Time: Tue Mar 18 23:02:55 1997
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Date: Tue, 18 Mar 1997 22:52:52 -0800
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: SLS: SNET: problem with communist & socialist (fwd)

>> The problem I've always had with the enthusiast of communism and
>> socialism is that your movements have historically, and still are
>> today, pawns of the international banking cartel comprising the
>> so-called Federal Reserve System. (Which is a private cartel of the
>> largest banking families of both the U.S. and Europe.)
>> This was true when the Rothschild central banking dynasty of Europe
>> funded the writings of Karl Marx to when Paul Warburg's brother, Max
>> Warburg, funded Lenin's Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. (German
>> banker, by origin, Paul Warburg, is THE architect of the Federal
>> Reserve System.)
>> The international banking cartel that comprises the Federal Reserve
>> System is made up of the very wealthiest and most elite families of
>> chiefly the Western world of over the last two to three centuries. The
>> most accurate way of describing their attitudes toward the rest of
>> humanity is that we are nothing but cattle to them.
>> And yet at every turn the communist and socialist have always been
>> intimately connected to them and one must assume, doing their bidding.
>> I suppose that some firebrand socialist revolutionaries would believe
>> that they are just using these ultra capitalist to their own ends --
>> "hang the capitalist with their own rope" -- as the saying goes. But a
>> careful study of history shows that that is not true at all. The
>> communist and socialist movements and programs that these capitalist
>> elitist have been the patrons of, have used the statist totalitarian
>> aspects of these movements to consolidate their fist of control over
>> much of humanity. Certainly that has been the program in Europe and
>> the United States.
>> So a communist or socialist is either an idealistic fool that is being
>> used as a patsy by these people or else they are genuine troopers who
>> proffer their allegiance to the aims of these elitist international
>> capitalist aristocrats. In which case they are not really socialist at
>> all -- they're fascist, for the ultimate goal of the international
>> banking cartel is a state of global fascism.
>> For the communist and socialist of the first camp, I pity you --
>> you're being duped and used. For those in the latter camp -- you're no
>> better than the masters you ultimately serve, and you're certainly no
>> friend to humanity at large.
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Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.    : Counselor at Law, federal witness
email:       [address in tool bar]   : Eudora Pro 3.0.1 on Intel 586 CPU
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