Time: Sat Nov 02 10:24:09 1996
To: marmstrong@snowcrest.net
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: around today?

Hi Marcia,

Are you going to be around today,
and on the Internet, by any chance?
When I finish my "work" chores, I 
would like to get back to your most
recent, and most beautiful, letter.
It deserves a careful and considerate
response, because I could tell you were
anxious for feedback.  

In the meantime, please don't be hard
on yourself.  I picked up just a little
bit of self-depreciation.  Am I right?

You sound to me like a wonderful woman,
with equally wonderful children, and 
an important place in life:  nurturing
non-monetary values.  Those are the only
ones which really matter.

Later, okay?

/s/ Paul Mitchell

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