Time: Sun Nov 03 21:36:49 1996
To: marmstrong <marmstrong@snowcrest.net>
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Clinton Impeachment

>>Dear America,
>>If he is re-elected on Tuesday,
>>I advocate impeaching Bill Clinton
>>on Wednesday morning, at 8:00 a.m.,
>>Eastern Standard Time, if not 
>>sooner.  00:01 hours would be
>>even better.  Congress can turn
>>the lights on (for a change).
>>/s/ Paul Mitchell
>Oh great. That's all we need. Al Gore 
>and the New World Order "come on down."
>(You can forget maintaining any semblance
>of "owning" property if that happens. The
>elite through manipualtion of urban/suburban
>public opinion will obliterate any vestige of 
>individual rights and the republic will 
>be relegated to "a strange foreign notion." 
>Marcia A.


Gore goes down too, 
it just takes longer.

When restoring a house,
it always gets much worse,
before it starts to get 
any better.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

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