Time: Tue Oct 29 06:23:14 1996
To: libertylaw@www.ultimate.org
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: LeRoy

Paul Mitchell's comments
are embedded below (way below):

>	I am kind of pessimistic about gaining the attention of the list
>for my ecxpertice.

Better spelling will make
your writing more appealing,
in my opinion.  Just my 
opinion, however.

 I think that maybe you-all just got too much else going
>in your lives to sit down and filter out whether there might be someone on
>this list who really has their poop together.
>	And so I wanna talk to Leroy.
>	Give me that stinking address.

LEGAL MAIL   <---- in red, preferably
Open ONLY in presence of prisoner:
LeRoy Michael; Schweitzer, Sui Juris
Yellowstone County Detention Center
c/o 3165 King Avenue East
Billings, Montana state
Postal Zone <59101>

/s/ Paul Mitchell

>Charles Stewart . . .
>> Well, Ralph has a darn good website that
>> documents what has transpired.  In fact, Ralph and Paul have been taking
>> things that LeRoy has dug up and moving forward with those.
>> Of course you and I have tried to spark some action to get a jury in on
>> this.  I advocate a Grand Jury, and you have advocated a straight pre-Magna
>> Charta/Norman law common law jury.
>> I must say my effort has gained modest support, even though I spammed the
>> patriot community on the Internet with it.  Heck we've been featured in
>> Media Bypass and other papers for what we've worked out here and it has come
>> to little.  Short of knocking on every door I come across, I don't know what
>> else a man can do?

You can obtain electronic copies of
the FOIA request, FOIA appeal, and
the Application for Intervention
of Right, which I wrote to raise
funds and to involve all Americans
in the case of People v. United States
et al., which was the focal point 
of my strategic plan up there. 

A removal action was filed in that
court, for a Warrant of Removal 
of the same case from Garfield county
district court.  This was an application
for Temporary Restraining Order, to
restrain the U.S. from using lethal
force against the Freemen, and an
Injunction to prevent loss of life,
liberty, or property without due process
of law.  When you are enjoining the
United States, a 3-judge panel can be
convened.  The DCUS is a forum which
is entitled, by law, to judges whose
compensation is not being diminished.

We wanted the Intervention briefs to be
an educational process concerning this
matter, and several others which I 
compressed into a tight 19-page memorandum
of points and authorities in support
of the Intervention application.  I had
to fly back to Tucson for the Supreme
Law Seminar.  When I got home, I slowly
learned that The Freedom Center had 
misrepresented their ability to pay
my invoice, even though they asked for
an invoice, and even though I only billed
them for 50% of the time I worked up there
(18.5 days @ 15 hours per day, not counting
chit chat at meals, where a lot of planning
gets done).  At the moment, I am out over
$10,000 for all the work I did up there,
with rumors here and there about one 
prisoner's savings account, or 
selling some live stock (a "stock" answer
I have heard many, many times), but just rumors.
I also have no idea whether or not I will 
ever get my personal things returned (e.g.
ZIP drive, files with important papers, 
office supplies, etc. which I left, expecting
to return).  Now, I just don't know.

Red Beckman has also fallen totally 
silent, which REALLY surprises me.

I could go on and on, but this is enough
for now.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

>> I certainly don't have much to offer LeRoy when others with more experience
>> are helping him.

Not true.  You can donate $100
and initiate the FOIA request/
appeal process as a way of
educating others.  The FOIA 
request is unique for requesting
copies of regulations which
do not exist.  These regulations
go to 18 USC 3231, the grant
of original criminal jurisdiction
to the District Courts of the
United States.  You cannot use
FOIA to compel production of
laws which are already on the
books, because such laws are
already available to us in the
federal depository libraries.
The first word in FOIA is also
FREEDOM.  Got it?  So, it is also
a spiritual move on your part,
towards the Perfect Law of
Freedom.  Freedom.  Freedom.
FREEDOM!!!  I love it.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

>> ~Tom Clark

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