Time: Sat Nov 02 03:28:59 1996
To: "Neil T. Nordbrock" <neilnord@primenet.com>
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: attachments

At 09:12 PM 11/1/96 -0700, you wrote:
>How do we bring attachments to the screen???????

Attachments are like any other file
within your DOS filing system.
You will need to use the appropriate
software, like WordPerfect or Lotus 123,
to read the attached files.  Don't forget,
they should be on your loading dock. 
If you have not set your "auto receive
attachment directory", you will need to
find out what the current default is,
by going into Tools/Options.  When you
get to the right window, just re-set
your "loading dock" to C:\ATTACH, the
directory we set up for inbound attachments.
Then, you should get in the habit of copying
(or better, "moving") the files there into
their own DOS directories.  You create 
DOS directories with the MKDIR command
(if you are the DOS prompt), or File/Create
Directory option in Main/File Manager.
To get there in Windows, task switch to
Program Manager, then click on Main, then
File Manager.  The option you want then 
is File/Create Directory.  The File Manager
can be used to do general-purpose file
copies.  Remember now, we set the "auto 
receive attachment directory" in Eudora Lite,
but I do not remember re-setting it for
Eudora Pro.  That is the problem, I am sure.

I hope this helps.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

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