Time: Mon Nov 04 18:09:42 1996
To: Jan Farmer <jfarmer@startext.net>
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Complacency

Hello Jan,

Yes, I do like it very much.

Many thanks.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 06:56 PM 11/4/96 -0800, you wrote:
>Which group are you?..Which do you want to be?...
>There are two groups of people in.....the world today.  
>The great majority of people are apathetic, complacent,
>living in a very comfortable zone, and simply want to 
>be left alone to do their own thing.
>They see themselves as essentially good, and have become
>so dulled in their intellect via  a long period of uninterrupted
>prosperity, and via the media, television, movies, the educational
>system, and their lukewarm "don't rock the boat churches" that 
>they can no longer discern the differences between good and 
>evil - let alone will they lift a finger to oppose evil.
>The great majority of Americans cannot see the evil....
>....nor can they comprehend the escalation pattern of evil 
>being orchestrated against Americans by socialist leaders
>   of our day....
>Then there is a smaller group (much smaller) who still think 
>and discern, who have a sense of history, who understand the 
>times in which we live, who understand the concept of freedom 
>and liberty which the masses could never understand, who can 
>still recognize the difference between good and evil, and who 
>will commit their lives, their honor and their security to
>opposing evil.
>What characterizes this remnant of freedom fighters (most of 
>whom have a deep and abiding love for God, country and our 
>traditional values) from the great masses of sleeping 
>Americans is an abiding hatred of evil.
>.....McAlvany Intelligence Report 4/95
>Paul,  I thought you'd like this.   Jan
>"Our law and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and
>embody the teachings of the Redeemer of mankind.  It is impossible
>that it should be otherwise; and in this sense and to this extent
>our civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian. 
>....this is a religious people. This is historically true.  From
>the discovery of this continent to the present hour, there is a 
>single voice making this affirmation .... we find everywhere a 
>clear recognition of the same truth....this is a Christian nation."
>           Justice David J. Brewer
>   U. S. Supreme Court   Holy Trinity Church vs US  (1892)
>..and just what has happened to the U.S. Supreme Court??????

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