WebToday Staff Writers

                                       November 16, 1997


ROBY, ILLINOIS (November 16, 1997 WT) Shirley Allen, the 51-year old woman
who was holed 39 days by Illinois State Police, is still
refusing so-called "treatment" since she was involuntarily extracted from
her home in Roby, Illinois (in Christian County, just southeast
of Springfield) October 30. 

Court-appointed guardian, Lindsey Reese, a lawyer from Taylorville attorney
said Shirley has barred him from commenting on her
condition or treatment. (Ed: We believe this as much as we believe Illinois
State Police Chief Terry Gainer when he said he Shirley
Allen's radio was tuned to leftist Illinois Public Radio).

Shirley has been held hostage at St. John's Hospital in Springfield since
Oct. 30 where doctors say she will be "examined" further prior
to her court hearing scheduled for Monday, November 17. 

The most bizarre part of the story seems to be the fact that hospital
officials now state since Shirley Allen has no health insurance she
has to pay for this abuse. This means that all medical bills forced upon her
by her involuntary incarceration are deemed to be her own
responsibility. In short: bankruptcy could be imminent, thus fulfilling the
prophetic warning of Patriots' second worst nightmare: the
state selling Shirley's 46-acre farm and active oil well and liquidating all
of her assets (Ed: Their worst fear would be for "authorities"
to kill her or turn her into a vegetable, but that has not happened...yet).

The stand-off dubbed "Roby Ridge" after the similar police siege of Randy
Weave in Ruby Ridge, Idaho, began Monday, September 22
when Mrs. Allen refused to yield to three Christian County Sheriff Deputies
who attempted to enforce a mere court order-- not a
warrant-- issued by a judge to have her taken to St. John's Hospital for
involuntary "psychiatric evaluation."

Deputy Sheriffs and State Police both made unsuccessful attempts to flush
out Allen with tear gas and pepper gas. State Police also
resorted, unsuccessfully to torturing her with loud music and advanced sleep
deprivation techniques (Ed: in a thinly veiled attempt to
drive her nuts). 

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