Time: Sat Mar 29 00:14:26 1997
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Date: Sat, 29 Mar 1997 00:13:15 -0800
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: SLS: "The Most Extraordinary Writ," by Dale Robertson [DRAFT]
Cc: habeascorpus@hotmail.com

Dear Clients,

This is a first draft of Dale Robertson's excellent
essay entitled "The Most Extraordinary Writ."

Please contribute your comments, criticisms,
and updates;  they will be most welcome,
and most appreciated.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

copy:  Dale Robertson

[This text is formatted in Courier 11, non-proportional spacing.]

                          [D R A F T]

                   The Most Extraordinary Writ


                      Joseph Dale Robertson
                        c/o P.O. Box 724
                       Pinehurst 77362/tdc
                           TEXAS STATE
                   telephone:  (713) 356-8843
                e-mail:  habeascorpus@hotmail.com

     Habeas Corpus is an ancient common law prerogative writ -- a
legal procedure  to which you have an undeniable right.  It is an
extraordinary remedy at law.  Upon proper application, or even on
naked knowledge  alone, a  court is empowered, and is duty bound,
to issue  the Extraordinary  Writ of Habeas Corpus commanding one
who is  restraining liberty to forthwith produce before the court
the person who is in custody and to show cause why the liberty of
that person is being restrained.  Absent a sufficient showing for
a proper  restraint of  liberty, the court is duty bound to order
the restraint  eliminated and  the  person  discharged.    Habeas
Corpus is  fundamental to  American and  all other English common
law derivative  systems of  jurisprudence.   It is  the  ultimate
lawful and  peaceable remedy  for adjudicating  the providence of
liberty's restraint.   Since  the history  of  Habeas  Corpus  is
predominantly  English,  we  must  visit  that  history  to  gain
understanding of American use of Habeas Corpus.


     The history  of Habeas  Corpus is ancient.  It appears to be
predominantly of  Anglo-Saxon common  law origin.    Clearly,  it
precedes Magna  Carta in  1215.   Although the  precise origin of
Habeas Corpus  is uncertain  in  light  of  it's  antiquity,  its
principle effect  was achieved  in the  Middle  Ages  by  various
writs, the  sum collection  of which gave a similar effect as the
modern writ.   Although practice surrounding the writ has evolved
over time,  Habeas Corpus  has  since  the  earliest  times  been
employed to  compel the  appearance of a person who is in custody
to be brought before a court.  And while Habeas Corpus originally
was the  prerogative writ of the King and his courts, the passage
of hundreds  of years  time has  permitted it  to evolve  into  a
prerogative writ  initiated by  the person restrained, or someone
acting in  his interest  rather than  by the  King or his courts.
Magna Carta  obliquely makes  reference to  Habeas Corpus through
express reference to "the law of the land".  From Magna Carta the
exact quote is:  "... no free man shall be taken or imprisoned or
disseised or exiled or in any way destroyed except by the  lawful
judgment of their peers or by the law of the land."  The practice
and right  of Habeas  Corpus was  settled practice and law at the
time of  Magna Carta  and was  thus a  fundamental  part  of  the
unwritten common "law of the land" as was expressly recognized by
Magna Carta.

                    CIVIL LAW vs. COMMON LAW:

     However, Habeas  Corpus was generally unknown to the various
civil law  systems of  Europe which  are generally  devolved from
Roman and/or  Justinian law.   European civil law systems tend to
favor collective  authority from  the top  down while  the Anglo-
Saxon common  law tends  to favor  the individual.   Thus,  it is
altogether understandable  that the  ultimate right  to determine
the propriety  of restraint  upon the liberty of an individual is
an almost  unique feature  derived from  the ancient  Anglo-Saxon
common law of England.

     Indeed, the Magna Carta itself is arguably a reaction to the
incursion of European civil law into the English common law legal
system via  William in  1066.   The running  tension and  contest
between the  civil law  of  the  "Norman  intruders"  intrusively
confronting  the   ancient  Anglo-Saxon   Common  law   continued
throughout the  period 1066  to the  1640's when,  following  the
English Civil  War, and  the beheading of King Charles I in 1649,
the  people's   parliament  clearly  established  the  respective
position of King and Citizen.

     In this  crucible of  contest, the confrontation of top down
authoritarian  civil  law  principles  clashed  and  continuously
competed with, but then yielded to, the ancient "good old" common
law of  the land.   In  the  final  analysis,  the  strength  and
resilience, and  I might  add common  sense, of the evolved, time
tested, common  law prevailed.   The  interest of  the people  as
reflected in their common law won a several centuries old contest
with the  civil law  brought to  England by  the Norman conquest.
Habeas Corpus  is merely one feature, albeit it an important one,
of the  common law.   As  a feature  of common  law, the right of
Habeas Corpus reflects the age old contest between the individual
and the  state.  Habeas Corpus empowers the individual in holding
accountable the exercise of the state's awesome power to restrain

     The frequent  use of  the great  writ reflected  the tension
between common and civil law practice during the period 1485 thru
1509, generally  the reign  of Henry  VII.   At that  time Habeas
Corpus was  employed to secure the liberty of those imprisoned by
the  Chancellor,   the  King's   Privy  Counsel,  the  Courts  of
Admiralty, The  Court of  High  Commission  and  its  prerogative
courts including  its inquisitorial  processes  featured  by  the
hated "star  chamber court"  at Westminster, so called because of
the stars  on its ceiling.  Conversely, the common law preference
of accusatorial  processes had long been a fixture of Anglo-Saxon
history.   The modern  writ of  Habeas  Corpus  dates  from  this
history.  During this period, the sheer frequency of which Habeas
Corpus was  employed together  with its  procedure  and  results,
established the Writ of Habeas Corpus as a powerful tool to check
the power  of the state and to preserve the rights of individuals
against the  arbitrary power of the King and his Counsel together
with the  King's courts.   It  was the  King's prerogative courts
which were  given to  inquisitorial practices  while the parallel
system  of   common  law   courts  employed   purely  common  law
accusatorial practices.   Thus  the arbitrary  character of civil
law power  devolved in  England since  William's Norman intrusion
was largely  checked through  employment of  the Writ  of  Habeas
Corpus by  the first  part of  the sixteenth century.  And Habeas
Corpus saw  frequent use  and growth in prominence throughout the
reign of  Charles I  which, in  turn, found its bloody end on the
chopping block in 1649.

                      THE HABEAS CORPUS ACT

     The English  common law  practice and  procedure  respecting
Habeas Corpus  was codified by Parliament in 1679 by enactment of
the Habeas  Corpus  Act.    This  historic  act  of  the  English
Parliament empowered  English courts  to issue  Writs  of  Habeas
Corpus even  during periods when the court was not in session and
provided significant  penalties to  the  judge,  personally,  who
disobeyed the  statute.  And while great hypocrisy surrounded the
practice of  the Habeas  Corpus Act  in the  late  17th  century,
Habeas Corpus was nevertheless establishing itself as the primary
means by which individual liberty was empowered at the expense of
the arbitrary  exercise of  power by the state.  During the 19th,
century the Writ of Habeas Corpus was further expanded to include
those held  by a  purely private  process other  than that of the


     As with  other features  of English common law and practice,
by the time of the American Revolutionary War, the Writ of Habeas
Corpus was  clearly established in all of the British colonies in
New England and was generally regarded as part of the fundamental
protections guaranteed  by law  to each  citizen.   The  American
Constitution  at  Article  I,  Section  9,  states  that:    "The
Privilege of  the Writ  of Habeas  Corpus shall not be suspended,
unless when  in Case  of Rebellion  or Invasion the public Safety
may require it."  It is important to note that the Framers of the
Constitution for  the United  States of America choose to include
in the  body of the Constitution the Writ of Habeas Corpus, while
other important  individual rights,  arguably as an afterthought,
were included  in the  first ten amendments, which were popularly
called the  Bill of  Rights.   The "afterthought", that is to say
the Bill  of Rights,  was not  included even  as amendments until
James Madison single handedly, but persistently and successfully,
argued before  Congress  for  its  adoption  and  passage  on  15
December  1791,   some  two  years  after  the  Constitution  was
ratified.  This fact sheds light on the importance of the Writ of
Habeas  Corpus   as  viewed   by  the  Framers  of  the  American
Constitution at the time it was established.

                    CIVIL WAR & HABEAS CORPUS

     The most  famous American  Habeas Corpus action prior to the
Civil War was the case of Ex parte Dred Scott.   Dred Scott was a
slave owned by a physician.  Upon the death of his master, it was
promised that  Dred Scott  would be  set free.   However, at that
time Dred  Scott was still being detained as a slave.  Dred Scott
petitioned the Federal Court for a Writ of Habeas Corpus.  Habeas
Corpus was granted by the Federal District Court and subsequently
upheld by  the Federal  Court of  Appeals.   However, the  Habeas
Corpus was  overturned by  the United States Supreme Court on the
grounds that  Dred Scott,  as a  slave, was  not  a  "Person"  as
contemplated by  the United  States Constitution  and, therefore,
did not  have the right to petition the Federal Courts for a Writ
of Habeas  Corpus.  As to Dred Scott, the extraordinary writ, the
great writ  as Sir  William Blackstone  put it,  was  effectively
suspended.   This  notable  case  remains  as  one  of  the  most
controversial Habeas Corpus actions in American history.

     As is  generally  known,  the  Writ  of  Habeas  Corpus  was
suspended by  President Lincoln  during the  Civil  War.    Chief
Justice Roger  Taney, in  the case  of Ex parte Merryman, 17 Fed.
Cas. No.9,  487, p.144  (1861), strongly  excepted suspension  of
Habeas Corpus  by a sitting president and concluded that only the
Congress had  the power of suspension under Article I, Section 9,
of the  Constitution.   The  ruling  of  the  Supreme  Court  was
apparently ignored  by the  President and the military during the
Civil War.   Congress  later authorized  the already presidential
suspension of  the writ  in 1863.   After  1863,  and  acting  on
congressional  authorization,   the  military  was  permitted  to
temporarily hold  people who  were  to  be  turned  over  to  and
adjudicated by  the civil  courts.   After the  assassination  of
President Lincoln,  and in the case of Ex parte Milligan, 71 U.S.
(4 Wall.) 2, 18 L.Ed. 281 (1866), the United States Supreme Court
granted the  writ and  once again  established that only Congress
had the  power to  suspend the Writ of Habeas Corpus and that the
military had  no jurisdiction  over the trial of civilians in the
post Civil War South.


     Today, the  Writ of  Habeas Corpus is used in many different
ways.   It applies  to post conviction relief in criminal matters
even where  the judgment  of judge and jury is final.  It applies
to those who are in police custody but who are not charged with a
crime.   It applies  to those who are awaiting trial but who have
not been able to make an excessive bail.  It applies to death row
prisoners who  challenge their  death sentence.   It  applies  to
prisoners who  remain in  custody after  the expiration  of their
lawful sentence.   Additionally,  Habeas Corpus  applies to  both
adults and  children who  are restrained of their liberty in some
meaningful manner but who are not in the actual custody of police
or other  public authority.   For example, Writs of Habeas Corpus
have been  issued in civil cases on application of a parent where
a child's custody is being sought against the wishes of the other
parent who allegedly "restrains" the child.

     It applies  equally to  those who  have been held because of
their mental  condition.   And the  writ applies  equally for any
other fact  or circumstance,  civil or  criminal,  in  which  the
liberty of  someone  is  restrained  in  any  meaningful  manner.
Habeas Corpus extends even to those who are already released from
actual custody  on bail  and who are contesting the manner and/or
authority of  the restrictions which bail places on their liberty
or the  charge for  which they  have been  required to make bail.
And although,  research by  this writer  has failed to reveal any
cases to  date, home schooling contest are subject to the writ of
Habeas Corpus.   Parents whose authority to home school their own
children and  who are  challenged by the state or other authority
may properly  file a  Writ of  Habeas Corpus  to  adjudicate  the
dispute as  in any  other child  custody case.  And, the writ may
properly be  signed and  filed by  an attorney  -- or  -- by "any
other person"  (See Texas  Code of  Criminal  Procedure,  Article
11.12 and  11.13.) who has knowledge of the improvident restraint
of liberty.   In  fact, there  is legal precedent recognizing the
duty of any citizen to proceed by Writ of Habeas Corpus to notice
a court  and to  invoke the duty of the court as to Habeas Corpus
when any illegal restraint of any other citizen is observed.

                        CAVEAT & SUMMARY

     On a  more ominous  note, the  Writ of  Habeas Corpus is not
without its  detractors today.   Movement  is underway throughout
the  United  States  and  each  of  the  states  to  curtail  the
employment and  exercise of Habeas Corpus.  This questionable, if
not highly suspicious, exercise can be divided generally into two
camps.   Congressional restrictions  on the  writ;   and judicial
restrictions on  the  writ.    For  example,  the  United  States
Congress enacted  the Anti-Terrorism  Act in  April of 1996 which
effectively stripped  the Supreme  Court of  its power  to review
lower federal court rulings in Habeas Corpus cases.  However, the
Supreme Court  retained its  power to review petitions for Habeas
Corpus which  are directly submitted to the court.  Additionally,
and more  disturbingly, there is evidence that the Writ of Habeas
Corpus has  in some  jurisdictions been  selectively suspended in
certain types  of cases.   For  example, frequently  State courts
selectively ignore, as a practical matter, the effect of the writ
in cases  where  citizens  are  charged  with  the  "unauthorized
practice of  law".    In  most  of  these  jurisdictions,  it  is
disturbing to  note that  it is  an agency  of the  state Supreme
Court itself  which makes  the complaint  and then prosecutes the
charge.   In these  cases the supreme court is making the charge,
prosecuting the charge only to later sit in final adjudication of
the charge before their own court.  The consolidation of power as
reflected in  this practice  against the  liberty  of  individual
citizens smacks  of star chamber practice and should be condemned
by state legislators as was the star chamber itself was condemned
by Parliament  in 1641.  Additionally, many of these cases result
in imprisonment  of the  defendant in a purely civil case only to
thereafter be  effectively denied  review by  the Writ  of Habeas
Corpus.  Tragically, in these cases the ordinary review by appeal
is also  denied leaving  the defendant  with no  adequate  remedy
under law.   The  Writ of  Habeas Corpus  in such cases is simply
"overruled" without comment or findings or supporting law.  It is
precisely this  practice which  was sought to be avoided by those
constitutional provisions  pertaining to the separation of powers
as well  as the constitutional provisions that the Writ of Habeas
Corpus  is  never  to  be  suspended.    While  all  states  have
constitutional provisions  pertaining to the separation of powers
only a  few states  have provisions prohibiting the suspension of
Habeas Corpus.   Nevertheless,  the Extraordinary  Writ of Habeas
Corpus remains as the final and most fundamental process by which
one may test the propriety of a restraint on individual liberty.

                             #  #  #

Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.    : Counselor at Law, federal witness
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