Time: Tue Dec 16 21:33:24 1997
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Delivered-To: disaster-l@afterburner.sonic.net
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 18:43:44 -0800
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: [DISASTER] SLS: Merry Christmas to Everyone!


A couple I once knew, who have moved to Hawaii
and are enjoying each other and the immense
beauty around them, once told me how it was,
in the Higher Realms, when Christ became Man.

The event was, clearly, one of Great Precedent,
because the manifold angels were fully aware that 
the infinite Being, whose Face they are thrilled
to enjoy without any bounds, had then kept a 
Promise, made in Eternity, to instill that
Perfect Spirit in the body of a mortal Man,
and to become One with the basic elements
of that Living Creation.

Out of the infinite depths of eternal wisdom,
the angels were present to witness what, surely,
was an event, in their unique world, about
which the entire Universe, both seen and unseen,
would forever remark with special attention, 
special grace, special holiness, and special reverence,

The Most High would enter the body of an Infant,
and live among men, to laugh and to love and to 
grow strong, to master the tools of a common trade,
and then to embark upon a Great Mission which was
destined, again in eternity, to change the very
face of Earth for all time, until the end of time.
This is, surely, the Greatest Story Ever Told --
a profound Mystery of infinite depth, and 
infinite grace.

This is Christ -- the King of Kings, 
the Lord of Lords, the Alpha, the Omega, 
the Son of the Most High.

This is our Best Friend!  We welcome You
into our hearts, and we pray that You will
heal this Land with Your infinite Power,
Your infinite Wisdom, and Your eternal,
everlasting Love.  For You alone are Holy,
You alone are Lord, You alone are the Son
of the Most High, the Perfect One COMES NOW
to live and breathe among Us, His special 
Children.  We honor Your return among Us,
this day, every day, in every way,
until the end of Our time here.


/s/ Paul Mitchell,
Candidate for Congress

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