Time: Tue Oct 29 13:51:18 1996
To: Nancy Lord
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Roger Cravens


Forget the CDC law suit.
Cravens took his sweet time
removing me from his private
email list, but then he continues
to post to the other lists, of
which I am also a member.  So,
after finally removing me from
his private list, I still kept
receiving email from him, via
another list we share.  I allowed
myself to get upset, and I failed
to notice the list name in the
Subject line.  He finally figured
it out for me, and all is well.

I am still quite perturbed that
CDC is paying a professional to
post this stuff at such a high
rate:  he MUST be doing this on
company time.  He has failed to
answer my questions about the
"authority" to spend public money
in this fashion.  I don't care 
that he may be politically 
sympathetic;  I have heard just
too many ugly things about CDC
to condone such a thing.

Let's let it simmer for now.
The guy is worth watching;  maybe
he can be turned into a strong
ally.  Do you have any strong
evidence against the CDC?  
How about the "Cancer Industry",
for starters?

I hope I got you before you did
any research on this.  Let's hope
you can use it for another day,
if I haven't.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

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