Time: Fri May 23 11:11:04 1997
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Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 10:52:49 -0700
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: SLS: Civil Disobedience (fwd)

>Reposting, faxing, copying, and any and all methods of 
>distributing this message are encouraged (as always).
>At 08:06 AM 5/23/97 EST, Roger Cravens wrote:
>>As much as I despise the idea of blowing up a federal
>>building to make a point, McVeigh has very keen insight
>>into the exact problems facing the population of this
>>Until the entire Congress gets the idea that this
>>country has come almost full circle back to where
>>it began with a profoundly repressive and
>>arrogant government that is currently totally out
>>of control, these types of incidents will most likely
>>continue and the Feds (for the most part) will be
>>absolutely powerless to stop it.
>Up to this point, Roger, I concur 100%.  Then you write the 
>>The thing that has me amazed is that such civil
>>disobediance/terrorism took so long to surface.
>I think your meaning was "The thing that has me amazed is that 
>such terrorism took so long to surface."  I would also agree with 
>What I take exception to is your combining civil disobedience with 
>terrorism as if they were the same.  This makes about as much 
>sense as writing militia/terrorism, Christian activism/terrorism,
>or Girl Scouts/terrorism.
>Civil disobedience is when a group stands up and says "We will not 
>comply with these unlawful, unconstitutional statutes which 
>pretend to be laws.  We intend to restore limited, Constitutional 
>government through the means of not submitting to nor cooperating 
>with unconstitutional statutes.  Government terrorism will not 
>sway us from our righteous course.  There are far more patriotic 
>citizens than there are government employees who are willing to 
>attempt to enforce unconstitutional statutes.  We will overcome 
>government oppression and we will restore our beloved 
>Constitutional Republic, so help us God!"
>This kind of non-violent, not passive, resistance to unlawful 
>actions by government calls for extreme courage on the part of 
>patriots.  Civil disobedience calls for the kind of courage to 
>stand unarmed and face a tank (as seen in China).  This is what is 
>required to stop the loss of our Liberty and the infringement of 
>our Rights which are protected by the Constitution and should be 
>protected by all government employees who honor their oath to 
>support and defend our United States Constitution.
>Let us keep in mind that our goal is to restore limited, 
>Constitutional government to our nation and our states.  Let us 
>hold up our United States Constitution (and state constitutions, 
>as appropriate) as our authority to limit government and as the 
>document which protects (not grants) our rights.  Let us proclaim 
>that it is our intention to restore limited, Constitutional 
>government by non-violent means.  We want to utilize the Ballot 
>Box and the Jury Box and keep the Ammo Box in reserve.  To utilize 
>the ballot box we must stop the secret computer manipulation of 
>voting totals and educate the public not to vote for career 
>politicians who have repeatedly violated their oath to support and 
>defend our constitutions.  To utilize the Jury Box we must educate 
>the public to become fully informed jurors (call 1-800-TEL-JURY).  
>To have an Ammo Box to keep in reserve we must continue to form 
>militia units, the more public the better (and the more public the 
>more lawful - all governmental authority comes from the people and 
>a militia unit formed by inviting the participation and the vote 
>of all the people in a county is unquestionably lawful).
>For a shining example of non-violent (not passive) effort that 
>changed a mighty government, look to India and the story of 
>Gandhi.  We draw our strength from God and most of us base our 
>lives on our spiritual understandings.  Let us remember that all 
>people have the right to honor God in the manner they understand 
>to be most appropriate.  Let us also remember that Liberty means 
>that some people will have the right to believe and to do things 
>of which we do not approve.  So long as no one infringes on the 
>rights of another, we will just have to accept that people have 
>the right to be different.  Let us strive to keep our personal 
>religions to ourselves and keep other divisive beliefs out of our 
>efforts to restore limited, Constitutional government.
>We do not want freedom in our country.  Freedom ends up with the 
>stronger imposing their views on the weaker.  We want Liberty in 
>our country, which is personal freedom which stops just short of 
>infringing on another's rights.  We do not want democracy in our 
>country.  Democracy is two wolves and one sheep deciding what to 
>eat for lunch.  We want to fully restore our limited, 
>democratically elected, Constitutional Republic.  The rights of 
>minorities are protected in our Constitutional Republic, unlike in 
>a true democracy.
>Please do not confuse civil disobedience with terrorism.  Civil 
>disobedience is what patriots do.  Terrorism is what 
>unconstitutional government and some criminal radicals do.
>for Liberty,
>Bill Utterback
>butterb@connecti.com                  (backup: butterb597@aol.com)
>"It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from 
>falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the 
>Government from falling into error."
>U.S. Supreme Court in American Communications Association v. Douds,
>339 U.S. 382,442
>World's Smallest Political Quiz: http://www.self-gov.org/quiz.html  
>Libertarian Party: http://www.rahul.net/lp/
>Fully Informed Jury Association: http://www.fija.org/
>Gun Owners of America: http://www.gunowners.org/
>Police Against the New World Order:
>Version: 2.6.2

Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.    : Counselor at Law, federal witness
email:       [address in tool bar]   : Eudora Pro 3.0.1 on Intel 586 CPU
web site:  http://www.supremelaw.com : library & law school registration
ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech,  at its best
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