Time: Wed Jun 04 06:17:33 1997 by primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id GAA25956; Wed, 4 Jun 1997 06:20:19 -0700 (MST) Date: Wed, 04 Jun 1997 06:17:05 -0700 To: (Recipient list suppressed) From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar] Subject: SLS: L&J: Excellent Column: Anarcho-Tyranny (fwd) <snip> > >MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS > >Dear M R, > >Thought you might enjoy one of Samuel Francis' columns which Chris forwarded. > >-- Harvey > ================================ > >Date: Tue, 03 Jun 1997 00:35:56 -0700 >From: Chris Sullivan <voxpop@avana.net> > >Invasive Laws Create Anarchy and >Tyranny at the Same Time > >By Samuel Francis > >If, as Bill Clinton tells us, the "era of Big Government is over," >somebody needs to tell the state of Maryland (not to mention Bill >Clinton). Earlier this month the Maryland legislature had itself a small >orgy of swelling the powers of the state government, and apparently it >helped give Mr. Clinton some ideas of his own (orgies seem to have that >effect on him). > >Just before the end of this year's legislative session, the Maryland >lawmakers passed several new laws that (a) allow policemen to stop >drivers for not wearing seat belts, (b) authorize hidden cameras at red >lights to take secret photographs of the license plates of cars that run >the lights, (c) ban loud car stereos on state roads, (d) forbid minors >from buying butane lighters because they might inhale the gas, and (e) >require drivers whose windshield wipers are running to keep their >headlights on. The lawmakers seem to have missed outlawing cooking >breakfast in your underwear, but of course there's always another session >next year. > >The citizens of Maryland will no doubt be thrilled to learn that law >enforcement in their state has now so mastered violent crime that the >cops have little else to do but round up non-seat-belt wearers and >butane-sniffers. As a matter of fact, Maryland's Prince George's County >has just announced that rapes and homicides increased in the first three >months of 1997. Nevertheless, you can be certain that no one will be >raped or murdered without wearing a seat belt. > >The new Maryland laws are rather perfect instances of what I have >previously called "anarcho-tyranny" - a form of government that seems to >be unknown in history until recently. Anarcho-tyranny is a combination >of the worst features of anarchy and tyranny at the same time. > >Under anarchy, crime is permitted and criminals are not apprehended or >punished. Under tyranny, innocent citizens are punished. Most societies >in the past have succumbed to either one or the other, but never as far >as I know to both at once. > >In the United States today, lawmakers worry far more about drivers who >don't wear seat belts, run red lights or play their stereos too loud than >they do about the thousands of rapists, thieves, and killers who prowl >about as free as wolves in the woods. If the Maryland legislature spent >any time this year increasing the. penalties for real crimes, I haven't >heard about it, nor did it make much effort to improve enforcement of the >laws it already has. > > One danger of the new laws is that, once Maryland starts enforcing >them, other states will tend to adopt similar ones. The reason >anarcho-tyranny flourishes is that it gets lawmakers off the hook. The >legislators can pass such laws and then brag to their constituents about >how tough they are on crime and how devoted to public safety they are. > Once a lawmaker gets an anarcho-tyrannical idea under his belt, you can >be sure the idea is headed for the law books. > >But of course such laws do nothing to impede real criminals. The >anarcho-tyrants create new laws that merely criminalize the innocent and >ignore real criminals. The result is that law-abiding citizens catch it >twice: once from the real criminals to whom the state is oblivious and >once from the laws that criminalize the law-abiding. > >Yet Maryland's little adventure in anarcho-tyranny did not spring full >blown from the legislators' heads this year. A couple of years ago, the >state government outlawed smoking in most restaurants, an unprecedented >statewide invasion of privacy. Is it surprising that similar invasive >laws were passed this year? > >And will it be surprising if such laws spread? Well, no. Five days >after the Maryland lawmakers adjourned from their labors to make their >state safer from loud radios and lightless windshield wipers, the >national anarcho-tyrant-in-chief himself unbosomed his own contribution >to new statecraft. > >The Clinton administration announced that it is proposing federal >legislation to allow police to stop drivers who are not wearing seat >belts. Big Business, those lovers of liberty, in the form of the >insurance industry, is all for it, and together with its Siamese twin, >Big Government, it's busy contriving schemes to enlarge state power yet >more. > >The secret of tyranny - whether anarcho or the plain vanilla version with >which the world is all too familiar - is that it never sprouts full-blown >from anything. It always starts small and then gets bigger. So if you >think these laws are good ideas, you shouldn't be too surprised at the >arrival of an era when state power has grown so big that it starts >knocking at your door - if, that is, it bothers to knock at >all.(04/29/97) > >The Samuel Francis Letter >P. O. Box 19627 >Alexandria, Virginia 22320 >May 1997 > > >=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Unsub info - send e-mail to majordomo@majordomo.pobox.com, with >"unsubscribe liberty-and-justice" in the body (not the subject) >Liberty-and-Justice list-owner is Mike Goldman <whig@pobox.com> > > ======================================================================== Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S. : Counselor at Law, federal witness email: [address in tool bar] : Eudora Pro 3.0.2 on Intel 586 CPU web site: http://www.supremelaw.com : library & law school registration ship to: c/o 2509 N. 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