Time: Tue Oct 29 06:51:18 1996
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: LLAW: LeRoy
Bcc: Nancy Lord

>Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1996 06:24:24 -0700 (MST)
>To: libertylaw@www.ultimate.org
>From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
>Subject: LLAW: LeRoy
>Presiding JOP: Tom Clark, Constable: Robert Happy, Clerk: Kerry Rushing
>Paul Mitchell's comments
>are embedded below (way below):
>>	I am kind of pessimistic about gaining the attention of the list
>>for my ecxpertice.
>Better spelling will make
>your writing more appealing,
>in my opinion.  Just my 
>opinion, however.
> I think that maybe you-all just got too much else going
>>in your lives to sit down and filter out whether there might be someone on
>>this list who really has their poop together.
>>	And so I wanna talk to Leroy.
>>	Give me that stinking address.
>LEGAL MAIL   <---- in red, preferably
>Open ONLY in presence of prisoner:
>LeRoy Michael; Schweitzer, Sui Juris
>Yellowstone County Detention Center
>c/o 3165 King Avenue East
>Billings, Montana state
>Postal Zone <59101>
>/s/ Paul Mitchell
>>Charles Stewart . . .
>>> Well, Ralph has a darn good website that
>>> documents what has transpired.  In fact, Ralph and Paul have been taking
>>> things that LeRoy has dug up and moving forward with those.
>>> Of course you and I have tried to spark some action to get a jury in on
>>> this.  I advocate a Grand Jury, and you have advocated a straight pre-Magna
>>> Charta/Norman law common law jury.
>>> I must say my effort has gained modest support, even though I spammed the
>>> patriot community on the Internet with it.  Heck we've been featured in
>>> Media Bypass and other papers for what we've worked out here and it has come
>>> to little.  Short of knocking on every door I come across, I don't know what
>>> else a man can do?
>You can obtain electronic copies of
>the FOIA request, FOIA appeal, and
>the Application for Intervention
>of Right, which I wrote to raise
>funds and to involve all Americans
>in the case of People v. United States
>et al., which was the focal point 
>of my strategic plan up there. 
>A removal action was filed in that
>court, for a Warrant of Removal 
>of the same case from Garfield county
>district court.  This was an application
>for Temporary Restraining Order, to
>restrain the U.S. from using lethal
>force against the Freemen, and an
>Injunction to prevent loss of life,
>liberty, or property without due process
>of law.  When you are enjoining the
>United States, a 3-judge panel can be
>convened.  The DCUS is a forum which
>is entitled, by law, to judges whose
>compensation is not being diminished.
>We wanted the Intervention briefs to be
>an educational process concerning this
>matter, and several others which I 
>compressed into a tight 19-page memorandum
>of points and authorities in support
>of the Intervention application.  I had
>to fly back to Tucson for the Supreme
>Law Seminar.  When I got home, I slowly
>learned that The Freedom Center had 
>misrepresented their ability to pay
>my invoice, even though they asked for
>an invoice, and even though I only billed
>them for 50% of the time I worked up there
>(18.5 days @ 15 hours per day, not counting
>chit chat at meals, where a lot of planning
>gets done).  At the moment, I am out over
>$10,000 for all the work I did up there,
>with rumors here and there about one 
>prisoner's savings account, or 
>selling some live stock (a "stock" answer
>I have heard many, many times), but just rumors.
>I also have no idea whether or not I will 
>ever get my personal things returned (e.g.
>ZIP drive, files with important papers, 
>office supplies, etc. which I left, expecting
>to return).  Now, I just don't know.
>Red Beckman has also fallen totally 
>silent, which REALLY surprises me.
>I could go on and on, but this is enough
>for now.
>/s/ Paul Mitchell
>>> I certainly don't have much to offer LeRoy when others with more experience
>>> are helping him.
>Not true.  You can donate $100
>and initiate the FOIA request/
>appeal process as a way of
>educating others.  The FOIA 
>request is unique for requesting
>copies of regulations which
>do not exist.  These regulations
>go to 18 USC 3231, the grant
>of original criminal jurisdiction
>to the District Courts of the
>United States.  You cannot use
>FOIA to compel production of
>laws which are already on the
>books, because such laws are
>already available to us in the
>federal depository libraries.
>The first word in FOIA is also
>FREEDOM.  Got it?  So, it is also
>a spiritual move on your part,
>towards the Perfect Law of
>Freedom.  Freedom.  Freedom.
>FREEDOM!!!  I love it.
>/s/ Paul Mitchell
>>> ~Tom Clark
>Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.:  pmitch@primenet.com                  
>ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776, Tucson, Arizona state

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