Time: Sat Nov 22 14:34:06 1997 by primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id OAA04375 for [address in tool bar]; Sat, 22 Nov 1997 14:32:52 -0700 (MST) Date: Sat, 22 Nov 1997 14:33:33 -0700 To: pmitch@primenet.com From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in toolbar] Subject: SLS: criminal complaint for mail fraud and bank fraud [This text is formatted in Courier 11, non-proportional spacing.] Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris Citizen of Arizona state c/o General Delivery at: 2509 North Campbell Avenue Tucson, Arizona state In Propria Persona Under Protest and Without Prejudice By Special Visitation Only PIMA COUNTY CONSOLIDATED JUSTICE COURT Paul Andrew Mitchell, ) Case Number #CV-97-3438 Plaintiff, ) ) PLAINTIFF'S VERIFIED v. ) CRIMINAL COMPLAINT AND ) AFFIDAVIT OF PROBABLE CAUSE: ) Neil and Evelyn Nordbrock, ) Rule 201(d), et al., ) Arizona Rules of Evidence; Defendants. ) 28 U.S.C. 1746(1); ) Supremacy Clause; ) Universal Declaration of ) Human Rights; International ) Covenant on Civil and Political ) Rights, enacted with explicit ___________________________) reservations by the U.S. Congress COMES NOW Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris, Citizen of Arizona state, expressly not a citizen of the United States ("federal citizen"), federal witness, Counselor at Law, private attorney general, and Plaintiff in the above entitled matter (hereinafter "Plaintiff"), to provide formal Notice to all interested parties, and to demand mandatory judicial notice by this honorable Court, pursuant to Rule 201(d) of the Arizona Rules of Evidence, of this, PLAINTIFF'S VERIFIED CRIMINAL COMPLAINT AND AFFIDAVIT OF PROBABLE CAUSE, charging the following named individual with the corresponding crimes enumerated infra. Plaintiff hereby formally charges: Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 1 of 23 Mr. Lawrence E. Condit with: making a false entry in a book, report, or statement of the Bank of America, Downtown Branch, Tucson, Arizona state, with intent to injure or defraud Plaintiff, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1005 and of 18 U.S.C. 1344 (one count each); placing in a post office a fraudulent bank check to be delivered by the United States Postal Service to Plaintiff for the sole purpose of executing a scheme or artifice to defraud Plaintiff, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1341 (one count). AFFIDAVIT OF PROBABLE CAUSE I, Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris, hereinafter "Plaintiff" in the above entitled matter, hereby testify as follows, to wit: On November 18, 1997, I received via general delivery at the Post Office located at 2509 North Campbell Avenue, Tucson, Arizona state, a letter from Sir Lawrence E. Condit, Esquire, (hereinafter "Sir Condit"), dated November 14, 1997, alleging to transmit a bank check drawn on his trust account in satisfaction of the final judgment in the instant case. A true and correct copy of said letter is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth fully herein. See Exhibit "A". On November 18, 1997, in the same envelope from Sir Condit, I also received bank check #7013 dated November 14, 1997, and drawn on the Clients Trust Account [sic] of LAWRENCE E. CONDIT, ATTORNEY AT LAW P.C. [sic], at the Downtown Office of the Bank of America, Tucson, Arizona, account #007013-122101706-012-293269, in the amount of Three Thousand One Hundred Thirteen Dollars and 42/100's ($3,113.42). A true and correct copy of said bank check is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth fully herein. See Exhibit "B". On November 18, 1997, in the same envelope from Sir Condit, I also received a proposed ORDER purporting as follows: Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 2 of 23 in satisfaction of judgment: See attached check. [sic]. A true and correct copy of said proposed ORDER is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth fully herein. See Exhibit "C". A true and correct copy of said envelope is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth fully herein. See Exhibit "D". Also on November 18, 1997, immediately after receiving but not accepting said envelope, I went straightaway to the Downtown Office of the Bank of America at 33 North Stone Avenue, Tucson, Arizona state. There, I inquired of the first available bank teller, whether or not there were sufficient funds in said Clients Trust Account to cash Sir Condit's check #7013. Ms. Linda Smith (hereinafter "Ms. Smith") queried the computer terminal at her teller station and reported to Me that there were, in fact, sufficient funds in said account. After a brief discussion of various negotiable alternatives, I requested Ms. Smith to prepare a standard cashier's check. At that moment, Ms. Smith asked Me to disclose the sequence number of Sir Condit's bank check. I responded by informing Ms. Smith that the sequence number was #7013 (number seven, zero, one, three). Ms. Smith then informed Me that there was a STOP PAYMENT order on check number #7013. I then requested Ms. Smith to disclose to Me what, if any, reasons were stated for this alleged STOP PAYMENT order. Ms. Smith then informed Me that her computer was reporting "wrong amount" [sic] as the reason for the STOP PAYMENT order. Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 3 of 23 I then requested Ms. Smith to prepare a written confirmation of this STOP PAYMENT order, but she then told Me that she would need to call her supervisor. Within minutes after calling her supervisor, Ms. Doriann Foti ("Ms. Foti") came to Ms. Smith's teller window, and confirmed to Me that a STOP PAYMENT order was, in fact, showing on check number #7013. I then repeated to Ms. Foti My request for written confirmation of this alleged STOP PAYMENT order, and she explained that she needed to call the staff legal counsel of Bank of America. Ms. Foti then called the staff legal counsel of Bank of America and explained the situation, with Ms. Smith and Me standing close enough to hear Ms. Foti's half of her conversation with the staff legal counsel of Bank of America. Upon ending that conversation, Ms. Foti explained to Me that bank policy prevented Bank of America from executing and giving Me any written confirmations of the alleged STOP PAYMENT order. At that point, I asked Ms. Foti if she was a bank officer, and she responded by saying that she was not a bank officer. I then requested a bank officer, and Ms. Foti picked up the phone again and summoned Mr. Ken Binion, Branch Manager of the Bank of America, Downtown Office, Tucson, Arizona state. Upon arriving at Ms. Smith's teller station, Mr. Binion also confirmed the alleged STOP PAYMENT order on Sir Condit's check #7013. Mr. Binion also confirmed that bank policy did, indeed, prevent Bank of America from executing and giving Me any written confirmation(s) of the alleged STOP PAYMENT order by Sir Condit. Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 4 of 23 At that point, I expressed My deep disappointment with the fact that I could not transact check #7013. I also informed Ms. Smith, Ms. Foti, and Mr. Binion that I planned to subpoena all three (3) of them as material witnesses to the fact that a STOP PAYMENT order had been placed on check #7013 in Sir Condit's Clients Trust Account. I also expressed My sincere belief that said STOP PAYMENT order constituted probable cause to charge Sir Condit with bank fraud and also with mail fraud, both federal offenses. I also obtained Ms. Foti's business card. To commemorate that encounter with Ms. Smith, Ms. Foti, and Mr. Binion at the Bank of America, I annotated Sir Condit's letter dated November 14, 1997, with the following statement of fact, to wit: 11/18/97 3 Bank of America employees witnessed STOP PAYMENT order on check #7013, account #007013-122101706, amount of $3,113.42, reason: "wrong amount". Judgment was for $3,113.42! A true and correct copy of said annotated letter is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth fully herein. See Exhibit "E". I then exited the Bank of America, Downtown Branch, Tucson, Arizona state, and proceeded next to the office of Mr. Charles "Bud" Miltenberger ("Mr. Miltenberger"), Program Director, Bad Check Program, in the office of the Pima County Attorney, 1400 Legal Services Building, 32 North Stone Avenue, Tucson, Arizona state. I then met briefly with Mr. Miltenberger and proceeded to explain what had happened, up to that point in time, with Sir Condit's check #7013. Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 5 of 23 Mr. Miltenberger sympathized with My situation, but explained that he required exhibition of a copy of check #7013 which was annotated by the Bank of America with the nomenclature "STOP PAYMENT ORDERED", or words to that effect. I obtained Mr. Miltenberger's business card. True and correct copies of Ms. Foti's business card, and of Mr. Miltenberger's business card, are attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth fully herein. After receiving said business cards, I mounted same on a single sheet of paper and annotated said sheet with the following text, to wit: Witnesses to probable bank fraud and mail fraud [sic] See Exhibit "F". I then exited Mr. Miltenberger's office and proceeded next to the public counter of the Clerk of Court, Pima County Consolidated Justice Court, located at 115 North Church Avenue, Tucson, Arizona state. When it came My turn to approach the Clerk's window, I explained what had transpired that day with Sir Condit's check #7013. At first, the counter clerk appeared to Me to be somewhat dubious about the story I had just told her. However, said counter clerk did agree to query the docket computer and, after doing so, searched the docket file for the final judgment entry in the instant case. At that moment, the counter clerk verbally confirmed to Me that the final judgment, as found in the docket computer, showed an amount of $3,113.42. This was the exact amount, to the penny, showing on Sir Condit's check #7013. Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 6 of 23 On November 19, 1997, I prepared and executed a CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE AND DEMAND and mailed same to Sir Lawrence E. Condit, Esquire, c/o 376 South Stone Avenue, Tucson, Arizona state. I also transmitted said CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE AND DEMAND to Sir Condit via facsimile to fax number: (520) 624-8414. A true and correct copy of said CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE AND DEMAND is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth fully herein. See Exhibit "G". On November 21, 1997, I received, but did not accept, a two- page (2-page) pleading from Sir Condit entitled NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF ORDER INDICATING SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT. True and correct copies of said pleading, and of the first class United States Mail envelope in which it was transmitted, are attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth fully herein. See Exhibit "H". After receiving but not accepting said NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL, I prepared and transmitted via facsimile to Sir Condit a one-page (1-page) message with the following text, to wit: 5:00 p.m. Condit! [sic] A true and correct copy of said one-page message is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth fully herein. See Exhibit "I" ("eye"). After transmitting said one-page message to Sir Condit via fax, I annotated Sir Condit's letter dated November 14, 1997, with the following nomenclature: REFUSED FOR FRAUD, and transmitted same to Sir Condit via fax. A true and correct copy of said annotated letter is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth fully herein. See Exhibit "J". Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 7 of 23 I also annotated Sir Condit's alleged ORDER in Satisfaction of judgment with the following nomenclature: REFUSED FOR FRAUD, and transmitted same to Sir Condit via fax. A true and correct copy of said annotated ORDER is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth fully herein. See Exhibit "K". I also annotated the first class U.S. Mail envelope in which Sir Condit had transmitted said letter dated November 14, 1997, and said proposed ORDER, with the following nomenclature: REFUSED FOR FRAUD, and transmitted same to Sir Condit via fax. A true and correct copy of said annotated envelope is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth fully herein. See Exhibit "L". I also annotated the pleading entitled NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF ORDER INDICATING SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT, and the U.S. Mail envelope in which it was delivered via U.S. Mail, with the following nomenclature: REFUSED FOR FRAUD, and transmitted same to Sir Condit via fax. True and correct copies of said annotated pleading, and of the first class U.S. Mail envelope in which it was delivered, are attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if set forth fully herein. See Exhibit "M". VERIFICATION I, Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris, Citizen of Arizona state, hereby verify, under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, without the "United States" (federal government), that the above statement of facts is true and correct, to the best of My current information, knowledge, and belief, so help Me God, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746(1). Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 8 of 23 Dated: November 21, 1997 Respectfully submitted, /s/ Paul Mitchell _____________________________________ Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris Citizen of Arizona state (expressly not a citizen of the United States) All Rights Reserved without Prejudice Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 9 of 23 PROOF OF SERVICE I, Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris, hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, without the "United States," that I am at least 18 years of age, a Citizen of one of the United States of America, and that I personally served the following document(s): PLAINTIFF'S VERIFIED CRIMINAL COMPLAINT AND AFFIDAVIT OF PROBABLE CAUSE: Rule 201(d), Arizona Rules of Evidence; 28 U.S.C. 1746(1); Supremacy Clause; Universal Declaration of Human Rights; International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, enacted with explicit Reservations by placing one true and correct copy of said document(s) in first class United States Mail, with postage prepaid and properly addressed to the following: Neil and Evelyn Nordbrock (fax line disconnected) c/o 6642 E. Calle de San Alberto Tucson, Arizona state Lawrence E. Condit VIA FAX TRANSMISSION c/o 376 South Stone Avenue to: (520) 624-8414 Tucson, Arizona state Mr. Walter U. Weber Carl R. Davison III c/o 115 N. Church Avenue c/o 270 S. Stone Avenue Tucson, Arizona state Tucson, Arizona state James B. Martin Timothy J. Cranshaw c/o 270 S. Stone Avenue c/o 103 E. Alameda, 1st Floor Tucson, Arizona state Tucson, Arizona state Hon. Robert J. Gibson, C.J. Clerk of Court [sic] c/o 115 N. Church Avenue c/o 103 E. Alameda, 1st Floor Tucson, Arizona state Tucson, Arizona state Executed on November 21, 1997: /s/ Paul Mitchell _____________________________________ Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris Citizen of Arizona state (expressly not a citizen of the United States) All Rights Reserved without Prejudice Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 10 of 23 Exhibit "A": Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 11 of 23 Exhibit "B": Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 12 of 23 Exhibit "C": Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 13 of 23 Exhibit "D": Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 14 of 23 Exhibit "E": Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 15 of 23 Exhibit "F": Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 16 of 23 Exhibit "G": Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 17 of 23 Exhibit "H": Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 18 of 23 Exhibit "I": Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 19 of 23 Exhibit "J": Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 20 of 23 Exhibit "K": Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 21 of 23 Exhibit "L": Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 22 of 23 Exhibit "M": Plaintiff's Verified Criminal Complaint & Affidavit: Page 23 of 23 # # # =========================================================================== Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris : Counselor at Law, federal witness 01 B.A.: Political Science, UCLA; M.S.: Public Administration, U.C.Irvine 02 tel: (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night 03 email: [address in toolbar] : using Eudora Pro 3.0.3 on 586 CPU 04 website: http://supremelaw.com : visit the Supreme Law Library now 05 ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech, at its best 06 Tucson, Arizona state : state zone, not the federal zone 07 Postal Zone 85719/tdc : USPS delays first class w/o this 08 _____________________________________: Law is authority in written words 09 As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice. We shall 10 not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal. 11 ======================================================================== 12 [This text formatted on-screen in Courier 10, non-proportional spacing.] 13
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