Time: Mon Dec 15 11:57:40 1997
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Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 11:24:12 -0800
To: <frankconner@west.ga.net>
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: IP: SLS: unlawful dominion is the issue of the hour

The larger question of unlawful dominion
by the federal government, gets lost in
the din and clamour about racial prejudice
and racial segregation.  It is now clear
that the feds traded chattel slavery for
a more insidious statutory slavery, at the
behest of the bankers who backed both 
sides of the Civil War.  When Lincoln ran
out of money to prosecute that war, the
bankers were waiting, because they knew
it was inevitable that Lincoln would go broke.
The North had 525,000 troops at the apex!
But, when Lincoln turned down their usury,
the Rothschilds hired an agent to gun him
down -- in a public place -- for all to see.

The Civil War was fought as much to establish
a precedent for paper money, and that precedent
did happen, for better or for worse, the few richer,
and the vast majority now the poorer, for it. 

Despite the well established prohibition 
against using force or fraud to 
create law, the feds have made a habit, 
for decades now, of establishing dominion 
precisely by means of force and fraud.
Just read Dyett v. Turner, Utah Supreme 
Court (1968), for the shocking and 
sordid details, unrefuted by any known
historian, judge, or jury.

If the entire South were lily white, we 
would STILL be facing this question of
unlawful dominion, now standing naked in the
sun, and stripped of the confusing and
artificial trappings of skin color and its
manifold ramifications.

My solution is simple, and straightforward:

  "The status of State Citizen shall not be
   denied or abridged by the United States,
   or by any State, on account of race.
   The 14th amendment [sic] is hereby repealed.
   Congress shall have power to enforce this
   article by appropriate legislation."

This will mend a terrible, tragic tear in 
the otherwise seamless fabric of the 
U.S. Constitution.  If we succeed in ratifying
this "New Amendment," we will then move on
to amending the Guarantee Clause, so that
the United States must guarantee to itself,
as well, a Republican Form of Government.

The rest will easy, by comparison.

I am standing by, to serve my country,
in its hours of greatest danger, as that
danger approaches with speed, stealth,
and obvious terror.

/s/ Paul Mitchell,
Candidate for Congress

At 11:28 AM 12/15/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Dan Bennett wrote (in response to a posting from--I believe--Elizabeth
>>OK, I'm weary of this, so I'm going to lay it out plainly for you.  I'm 
>>sick and tired of those who wave the Confederate flag and talk about 
>>Southern rights but who are in reality miserable white supremacists  
>>whose only goal is to restore Jim Crow and the racial status quo circa 
>>I believe that's what you and Mr. Connor are about, and if so, then in 
>>the same spirit that moved y'all to urge my enlistment with the NAACP, 
>>I'd like to encourage you to join the Aryan Nations, or the KKK, or the 
>>American Nazi Party, or one of the various "religions" that preach 
>>white supremacy.  I think you'll be far more happy there than you are 
>>trying to pass as Confederates.  Yeah, those groups are full of Yankees 
>>(in fact, you may have to move north, maybe as far as Idaho, to join 
>>up) but they're all white, and my bet is that you'll be far more 
>>comfortable with them than you are amongst Southrons.>  <snip>
>	*****                                                    *****
>I stated my true position re the NAACP and the white South immediately
>after Mr. Bennett first pulled my chain.  Now he has at last stated his
>true position re the people (like me) who want to prevent the NAACP from
>destroying our heritage.  Obviously he and I pursue opposing ideologies.  I
>have written (and am writing) at length--elsewhere on this list--about
>liberalism versus conservatism in the Southern-patriot movement; so I see
>no reason to carry my thread with Mr. Bennett any further.  (But if--as I
>believe--it was Elizabeth Wright's posting which Mr. Bennett was responding
>to this last time around, I'd have a hard time envisioning her wanting to
>join the Aryan Nations or the KKK!)
>Frank Conner
>Newnan, Georgia

Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris      : Counselor at Law, federal witness 01
B.A.: Political Science, UCLA;   M.S.: Public Administration, U.C.Irvine 02
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website: http://supremelaw.com       : visit the Supreme Law Library now 05
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_____________________________________: Law is authority in written words 09
As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice.  We shall 10
not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal. 11
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